Agriculture-GM Seeds+Crops


Welcome to the "Genetically Engineered" Section of the ADC Website.


Mendocino County, California is the First County to Prohibit GMO in the United States:  Title 10A AGRICULTURE CHAPTER 10A.15 PROHIBITION ON THE PROPAGATION, CULTIVATION, RAISING AND GROWING OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS IN MENDOCINO COUNTY - Section. 10A.15.010 Finding: The people of Mendocino County wish to protect the County’s agriculture, environment, economy, and private property from genetic pollution by genetically modified organisms. - (Measure H-2004, passed March 2, 2004.) - Section. 10A.15.020 Prohibition.  It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to propagate, cultivate, raise, or grow genetically modified organisms in Mendocino County. (Measure H-2004, passed March 2, 2004.) 

Your City, County, Board of Commissioners, State can also Take this Action at the Local Level.  Please Visit the Mendocino County Section of this Website for Contacts and Information on how to Take Action in Your Community (See the 64G Pdf File Section): 



 “…Man, owing to an egoism that is too shortsighted about his own interests, his penchant to take pleasure in all that stands at his disposal, in short, owing to his carelessness about the future and his fellow men, seems to labor at annihilating his means of preservation and even at destroying his own species.  By everywhere destroying the great plants that protected the soil, for the procurement of objects that satisfy his craving of the moment, he rapidly brings about the sterility of the soil he inhabits, gives rise to the depletion of springs, keeps away the animals who drew their substance from those springs, and causes large parts of the globe, once quite fertile and populated in every respect, to be barren, sterile, uninhabitable, and deserted.  Always disregarding the advice of experience, in order to give himself over to his passions, he is perpetually at war with his fellow men, and destroys them from all sides and under all manner of pretext;  with the result that one sees populations that were once thriving, become increasingly impoverished.  It would seem that man is destined to exterminate himself after having rendered the globe uninhabitable…”                                                                                         Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck
(1 August 1744 – 18 December 1829), French Naturalist.
Above Quote from:  "Système analytique des connaissances positives de l’homme" (1820)

In the past few years we have compiled a great deal of information on Genetically Modified Seeds, Foods, Trees, and other items.  Some of this genetic engineering may have a negative effect on our food supply and could be responsible for, or another contributing factor, in honey bee declines and loss of other pollinators. 

We are playing "Russian Rhoulette" almost every day when we use these seeds and plants.  And the toll may not be known for years.  This site is dedicated to information that we do know about this subject.  It does not cover all known information which would be impossible...but the information below opens some doors on what is taking place while many remain silent on this issue.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Labels on GMO Foods & Other Products  - The drive to label GMOs is too late.   When you visit your local grocery store you will find that most products have GMOs in them...and, if labeled, finding those products GMO free will be a true test.  Today just look at the products with soy or corn syrup in them at this time.  Just putting a label on them is only part of the answer...the rest of the answer is to entirely an GMOs in the U.S.

U.S.D.A. Latest News Link: 


Genetically Modified Corn + Soybeans

Click on the Link Below for Additional Deadlines:

DAS-40278-9 Corn

U.S.D.A APHIS made available a PPRA and a draft EA to address a request from Dow, Inc. seeking a determination of nonregulated status of its DAS-40278-9 corn. This corn has been genetically engineered to provide tolerance to 2,4-Dand aryloxyphenoxypropionate (AOPP) acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors, also known as “fop” herbicides.  DAS-40278-9 corn has been field tested in the major corn growing regions of the continental United States as well as Hawaii.

These documents can be found at:

See Other Biotechnology Regulatory Actions (Genetically Modified Crops) below and their U.S.D.A. Deadlines. 

57 1 2010 Arctic Seed Doomsday Vault Hits Half-Million Seed Mark March 12, 2010 The Independent.pdf

57 1 2011 Food Safety News Today May 24, 2011 2011 The U.S. Congressional Watchdog $285 Million in FDA Food Safety Cuts.pdf

The California Lake County Board of Supervisors decided to allow controversial GM Crops to be grown in their county.  This experiment in engineering, long after their current supervisors are gone, will have long term consequences for all residents. 

57B 2010 California Genetically Engineered Crops Allowed-Lake County, CA Board of Supervisors FEB 9, 2010 News.pdf

California & Oregon Issues


57B 2010 Capital Press Oregon Agriculture News - Investigators Baffled as Wheat Fields Wither December 10, 2010.pdf

57B 2010 EPA Fines Monsanto-Improperly Selling Cotton Seeds 10 Texas Counties-Five Years-Seeds+Pesticidies NYTimes July 8, 2010.pdf

Corn - Soybeans -  Rice - Tomatoes   =   All Genetically Modified

    Problem:  Corn Used for Gasoline Instead of Food

57C 2004 MONSANTO-Weather Modification September 28, 2004 Roundup Ready Flattens Soybean Production.pdf

57C 2006 ENN News April 12, 2006 Genetically Modified Rice.pdf

57C 2007 ENN News ASA December 10, 2007 Rice Yields-Targeted Fertilizer Applications.pdf

57C 2008 Corn as Biofuel - Rising Prices for Food Frontline 2008.pdf

57C 2008 Corn For Fuel Problems NYTimes December 23, 2008 Reduces Insect Predators-Not Good.pdf

57C 2008 Corn Genetically Engineered Linked to Butterfly Deaths August 22, 2000.pdf

57C 2008 Corn NYTimes December 23, 2008 Energy Secretary Chu-Cropland for Fuels Questions.pdf

57C 2008 Corn NYTimes December 23, 2008 King Corn for Ethanol Exacerbates Pest Control.pdf

57C 2008 Corn Problems NYTimes December 22, 2008 Soil + Beneficial Insects.pdf

57C 2008 Corn+Other Crops-Food Biofuel Risks May 21, 2008 NYTimes.pdf

57C 2008 EPA U.S. Food Corn to Ethanol Higher Food Prices-Declines to Reduce Quotas NYT 2008.pdf

57C 2008 ICM Invents Process That Produces Food Protein And Ethanol June 17, 2008.pdf

57C 2008 NCBI Genetically Modified Corn June 20, 2008 Effects of Transgenic Corn.pdf

57C 2008 Tomatoes Discover Magazine June 17, 2008 Genetically Engineered is Supposed to Save Us-Amazing.pdf

57C 2009 Three Genetically Modified Corn Varieties Effect Mammalian Health 2009 Research Paper IJBS Publication.pdf

