NASA: An introduction to the electromagnetic Spectrum (video)

33 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 AIM Video Discovery Shuttle Launch Plume


33 1 1999 NASA OCT 5, 1999 Spacecraft Provides First Direct Evidence Smoke in the Atmosphere Inhibits Rainfall.pdf

33 1 2000 NASA Jet Fuel Emissions Graphic Carbon Black +_Soot Modifies Cirrus Clouds.pdf

33 1 2003 U.S. Navy NASA Study Finds Space Shuttle Exhaust Creates Night-Shining Clouds June 3, 2003 Press Release.pdf

33 1 2004 NASA Clouds Caused By Aircraft Exhaust May Warm The U.S. Climate.pdf

33 1 2004 NASA Press Release April 27, 2004 Clouds Caused by Aircraft Exhaust May Warm Climate-Studies.pdf


33 1 2007 NASA + Stanford Study January 22, 2007 Aerosol Pollution Slows Down Winds + Reduces Rainfall.pdf

33 1 2009 NASA Jet Aircraft Emissions Contribute to Global Warming-20% in Arctic DEC 21, 2009 Nature News Stanford Study.pdf

33 1 2010 Private Rocket Paid by NASA Contract-Taxpayers Paid Flight NYTimes June 4, 2010 NASA Contract Worth $1.6 Billion Space X.pdf

33 1 NASA 1 Satellite Picture Aircraft Contrails 2008 Warm Climate.pdf

33A 1978 NASA U.S. Air Force CRRES Barium 1969-1978 Appendix B Rocket Flights.pdf

33A 1994 NASA EOS Report 1994.pdf

33A 1994 NASA LITE August 1994 LITE Measuring the Atmosphere With Laser Precision.pdf

33A 1995 NASA EOS Report 1995.pdf

33A 1996 NASA CIMMS Experiments 1993-June 30, 1996.pdf

33A 1996 NASA TARFOX 1996 Flight Tracks-Battelle Link.pdf

33A 1996 NASA TARFOX Fliglht Map 1996 Campaign.pdf

33A 1996 NASA TARFOX Summary 1996.pdf

33A 1997 NASA AEROGEL June 27, 1997 Frozen Smoke NASA Scientists Discuss Implications of Aerogel Research.pdf

33A 1998 NASA GTE Global Tropospheric Experiment 1998.pdf

33A 1998 NASA GTE Global Tropospheric Experiment Home Page 1998.pdf

33A 1999 NASA SHIELD A Comprehensive Earth Protection System Report May 28, 1999 NIAC.pdf

33A 1999 NASA SUCCESS Subsonic Contrails Cloud Effects Study 1999.pdf

33A 2000 NASA Atmospheric Chemistry Ground Based + Airborne Instruments 2000.pdf

33A 2000 NASA CRYSTAL Research Plan January 2000 Cirrus Clouds.pdf

33A 2001 NASA CLAMS Home 2001.pdf

33A 2001 NASA CRYSTAL FACE Study Florida December 7, 2001 Cirrus Clouds.pdf

33A 2002 NASA CRYSTAL FACE 2002 Important Aircraft Atmospheric Chemistry.pdf

33A 2002 NASA EOS 2002 Proposal.pdf

33A 2002 NASA EOS 2002 Report Note 1996.pdf

33A 2002 NASA GTE Flight Tracks PEM West A GTE Missions 2002.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX 2002.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX 2002 Experiments relationship.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX 2002 http___geo.arc.nasa.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX 2002 Impletemtnation Strategy.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX 2002 Schematic.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX Experiment 2002 ACE-2.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX Home Page 2002 http___geo.arc.nasa.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TARFOX Insert_cl 2002 Schematic.pdf

33A 2002 NASA TOMS Space Based Instruments 2002.pdf

33A 2003 NASA CLAMS 2003 Home http___snowdog.larc.nasa.pdf

33A 2003 NASA CLAMS Modis 2003 http___snowdog.larc.nasa.pdf

33A 2003 NASA CRYSTAL FACE Contrails Study 2003-0927.pdf

33A 2003 NASA DICE 2003 Mission Photographs Note Haze.pdf

33A 2004 NASA ASD Atmostpheric Science Division 2004 Lidar.pdf

33A 2004 NASA ASTROZ-LITE Stratospheric Ozone Experiment 2004 stroz_li.pdf

33A 2004 NASA CLAMS 2004 Aircraft.pdf

33A 2004 NASA EOS 2004 Frozen North - Climate Studies.pdf

33A 2004 NASA EQUIS II July 28, 2004 Rocket Sounding Ionosphere Campaign mhtml_mid___00000144_.pdf