57C 2009 Ethanol A Growing Agriculture + Water Disaster NYTimes November 28, 2009 by R. Harding.pdf

57C 2009 EVOGENE + Syngenta June 26, 2009 + Evogene to Collaborate on Soybeans.pdf

57C 2009 Genetically Modified Soybeans Monsanto Patent NYTimes December 18, 2009.pdf

57C 2009 Soybean Meal Shipments From U.S. to Spain+Germany Traces of GMO Corn Reuters August 6, 2009.pdf

57C 2010 EPA Corn Ethanol Rules-Land Use Issues-Food +Water Problems NYTimes February 11, 2010.pdf

57C 2010 Genetically Engineered Corn Causes New Plant Pest March 25, 2010.pdf

57C 2010 March 11, 2010 Maize Ethanol May Boost Greenhouse Gas Emission-Less Land for Food Eureka Alert.pdf

57C 2010 Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds-Acres Mississippi WREG TV News June 1, 2010 Unknown Cause-Bird Deaths.pdf

57C 2011 Estrogen in Drinking Water from Fertilizers+Manure SDNews FEB 15, 2011 Study + Soy Products.pdf

57C 2011 USDA Clears Bio-engineered Corn Cultivation for Ethanol FEB 11, 2011 Despite Cross Pollination Problems http___www.eenews.pdf

57CS 2008 Monsanto +Syngenta May 23, 2008 +Monsanto Reach Agreement Corn+Soybean Technologies.pdf

57CS 2009 DOW Chemical + Syngenta April 1, 2009 + Dow agree to Cross License Corn Traits - Seeds.pdf

57CS 2009 GE Corn Syngenta November 13, 2009 Received Approval for Genetically Modified Corn in Brazil.pdf

57CS 2009 Rice Syngenta September 7, 2009 Agreement With International Rice Research Institute-Asia Rice.pdf


57E 2006 EPA DPR Department of Pesticide Regulation to Conduct Re-Evaluation of Pesticide Products October 6, 2006.pdf

57E 2010 News Releases EPA Compliance+Enforcement March-July 2010 Website July 11, 2010.pdf

57E 2010 U.S. Regulators Lack Data on Health Risks of More Than 65,000 Chemicals August 2, 2010 Washington Post Page 1.pdf

57E 2010 U.S. Regulators Lack Data on Health Risks of More Than 65,000 Chemicals August 2, 2010 Washington Post Page 2.pdf

57E 2010 USDA+EPA Regulatory Agency Reviews Genetically Engineered Food Crops July 11, 2010 Note Companies+Food Crops Listed.pdf

57E 2011 Herbicide Tolerance and GM Crops Round Up Glyphosate Executive Summary Report June 2011 Greenpeace.pdf


57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Cotton USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Monsanto.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Food + Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Canola USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Calgene Inc.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Corn USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Dow+DuPont.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Corn USDA EPA July 11, 2010 Ciba-Geigy+Mycogen.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Cotton Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Monsanto.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Cotton USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Dupont.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Food+Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Role.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Papaya USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Cornel+Hawaii.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Tomato USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Agritope Inc.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Tomato USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 DNA PTC.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary Genetically Modified Tomato USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Monsanto.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Corn USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Ciba-Geigy Corporation+Mycogen.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Corn USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Dow+DuPont Current Status.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Cotton USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Dupont Curent Status.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Cotton USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Monsanto Current Status.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Cotton USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Monsanto Latest Update.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Food+Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Additional U.S. Agencies.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Food+Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Agencies.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Food+Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Questions.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GM Food+Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 U.S. Laws.pdf

57EF 2010 U.S. Regulatory Food Product Information Summary GMFood + Other Crops USDA EPA DHHS July 11, 2010 Website Home Page.pdf

57F 2010 Commercial Krill Fishing-Base of Food Pyramid for GM Fish-Aquaculture Threatens All Antarctic Species NYTimes SEPT 14, 2010.pdf

57F 2010 Genetically Altered Salmon FDA May Approve First GE Animal for Human Consumption NYTimes June 25, 2010 Entire Article.pdf

57F 2010 Genetically Altered Salmon FDA May Approve First GE Animal for Human Consumption NYTimes June 25, 2010.pdf



57D 2005 Genetically Modified Food November 26, 2005 Definition.pdf



Genetically Modified Foods - General Information


57G 2005 Genetically Modified Food Definitions Definitions Monsanto November 26, 2005.pdf

57G 2009 Genetically Modified Cereal Crops Created to Grow in Salty Water July 8, 2009 News.pdf

57G 2009 Modified Crops Reveal Hidden Cost of Resistance Squash Plant Problems October 29, 2009 SDNews.pdf

57G 2009 Sugar Beets - Non-GMO Registry August 2009.pdf

57G 2009 Sugar Beets August 2009 Report on GM Sugar Beets in Soil Fertilizers Eugene Oregon News.pdf

57G 2010 Asexual Plant Reproduction Research in Mexico-Broad Implications for Agriculutre EurekAlert March 7, 2010.pdf

57G 2010 Asexual Plant Reproduction-More GE Foods-March 8, 2010 EurekAlert AAAS.pdf

57G 2010 Can Cloned Plants Live Forever-Aspen Tree Clones Age Asexual Performance Declines AUG 18, 2010 Science Daily News.pdf

57G 2010 Debate on Genetically Modified Beets SEPT 10, 2010 NYTimes Lawsuit in California-Slow Ripening Problem-Growers.pdf

57G 2010 Debate Over GM Eggplant Consumers India February 16, 2010 Reuters News.pdf

57G 2010 Federal Court Ruling on GM Sugar Beets Usage Pending-No EPA EIS Completed March 9, 2010.pdf

57G 2010 First Evidence of Genetically Modified Canola Plants in the Wild Scientists Report SDNews August 6, 2010.pdf

57G 2010 Genetically Engineered Canola Plants Flourishing in Roadside Weeds NYTimes August 9, 2010 Note Jet Contrail in Photograph.pdf

57G 2010 Genetically Engineered Small Watermelons in Our Future NYTimes August 17, 2010 Large Watermelons With Seeds that Reproduce Becoming Relics of Past Entire Article .pdf

57G 2010 Genetically Engineered Small Watermelons in Our Future NYTimes August 17, 2010 Large Watermelons With Seeds that Reproduce Becoming Relics of Past Page 1 .pdf

57G 2010 Pineberries and Cream Mail Online News March 31, 2010.pdf

57G 2011 U.S.D.A. Graph Website June 25, 2011 Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S. Corn Varieties.pdf

57G 2011 U.S.D.A. Graph Website June 25, 2011 Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S. Soybeans Varieties.pdf

57G 2011 U.S.D.A. Graph Website June 25, 2011 Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S. Upland Cotton Varieties.pdf

57G 2011 U.S.D.A. Graph-Website June 25, 2011 Genetically Modified Crops in U.S.pdf

Health Issues


57H 2005 WHO Food Biotechnology-Human Health-Development Study 2005.pdf

57H 2007 GM Food Nightmare Publication in Microbial Ecology in Health+Disease May 14, 2007.pdf

57H 2009 Abstract A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health-3.pdf

57H 2009 Genetically Modified Food The West Australian August 6, 2009 Margaret River Doctors.pdf

57H 2009 GMO Scandal July 29, 2009 Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans.pdf

57H 2010 GMO Risks Research-Risk Assessment Gilles-Eric Seralini May 10, 2010 ISIS Report.pdf

57H 2010 Monsanto Genetically Modified Soy Study Linked to Sterility+Infant Mortality in Hamsters April 20, 2010.pdf

57H 2010 Princeton Study Find High Fructose Corn Syrup Prompts Weight Gain March 22, 2010 http___www.princeton.pdf

57H 2010 The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup Princeton Study March 25, 2010 BNET News.pdf

57HZ 2009 Food The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).pdf

57HZ 2009 GM Food Danger May 19, 2009 Press Release-The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).pdf

57HZ 2009 GM Food May 21, 2009 The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).pdf

57HZ 2010 Global Assessment of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disruptors Table of Contents March 2010.pdf

57HZ 2010 Study Shows Genetically Modified Crops Can Cause Liver+Kidney Damage by Derbyshire UK JAN 21, 2010.pdf

GM    Fertilizers


57I 2008 Excessive Reactive Nitrogen Alarms Scientists Science Daily News May 18, 2008.pdf

57I 2009 Crops Cause Use of More Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Union of Concerned Scientists December 9, 2009.pdf

57I 2010 Fixing the Global Nitrogen Problem-Fertilizer Threatening Human Health January 27, 2010 Scientific American.pdf

57I 2010 Next Global Food Crisis Now in the Making-Petroleum Based Fertilizers+Food Used as Fuel AOL News July 17, 2010.pdf

Factory Foods on Your Menu Today?   The Answer is Yes!


57J 2010 NOW PBS Food Inc-Secrets that Giant Food Companies Hide-Transcript March 5, 2010.pdf

57J 2011 Factory Food-The Test-Tube Burner-Lab Grown Meat to Feed the World June 27, 2011 news.pdf

Nano-Technology Information - Food Safety Implications


57K 2009 WHO Nanotechnologies in Food+Agriculture-Food Safety Implications June 2009.pdf

57K 2010 Science Panel Report Calls for Research on Nanoparticles in Food JAN 7, 2010 No Current Regulations SDNews.pdf

57K 2010 WHO Biotechnology GM Foods + Nanotechnology March 9, 2010.pdf

Laws - Legislation - Patents  

(Who Will Own the Rights to the Seeds the Produce Our Foods?)


57L 2007 Monsanto Anti-Farmers Patents Rejected by Patent Office July 24, 2007.pdf

57L 2007 Monsanto vs Farmers U.S. Patent Information July 4, 2007 Important.pdf

57L 2008 Monsanto Patents Missouri Farm Problems July 10, 2008 Kansas City Star News.pdf

57L 2008 Monsanto vs Farmers OEN December 15, 2008 Lin Cohen-Cole Article.pdf

57L 2010 Court Rules for Monsanto Antitrust Case Remains With DuPont GM Soybeans January 16, 2010.pdf

57L 2010 Federal Court Finds USDA Again Acted Illegally on GM Sugar Beet Planting October 1, 2010.pdf

57L 2010 Federal District Court Judge Revoked Government Approval of Genetically Engineered Sugar Beets August 13, 2010.pdf

57L 2010 Federal Jury Wins Claim-Genetically Modified Rice Contaminated His Crop+Damages July 19, 2010 Courthouse News.pdf

57L 2010 Monsanto Fortunes Turn Sour NYTimes October 4, 2010 Antitrust Violations-Stocks Drop-Roundup Health Problems.pdf

57L 2010 Monsanto Under Investigation by Seven U.S. States April 2010+U.S. Justice Department Marketing Practices OCS News.pdf

57L 2010 Support Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act HR 5578 Today June 24, 2010 Kucinish Bill.pdf

57L 2010 Supreme Court to Hear Case on Monsanto GE Alfalfa March 2010 PAN News.pdf

57L 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Decision Monsanto v. Geertson Seed Farms 09-475.pdf

57L 2011 U.S. Federal Court Decision February 25, 2011 Ruling in Favor of USDA GM Sugar Beets 1017719.pdf

57L 2011 Victory for Independent Science - GMO Risks - Scientist Wins Libel Case Against Biotech Association JAN 26, 2011 ISIS Report.pdf

57LZ 2010 PAN Action Against Foreign Aid Bill-Allows Taxpayer Funded GE Research April 8, 2010.pdf

Miscellaneous Information


57M 2001 U.C. Irving Professor Benford Biology 2001 Reasonline Line Article on Crops +.pdf

57M 2008 Genetically Engineered Food Center for Food Safety April 6, 2008.pdf

57M 2008 GM is Dangerous and Futile October 6, 2008 ISIS Report.pdf

57M 2009 Agriculture Crops NYTimes January 20, 2009 Geoengineering.pdf

57M 2010 Conference-Implications of GM Crop Cultivation March 25-26, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 ETC Group Biodiversity & Genetic Resources Latest Publications February 28, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 ETC Group Extreme Genetic Engineering An Introductory Report January 2007.pdf

57M 2010 ETC Group January-February 2005 Communique on Syngenta Seed Company.pdf

57M 2010 ETC Group Latest Publications on FAO U.N. Food+Agricultural Organization February 28, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 ETC Group Latest Publications Terminator & Traitor Seeds February 28, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 Gates Foundation Invests in Monsanto to Detriment of Small-Scale African Farmers August 25, 2010 CAGJ News.pdf

57M 2010 Subsidi-Farm Granted USDA Contract-Our Tax Dollars-to Develop Seedless Pot March 6, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists Q&A Pharma+Industrial Food+Feed Crops.pdf