33A 2004 NASA INTEX-NENA-ICARTT NASA Ames Field Experiments 2004.pdf

33A 2004 NASA MODIS 2004 http___modis-land.gsfc.nasa Satellite.pdf

33A 2004 NASA SAGE II 2003-2004.pdf

33A 2004 NASA TARFOX 2004 Logistics.pdf

33A 2004 NASA TARFOX 2004 Platforms.pdf

33A 2004 NASA TARFOX 2004 Russell.pdf


33A 2005 NASA GACP Global Aerosol Climatology Project Field Campaigns 2005.pdf

33A 2005 NASA NIAC Studies 2005 http___www.niac.usra.pdf

33A 2005 NASA TCSP 2005 flighttracks.pdf

33A 2006 NASA AER Radiative Transfer 2006 Climate Group.pdf

33A 2006 NASA Complete A-Z Missions Listings.pdf

33A 2006 NASA DICE Instrument Characterization Experiment 2004-2006 California.pdf

33A 2006 NASA GACP 2006 Aerosols Project Abstract.pdf

33A 2006 NASA GTE Field Missions Global Troposheric Experiment 2006.pdf

33A 2006 NASA GTE Global Tropospheric Experiment Field Missions 2006.pdf

33A 2006 NASA GTE NASA 2005 Field Missions 2006 PEM West B .pdf

33A 2006 NASA INTEX-B 2006 Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment (Phase B).pdf

33A 2006 NASA INTEX-B Intercontinental Chemical Transport Campaigns.pdf

33A 2006 NASA INTEX-B Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment Phase B 2006.pdf

33A 2006 NASA INTEX-B Penn State+Battelle Atmospheric Experiments 2006 MILAGRO.pdf

33A 2006 NASA NATIVE + Battelle NATIVE Experiments 2006 Payload.pdf

33A 2006 NASA NATIVE + Battelle NATIVE Schedule 2006.pdf

33A 2007 NASA AER Science Research 2007 Cloud Remote Sensing U.S. Air Force.pdf

33A 2007 NASA AER Trace Gas Remote Sensing.pdf

33A 2007 NASA GACP Global Aerosol Climatology Project 2007 NASA.pdf

33A 2007 NASA Glory Mission Science 2007 http___glory.giss.nasa Goddard.pdf

33A 2007 NASA Langley Cloud Radiation Research 2007 Contrails.pdf

33A 2007 NASA NPOESS AER Environmental Satellite System NPOESS 2007.pdf

33A 2007 NASA TC4 Airborne Expedition June 27, 2007 Experiments.pdf

33A 2007 NASA TRMM Lightning August 16, 2007 National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) Information NASA TRMM.pdf

33A 2007 NASA Twilight Study 2000 to 2007 Twilight Zone Discovered Around Clouds.pdf

33A 2008 NASA AER Atmosphere 2008 Cloud Remote Sensing.pdf

33A 2008 NASA ARCTAS April 3, 2008 Atmospheric Science Mission.pdf

33A 2008 NASA ASD Atmospheric Chemistry Division Lidar History 2008 LARC.pdf

33A 2008 NASA Current Missions 2008.pdf

33A 2008 NASA INTEX-B MILAGRO Publications September 2008 Experiments INTEX-B Papers+Docs.pdf

33A 2008 NASA TOMS Review of Cloud Seeding Experiments 2008.pdf

33A 2008 NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Center Missions 1983-2008.pdf

33A 2009 GTE Global Troposheric Experiments http___www-gte.larc.nasa May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA AER Atmospheric+Environmental Research 2009 Radiative Transfer.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames AAT Information May 2009 Jets.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames ESPO Missions June 27, 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames Field Experiments May 2009 Listing.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames Home Page Website May 2009 Field Experiments.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 ADAM Experiment - California.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 ALIVE Experiment http___geo.arc.nasa.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 Archive AATS_Data.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 EVE Experiments California.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 INTEX NA .pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 Publications + Submissions.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Ames New Instrument Development + Battelle May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA ARCTAS 2008-2009 ARCTAS_ Arctic Research Troposphere Aircraft+Satellites.pdf