57M 2010 USDA Allows Biotechnology Companies-Grow GE Crops-Produce Drugs+Industrial Chemicals March 8, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Consultations on GM Foods-March 9, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO General Information About Biotechnology-GM Foods March 9, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Genetically Modified Food March 9, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Global Assessment of the State of the Science Endocrine Disruptors March 2010 Front Cover Report.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Global Assessment of the State of the Science of Endocrine Disruptors March 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Publications-Biotechnology GM Foods March 9, 2010.pdf

57M 2010 WHO Q&A Genetically Modified Foods March 9, 2010.pdf

57M 2011 GM Bioluminescence Glowing Plankton Thrill Water Watches in Destin February 21, 2011 See Photo.pdf

News Items


57N 2008 October 18, 2008 Archive of Articles on Genetically Modified Food.pdf

57N 2008 Hobbyists Try Genetic Engineering at Home December 26, 2008-Safety Questions Associated Press.pdf

57N 2008 Monsanto Vanity Fair Investigation May 2008 Harvest of Fear.pdf

57N 2010 GM Battles Rage Down on the Farm as Some GM Scientists Push for GM Crops BBC News FEB 17, 2009.pdf

57N 2010 NYTimes March 11, 2010 Rapid Rise in Seed Prices Draws U.S. Scrutiny-Entire Article.pdf

57N 2010 NYTimes March 12, 2010 Rapid Rise in Seed Prices Draws U.S. Scrutiny Page 1.pdf

57NZ 2010 European Commission Proposes Letting Member States Decide on GM Cultivation July 15, 2010-Move to Speed up Approval of GE Crops.pdf

Pesticides - Herbicides - Insecticides


57P 2003 Fields of Poison by Clarren December 11, 2003 The Nation Herbicides-Insecticides-Pesticides-Food-Health Page 1.pdf

57P 2003 Fields of Poison by Clarren December 11, 2003 The Nation Herbicides-Insecticides-Pesticides-Food-Health Page 2.pdf

57P 2003 Silent Spring by Rachel Carson 2003.pdf

57P 2004 WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides 2004.pdf

57P 2006 Frog Decline Pesticides 2006.pdf

57P 2006 Frog Decline Pesticides New Alarm Bells Ring January 25, 2006 LATimes News.pdf

57P 2007 Rachel Carson Book Silent Spring - Dangers of Herbicides+Pesticides Moyers Journal Sept 21, 2007.pdf

57P 2007 Silent Spring Moyers Journal September 21, 2007 Toxic Chemicals.pdf

57P 2009 Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use November 2009 by Benbrook.pdf

57P 2009 Monsanto Glyphosate Problems Cotton 2009.pdf

57P 2009 Monsanto Superweeds Round-up Toxicity News April 19, 2009 U.S. Problems.pdf

57P 2009 Pesticides-Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use November 2009.pdf

57P 2009 Pesticides-USDA November 2009.pdf

57P 2009 Report on Impacts of GE Crops+Pesticide Use Increases 13 Years by Benbrook NOV 2009.pdf

57P 2009 Roundup Herbicide No Longer Working-Noxious Plants Resistant-Cotton Memphis August 9, 2009.pdf

57P 2009 Union of Concerned Scientists Report Documents Pesticide Use Increases on GE Crops November 2009.pdf

57P 2010 Major New Scientific Study on Monsanto Roundup Chemical Herbicide Global Research SEPT 30, 2010 Linked to Birth Defects-Alarming Study Results.pdf

57P 2010 New Scientific Study on Monsanto Roundup Chemical Herbicide Global Research SEPT 30, 2010 Linked to Birth Defects.pdf

57P 2010 NYTimes Editorial May 16, 2010 Resisting Monsanto Roundup+Monoculture Seeds-The Weed Problems.pdf

57P 2010 U.S. Farms Cope Roundup-Resistant Weeds-GE Crop Problems Cotton-Corn-Soybeans NYTimes May 3, 2010 Water Disaster.pdf

57P 2010 U.S. Farms Cope with Roundup-Resistant Weeds-GE Crop Problems Cotton-Corn-Soybeans NYTimes May 3, 2010 Disastrous.pdf

57PZ 2011 Canola Oil+Soybean Oil Used as Key Ingredients in Pesticide Products June 29, 2011 Investigation Needed.pdf

Foreign Countries


57Q 2000 Genetically Modified Crops Britain United Nations 2000.pdf

57Q 2000 Genetically Modified Crops Britain-Blair-Dangers United Nations February 28, 2000.pdf

57Q 2001 Is Biotechnology in China Future by Gale-Lin-Lohmar-Tuan GM Plants+Seeds U.S.D.A.pdf

57Q 2003 Monsanto New Chemical Plant Boosts Monsanto Brazil Exports January 24, 2003 Newsid=19556&newsda.pdf

57Q 2003 New Chemical Plant Boosts Monsanto Brazil Exports January 24, 2003.pdf

57Q 2005 India Bans GM Monsanto Cotton Seed May 3, 2005.pdf

57Q 2005 Monsanto April 2005 Report Genetic Food Modification A Profile of Monsanto in South Africa.pdf

57Q 2005 Monsanto April 2005 Report Genetic Food Modification Profile of Monsanto.pdf

57Q 2005 Monsanto India Bans GM Cotton Seeds May 3, 2005.pdf

57Q 2005 Monsanto News Reuters Poland March 23, 2005 Bans 17 GE Crops-Awaiting Final Decision.pdf

57Q 2005 Poland to Ban Monsanto GMO Maize 2005.pdf

57Q 2006 ENN News December 5, 2006 India Rice Harvest Stunted by Pollution.pdf

57Q 2007 India BT Resistant Corn Failing Both China + India February 24, 2007 News.pdf

57Q 2008 Argentina-Syngenta Acquires Argentine Seeds Company SPS November 12, 2008 Press Release.pdf

57Q 2008 Brazil Syngenta Receives Approval for Bt11 Corn in Brazil Press Release June 20, 2008.pdf

57Q 2009 Argentina Syngenta Receives Approval for New Corn Technologies in Argentina December 22, 2009.pdf

57Q 2009 Genetically Modified Maize BBC NEWS -World -Europe-Germany Bans Monsanto Maize 2009.pdf

57Q 2009 Seven European Countries-Syngenta to Boost Pollinators Across Europe WHY+Questions July 15, 2009.pdf

57Q 2010 Africa-Syngenta Sees Need for Change in Africa's Agriculture Website March 3, 2010 GM Products Being Pushed Hard.pdf

57Q 2010 Bloomberg News Businessweek February 10, 2010 India Rejects First GM Vegetable Hampering Monsanto.pdf

57Q 2010 Brazil-Collaboration Between Syngenta and IAC Accelerates Sugar Cane Research+Development FEB 28, 2010 Snygenta Press Release.pdf

57Q 2010 Canadian Farmer Fights to Defend Rights+Future of Seeds Democracy Now SEPT 17, 2010 Transcript Blackwater.pdf

57Q 2010 In the Fields of Italy A Conflict Over Genetically Modified Corn NYTimes AUG 23, 2010 WTO Claims Ban is Unfair Trade Barrier.pdf

57Q 2010 India Divided Over Plans for GM Aubergine BBC News February 9, 2010.pdf

57Q 2010 India Puts on Hold First GM Food Crop on Safety Grounds February 9, 2010 BBC News.pdf

57Q 2010 Monsanto Faked Date for Approvals Claims-India Today News February 2010.pdf

57Q 2010 Monsanto Fortunes Turn Sour NYTimes OCT 4, 2010 Stock Drops-GE Corn Not Producing Well-Roundup Health Problems.pdf

57Q 2010 Nature News February 10, 2010 India Refused to Allow Commercial Cultivation of First GM Crop Aubergine.pdf

57Q 2010 Questions About Biofuel Environmental Costs Could Alter European Policies NYTimes February 12, 2010.pdf

57Q 2011 Monsanto Canada Technology Use Guide 2011 Genetically Modified Seeds+Crops.pdf

Bacteria - Fungus - Worms & Other Issues


57R 1985 Genetically Altered Bacteria EPA Press Release November 14, 1985 EPA Approves First Use.pdf

57R 1998 U.S. Federal Register January 28, 1998 U.S.D.A. JP-KARNAL BUNT- Restricting Seed Crop Soil-Movement From Regulated Areas.pdf

57R 2009 Metabolon + Syngenta October 27, 2009 Makes Equity Investment in U.S. Metabolon Biotechnology Company.pdf

57R 2011 A Synthetic Biology Laboratory in Berkeley April 2011 SBI Announced.pdf

57R 2011 Genetic Experiments Being Conducted Without Oversight-Creating Nightmare Scenarious July 22, 2011 MailOnline News.pdf

Chemical & GM Companies


57S 2005 Monsanto and Sterile Seeds November 26, 2005 Terminator Seeds.pdf

57S 2005 Monsanto and Sterile Terminator Seeds November 26, 2005.pdf

57S 2005 Monsanto+Genetic Engineering Risks for Investors January 2005.pdf

57S 2008 Vanity Fair Investigation May 2008 Monsanto Harvest of Fear-Entire Article.pdf

57S 2010 Blackwater Black Operations The Nation September 15, 2010 by Scahill Note Monsanto Connection.pdf

57S 2010 Revenue of Top Lobbying Firms Jumped in First Half of 2010 The Washington Post August 2, 2010 See Dow Chemical Spending.pdf

57S 2010 Synthetic Genomics, Inc. Agriculture Productions Website June 30, 2010 Genetic Engineering+Fertilizers+Chemicals.pdf

57S 2011 Monsanto Liability Agreement for Those Using GE Seeds+Crops.pdf

57S 2011 Monsanto Roundup-Scientists Say Birth Defects Caused by Top Selling Weedkiller June 24, 2011 Huffington Post.pdf

57S 2011 Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement for Farmers Roundup Ready Canola Website February 24, 2011.pdf

57S 2011 Monsanto Technology Stewardship Agreement for Farmers+Ranchers to Sign in Oder to Use Their GM Seeds.pdf

57SD 2008 DOW Chemical + Syngenta December 4, 2008 +Dow Jointly to Develop Dow Compounds for Use in Syngenta Seed Care.pdf

57SM 2006 GM Monsanto + Syngenta August 6, 2009 Acquires Monsanto Hybrid Sunflower Seeds-Activities.pdf

57SS 2008 Argentina + Syngenta November 10, 2008 Acquires Argentine Seeds Company SPS.pdf

57SS 2008 DuPont + Syngenta June 24, 2008 +DuPont Enter into Crop Protection Technology Exchange.pdf

57SS 2008 GM Sygenta June 20, 2008 Receives Brazil Approval for Bt11 Corn+Sugar Cane.pdf

57SS 2008 Insurance Syngenta August 19, 2008+John Deere Risk Protection Broaden Biotechnology-Corn Crop Insurance Users.pdf

57SS 2008 Sugar Beet Syngenta September 25, 2008 Award for Successful Introduction of New Sugar Beet.pdf

57SS 2008 Syngenta October 29, 2008 Acquires Flower Business from U.S. Flower Producer Yoder Brothers.pdf

57SS 2009 GE Lettuce Syngenta November 12, 2009 Acquires U.S. Lettuce Seed Companies=More GE Lettuce.pdf

57SS 2009 GE Syngenta August 26, 2009 Agreement to Identify + Map Genetic Markers for Wheat.pdf

57SS 2009 GM Syngenta December 22, 2009 Received Approval for New Genetically Modified Corn-Argentina.pdf

57SS 2009 Seeds Sygenta 2009 Need for Change in Africa Agriculture-Brought by GE Seeds+Chemicals Questions.pdf

57SS 2009 Sugar Cane Syngenta June 26, 2009 Licenses Chromatin Gene Stacking Technology for Sugar Cane.pdf

57SS 2010 DOW Chemical + Syngenta January 5, 2010 Press Release Syngenta+Dow Agreement on Cotton.pdf

57SS 2010 ETC Group January-February 2005 Communique on Syngenta Seed Company.pdf

57SS 2010 GM Sygenta Media Releases Brazil + Sugar Cane February 8, 2010 - Seeds+Water+Genetics.pdf

57SS 2010 PAN March 2010 UN Pushing GE Crops-Mexico Syngenta Sued-Atrazine-Monsanto Admits Failure Bt Cotton.pdf

57SZ 2009 RBN Bayer Cropscience Admits GMO Contamination is Out of Control December 10, 2009.pdf

Trees & Plants


57T 2005 Apples Trees Cloned Apples Trees-Grafting GE August 1, 2005.pdf

57T 2005 Genetically Modified GM Forest Trees World Status 2005.pdf

57T 2007 Monsanto Developing Genetically Modified Plants-Use RNA Interference-Kill Insects NOV 5, 2007 Technology R MIT Page 1.pdf

57T 2007 Monsanto Developing Genetically Modified Plants-Use RNA Interference-Kill Insects NOV 5, 2007 Technology R MIT Page 2.pdf

57T 2008 Genetically Modified Switchgrass Ceres Creates High Yield Modified BioFuel Crop Seeds August 6, 2008.pdf

57T 2010 GE U.S. Clears a Test of Bioengineered Trees NYTimes May 12, 2010 Eucalyptus-Plum+Others.pdf

57T 2010 Plants Resistance to Infection Genetics Plus+Minus Costs NYTimes June 7, 2010.pdf

57T 2010 U.S. Clears a Test of Bioengineered Trees NYTimes May 12, 2010 Eucalyptus-Plum+Others.pdf

57TP 2008 Seeds Syngenta October 21, 2008 Acquires U.S. Flower Seed Producer Goldsmith Seeds.pdf

57TP 2011 GMO-Invasive Species Council+USDA Ignore Warnings of Infection+Contamination July 22, 2011 PPJ News http___ppjg.wordpress.pdf

57TZ 2010 Agriculture EurekaAlert Press Releases AAAS Publication March 14, 2010 Website Plants.pdf

57TZ 2010 GMO Crops Super-Weed Time Bomb Explodes February 1, 2010.pdf

United States Departments of Agrculture (USDA) + Food & Drug Administration (FDA)


57U 2009 Food Danger 2009 Press Release-The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM).pdf

57U 2009 Genetically Engineered Organisms USDA Regulation Revision March 11, 2009.pdf

57U 2009 USDA Unable to Weed Out Unapproved Modified Foods January 14, 2009.pdf

57U 2010 USDA in Process of Revamping its GE plants+Organisms for Chemicals+Drugs 2010 Briefing Paper.pdf

57U 2011 Obama Administration USDA Announces Decision to Deregulate GE Corn for Ethanol FEB 11, 2011.pdf

57U 2011 U.S.D.A. Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in U.S. Graphic Website June 25 2011 http___www.ers.usda Graph.pdf

57U 2011 U.S.D.A. Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in U.S. Website June 25, 2011 http___www.ers.usda.pdf

57U 2011 U.S.D.A. GM Crops Search June 25, 2011 Website Page 1-92 Items.pdf

57U 2011 U.S.D.A. Graph-Rapid Growth in Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in U.S. Website June 25, 2011.pdf

57UZ 2010 New Defenses Deployed Against Plant Diseases-Norwich UK March 14, 2010 EurekaAlert AAAS.pdf

57UZ 2011 The USDA Paves the Way for Genetically Modified Foods Part I - March 4, 2011.pdf



57V 1999 Butterfly Effect Scientific American August 1999 Issue Genetically Modified Crops.pdf

57V 2000 Butterfly Decline Linked to Genetically Modified Corn August 22, 2000.pdf

57V 2001 Butterfly Decline Linked to Genetically Modified Corn 2001.pdf

57V 2008 Bees Can Mediate Escape of Genetically Engineered Materials Over Several Kilometers SDNews SEPT 27, 2008.pdf

57V 2008 Butterflies Corn Genetically Engineered Linked to Butterfly Deaths August 22, 2000.pdf

57V 2008 Corn Genetically Engineered Linked to Butterfly Deaths August 22, 2000.pdf

57V 2008 Honey Bee Decline January 10, 2008 Genetically Modified Crop Questions.pdf

57V 2008 Honey Bees NCBI June 2008 Genetically Modified Crops.pdf

57V 2008 Honey Bees SFGate March 10, 2008 Genetically Modified Crops.pdf

57V 2009 Syngenta July 15, 2009 Operation Pollinator Funding+Seeds+Chemicals Sent to 7 Countries-Questions.pdf

Aluminum Issues


57W 2008 Researchers Have Engineered Aluminum-Tolerant Crops Technology Review MIT OCT 2, 2008 Page 1.pdf

57W 2008 Researchers Have Engineered Aluminum-Tolerant Crops Technology Review MIT OCT 2, 2008 Page 2.pdf

57W 2009 What Happens When Wild Boars+Fallow Dear Snack-GE Corn-Other Animals Many Questions SDNews OCT 28, 2009.pdf

57W 2010 A Looking Glass Steer August 26, 2010 NYTimes Cloned Steer+Ethics.pdf

U.S. Government Policies


57X 2009 Obama Administration Allows One-Third of Wildlife Refuges to Use GM Crops in Southeast PEER News June 25, 2009.pdf

57X 2009 President Obama Government Appointments Questionable October 24, 2009 The Huffington Post by Jeffrey Smith.pdf

57X 2010 Action Pan Action Network - Oppose Obama Nomination Agriculture October 2009.pdf

57X 2010 Action PAN Pesticide Action Network Letter 2009 Agriculture FINAL-Finance%20Letter-Siddiqui.pdf

57X 2010 Obama Nominates Islan A. Siddiqui-Chief Agricultural Negotiator-S.F. Examiner Sept 22, 2009 Oppose.pdf

57X 2010 Obama Nominee Has Ties to Chemical-Pesticide Industries-Islam Siddiqui OCT 26, 2009 HP News.pdf

57X 2010 Obama Recess Appointments Include Pesticide-Pushing U.S.D.A Trade Representatives Mother Jones News April 5, 2010.pdf

57X 2010 Obama Used Congressional Recess Appoints Pro-GMO+Pesticide Lobbyist Key Agriculture Post March 31, 2010 News.pdf

57X 2010 The White House March 27, 2010 Appoints Chemical Company VP Siddiqui to Key Adm Post-NOT GOOD.pdf

57X 2010 U.S. Presidents Bush+Obama Genetically Modified Food+Seed Pushers Monsanto DEC 23, 2010 Democracy Now Transcript.pdf

Farm Animals - Animals Impacts in General


57Y 2000 Spider Webs from Goat Milk August 2000 BBC News.pdf

57Y 2004 USDA INC. HOW AGRIBUSINESS HAS HIJACKED Regulatory Policy at the U.S.D.A. July 2004.pdf

57Y 2008 Chickens-Lack of Genetic Diversity NYTimes November 4, 2008.pdf

57Y 2008 Monsanto Vanity Fair Investigation May 2008 Monsanto Targets Milk Products-Producers.pdf

57Y 2008 Vanity Fair Investigation Monsanto Harvest of Fear May 2008 Entire Article.pdf

57Y 2009 Smart Chickens Weren't Duped by Foul Play August 2, 2009.pdf

57Y 2010 Britain-No Milk from Cloned Cows Sold-Meat Was Consumed AUG 13, 2010-U.S. Cloned Animals Safe to Eat NYTimes.pdf

57Y 2010 Cloned Livestock Gain Foothold Europe-Meat+Dairy Products-Supermarket Shelves NYTimes July 29, 2010 Questions.pdf

57Y 2010 Green Call for Probe into GE Mutant Cows who Died in Human Fertility Treatments May 3, 2010 NZ Herald News.pdf

57Y 2010 Mutant Cows die in GM Trial on Human Fertility Treatments May 1, 2010 NZ Herald News Highly Deformed Mutations.pdf

57Y 2011 Chickens Genetically Modified to Stop Bird Flu 2011.pdf

57Y 2011 FSA Meat+Milk from Offspring of Cloned Animals Recommendation to Be Sold to Consumers Telegraph UK News May 13, 2011.pdf

57Y 2011 Genetically Modified Animals April 2, 2011.pdf

57YZ 1996 Monsanto Trouble With Milk February 29, 1996.pdf

57YZ 2009 Genetically Modified Goats February 11, 2009 News.pdf

57YZ 2010 Congress Should Create a Tracking System for Cloned Animals and Fish March 2010.pdf

No Comment


57Z 2002 EDUCATING RIDA Disease 2002 by Mark Purdy Mad Cow+Other Diseases.pdf

57Z 2005 Genetically Modified Food Monsanto Wikipedia November 26, 2005.pdf

57Z 2009 Monsanto Engaged in Rural Cleansing January 10, 2009 Documents Needed.pdf

57Z 2010 Chemical Companies Using GE Modified Crops+Fertilizers+Pesticides-Not Sustainable July 16, 2010 SC News.pdf

57Z 2010 Chemical Companies Wins Kudos for Being Green Using GE Modified Crops+Fertilizers+Pesticides-Not Sustainable July 16, 2010 SC News.pdf

57Z 2010 Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act H.R. 5577 Introduced June 30, 2010 U.S. House of Representatives Needs Support.pdf

57Z 2010 Genetically Engineered Food Right to Know Act Introduced June 23, 2010 U.S. House of Representatives H.R. 5577 Complete Text.pdf

57Z 2010 Genetically Modified Foods Information 2010.pdf

57Z 2010 No Comment on GM Wheat Industry Survey June 3, 2010.pdf

57Z 2010 Profits at the Expense of the Hungry-Genetically Modified Foods-Address No Hunger March 19, 2010.pdf

57Z 2010 Second International Conference on Implications of GM Crop Cultivation March 25-26, 2010.pdf

57Z 2011 Food Plans for our Future Without Public Consent Website July 23, 2011 http___www.croplifeamerica.pdf

57Z 2011 GM Alfalfa - Why No Sprouting Farm War News by B. H. Peterson April 25, 2011.pdf

57Z 2011 GM Watch Genetically Modified Food+Crops Website June 25, 2011 http___www.gmwatch.pdf

57Z 2011 ISAAA Executive Summary Global Status of Commercialized Biotech-GM Crops 2010+Map February 28, 2011 Website.pdf

57Z 2011 ISAAA in Brief-Mission+Niche in Promoting GE Foods+Seed Website February 28, 2011 Beware of the Group.pdf

57Z 2011 ISAAA is Funded by USAID-Led by Cornell University to Promote GE Crops Website FEB 28, 2011.pdf

Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically Modified Seeds
Video & Transcript: July 13, 2012

"Bill Moyers talks to scientist and philosopher Vandana Shiva, who’s become a rock star in the global battle over genetically modified seeds. These seeds — considered “intellectual property” by the big companies who own the patents — are globally marketed to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge the safety of genetically modified seeds, claiming they also harm the environment, are more costly, and leave local farmers deep in debt as well as dependent on suppliers. Shiva, who founded a movement in India to promote native seeds, links genetic tinkering to problems in our ecology, economy, and humanity, and sees this as the latest battleground in the war on Planet Earth."...

Partial Transcript:

BILL MOYERS: We turn now from one champion of the public interest to another. From Sheila Bair fighting for greater oversight of the big banks to a global advocate for social justice named Vandana Shiva.

VANDANA SHIVA: We need a new paradigm for living on the earth because the old one is clearly not working.

BILL MOYERS: The last time we spoke with her, she was battling Coca-Cola and other multinational giants over the privatization of water in her native India—including the waters of the sacred river Ganges. Since then, Vandana Shiva has become a rock star in the worldwide battle over genetically modified seeds. Those are seeds aggressively marketed around the world by big companies like Monsanto to not only increase, but also to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge their safety, claim they harm the environment, are more costly, and leave local farmers deep in debt and dependent on suppliers.

Following Europe’s example, many American consumers are demanding that food products made from genetically modified seeds be labeled. Monsanto, the world’s largest supplier, claims intellectual property rights over its seeds and usually wins when it takes farmers to court for patent infringement. But in India, Monsanto claimed its seeds would produce bountiful crops and when the results fell short, many bankrupted farmers reportedly killed themselves.

Vandana Shiva, founded India’s Navdanya movement to promote the use of native seeds, and she has become a formidable figure in all these battles. Trained in physics, she’s an activist and prolific author whose books include “Earth Democracy,” “Soil Not Oil,” “Water Wars,” and her latest, “Making Peace With The Earth.” I talked with her again recently, when she came to New York to be honored by Union Theological Seminary..."

Washington, D.C. -  Monday, June 13, 2011 C-SPAN
(Please note that a good part of his speech was devoted to Genetically Modified Food Crops which is being
promoted by Secretary Vilsack and the Obama Administration.)

"...The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas Vilsack, was the speaker today at a National Press Club luncheon.
Vilsack  addressed how the combined efforts of American farmers, scientists, and policy-makers
are vital to face the demanding challenges of food security in the growing global population...Recently named the
Chairman of the White House Rural Council, the secretary will help direct the council to coordinate federal
efforts to provide support to rural America...Secretary Vilsack will attend the G-20 Summit of Agricultural
Ministers, the first meeting of the ministers, in Paris later this month..."

April 29, 2009 - MONSANTO

These folks are pushing Genetically Modified crops (GMO's) onto the Third World in the name of ending hunger, much as the Rockefellers did with the 'Green Revolution' that was used to open world markets to chemical and hybrid agriculture.

Multi-Billion $$ Monsanto Sues More Small Family Farmers! - Hundreds of the farmers around the world who are being forced to pay Monsanto to have their fields contaminated by genetically modified organisms.

Taxpayers Forced to Fund Monsanto's Poisoning of Third World :  Monsanto has also been implicated in the indiscriminate sale and use of RoundUp Ultra in the anti-drug fumigation efforts of Plan Colombia. Of the some $1.3 billion of taxpayers' money earmarked for Plan Colombia, Monsanto has received upwards of $25 million for providing RoundUp Ultra.

Damaged Banana CropsRoundUp Ultra is a highly concentrated version of Monsanto's glyphosate herbicide, with additional surfactants to increases its lethality. Local communities and human rights organizations charge that Ultra is destroying food crops, water sources and protected areas in the Andes, primarily Colombia.

Paradoxically, the use of RoundUp Ultra has actually increased coca cultivation in the Andes. As local farming communities are increasingly impacted by RoundUp Ultra fumigations, many turn to the drug trade as a means of economic survival. Regional NGOs have estimated that almost 200,000 hectares have been fumigated with Ultra under Plan Colombia.

Monsanto Hid PCB Pollution for Decades - Monsanto in the News :

The Corporation Continues to Refuse Compensation to Veterans and Families for Exposure to the Toxic Chemical
Monsanto's Roundup Pesticide Killing Wheat - Monsanto Takes Ownership of Public Water Resources !
Monsanto's GE Seeds are Pushing US Agriculture into Bankruptcy - Scientist Warning of Health Hazards
of Monsanto's Herbicide Receives Threats - Monsanto's Crops Spawning Superweed Epidemic in U.S. !
Mexico City Government Vows to Protect Native Corn Varieties from GMO Contamination !
And many many more ...

October 18, 2010 - Part I:  English Subtitles:  Poison of the pampas (El veneno de las pampas - Time: 14:49)
This news report by journalist Rolando Grana, recorded in Santa Fe, Argentina, graphically shows the tragic human consequences of glyphosate spraying of GM soy, including babies with birth defects. It contains interviews with Dr Dario Gianfelici, a medical doctor; scientist Prof Andres Carrasco, whose research showed that glyphosate/Roundup causes birth defects in doses far lower than those used in agricultural spraying; and the journalist Marie-Monique Robin, who made the film, The World According to Monsanto. (Total time 21:51)
The poison of the pampas - El veneno de las pampas Englisch Subtitles Part 2
October 18, 2010


C-SPAN September 24, 2011 - Washington Journal
Genetically Modified Food - Interview with Nina Fedoroff, former Science & Tecnhology Adviser to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2007-2010. 

Ms. Fedoroff spoke about the growing demand for food worldwide (and the potential shortages) that can be relieved by the use of genetically modified food and the current regulations at the EPA, Agriculture Department and the FDA that burden the expansion of modified crops. She also responded to telephone calls and electronic communications.

September 21, 2011 Video India Lawsuit Against Monsanto - France 24 International News - FOCUS
India vs Monsanto:  Seeds of Discord By Vikram Singh

"...For the first time ever, a country - India - is accusing a multinational company of "bio-piracy". That means stealing indigenous plants, and then trying to develop genetically modified versions of them, without giving any compensation back to the local people or nation where the plant originally came from. Our reporters traveled to one of the affected areas and spoke to those who say it's their environment which has been stolen..." (Article and video.)

Jerry Rosman, a pig farmer in Iowa, was cultivating GMO corn,(Roundup Ready and BT) and fed this corn to his pigs.
Result: his sows became infertile, and then after one year he went bankrupt.
See the whole interview here:

Is it an incident isolated to Iowa ? Check this article from Greenpeace;

"Austrian scientists fed mice over a course of 20 weeks a mixture of 33 percent Monsanto GE corn (NK 603 x MON 810) and non-GE corn.  These mice gave birth to less babies and lighter babies in their third and fourth litters. Mice fed on non-GE corn had babies as normal.  These differences are statistically significant."  To have a more global idea on the issue and the relation between GMOs and sterilisation, please read the book "Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation": Available on Amazon here:

Speech on Genetically Modified Seeds & Farmers -
Monsanto petition tells Obama: ‘Cease FDA ties to Monsanto’  Washington Post January 30, 2012

"...In recent days, a petition calling for the former Monsanto VP’s ouster is gaining steam.  “President Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor,” the petition on reads. “Taylor is the same person who was Food Safety Czar at the FDA when genetically modified organisms were allowed into the U.S. food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty."

Live Well With Cantwell WCGH 1490 Radio-Connecticut February 7, 2012 Audio Podcast
The Increasing use of 2,4-D in Agriculture, in Drinking Water Sources to Control Aquatic Weeds, Along Roadways, and in Forest Lands to Kill unwanted Trees & Plants. Pauline's Guests:  Rosalind Peterson & Author Carol Van Strum provides information on this usage, public health impacts, and deadlines for Public Comment.

DAS-40278-9 Corn: For Public Comment

U.S.D.A APHIS is also making available today a PPRA and a draft EA to address a request from Dow, Inc. seeking a determination of nonregulated status of its DAS-40278-9 corn. This corn has been genetically engineered to provide tolerance to 2,4-D and aryloxyphenoxypropionate (AOPP) acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors, also known as “fop” herbicides.  DAS-40278-9 corn has been field tested in the major corn growing regions of the continental United States as well as Hawaii. APHIS’ risk assessment indicates that DAS-40278-9 corn is unlikely to pose a plant pest risk.  APHIS is making available for public comment the Dow petition for nonregulated status, APHIS’ PPRA and draft EA. These documents can be found at:

The public comment period will close on Feb. 27, 2012. 

See Other Biotechnology Regulatory Actions (Genetically Modified Crops) below and their U.S.D.A. Deadlines.

July 12, 2012 RTE News Video - Six One News: Scientists Outline New Cuisine Developments - Factory Food
RTE Link:

Natural News Link: July 30, 2012 - White House Chef Says Future Food to be Made From Chemicals-Not Real Food Ingredients:

NDTV Link July 12, 2012:
"...Dublin, Ireland:  84 Year Old Nobel Laureate James D. Watson, credited for the landmark discovery of the structure of the DNA, says "genetically modified foods are good..."