33A 2009 NASA ARCTAS Home Page May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA ARM NASA Ames 2003 Aerosol Experiment May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA CRYSTAL FACE Presentations 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA CRYSTAL FACE Publicatons 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA CRYSTAL FACE Science Mission June 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Current Missions September 14, 2009 Listing.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Future Missions Summary September 14, 2009 Listing.pdf

33A 2009 NASA GACP May 2009 Global Aerosol Climatology Projects http___gacp.giss.nasa.pdf

33A 2009 NASA GTE Global Troposheric Experiments http___www-gte.larc.nasa May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA GTE Home Page May 2009 Instrument Characterization Experiment.pdf

33A 2009 NASA INTEX-B 2009 Intercontinental Chemical Experiment-North America (Phase B).pdf

33A 2009 NASA INTEX-B Intercontinental Chemical Transport Campaigns June 4, 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA INTEX-B NASA AMES May 2009 Milagro Intex-B.pdf

33A 2009 NASA INTEX-NA Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment U.S. 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA LASE Langley DAAC Project Campaign Document - 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA MMS Mission Magnetic Reconnection Study August 31, 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA MMS Science News August 31, 2009 Atmospheric Experiments-Two Year Program.pdf

33A 2009 NASA SAGE III May 2009 SOLVE Ozone Loss+Validation Experiment menu.pdf

33A 2009 NASA SAGE III SOLVE ExperimentMay 2009.pdf


33A 2009 NASA Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Center May 2009.pdf

33A 2009 NASA Tropospheric Chemistry May 2009 http___www-air.larc.nasa.pdf

33A 2010 ASA MMS SMART TEAM May 16, 2010 Website-Participants.pdf

33A 2010 Minnis Group Home Focus Page May 18, 2010 Website.pdf

33A 2010 NASA ARM Langley Satellite Support of ARM SpartiCus Field Experiment May 18, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 NASA EOS Website May 13, 2010 Earth Observing System Project Science Office http___eospso.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33A 2010 NASA Field Experiment System Listing May 18, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 NASA Langley Satellite Imagery and Cloud Products Page May 18, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 NASA May 18, 2010 Related Refernces Listing.pdf

33A 2010 NASA Minnis Group Home May 18, 2010 Project Listing Website.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Library Website May 16, 2010 SMART Library.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Magnetic Reconnection SMART Science Program Website May 16, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Home Page May 16, 2010

33A 2010 NASA MMS May 16, 2010 SMART Quick Facts Website.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Mission Implementation II Orbit Design-Two Years Website May 16, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Mission Implementation I Website May 16, 2010 Regions of Scientific Interest.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Payload Overview May 16, 2010 Website.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Rice University Website Magnetosphseric Multiscale Solar Terrestrial Probe May 16, 2010 http___space.rice.pdf

33A 2010 NASA MMS Useful Links General Information Website May 16, 2010.pdf

33A 2010 Satellite Imagery+Experiments May 18, 2010 Website Menu.pdf

33A NASA 1983-2001 Tropospheric Chemistry Integrated Data Center--Missions.pdf

33B 1966 NASA Chemiluminescence Upper Atmosphsere Chemical Release Program Information June 1, 1966.pdf

33B 1966 NASA TMA Studies Supporting an Upper Atmosphere Chemical Release Program Final Report June 1966 TMA Diborane Etc.pdf

33B 1966 NASA Upper-Chemical Release Program Information June 1, 1966.pdf

33B 1966 Studies Supporting an Upper Atmosphere Chemical Release Program Final Report June 1966 TMA Diborane Etc.pdf

33B 1974 NASA Cesium Radio-Radar+Optical Obsrvations of Cesium Release in Upper Atmosphere February 4, 1974.pdf

33B 1974 Radio-Radar+Optical Obsrvations of Cesium Release in Upper Atmosphere February 4, 1974.pdf

33B 1990 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRESS Press Kit Barium Strontium SF6 Atmospheric Test Program 1990 The Best Description+Chemicals Used.pdf

33B 1990 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES 1990 Press Kit Barium Strontium SF6 Atmosheric Test Program.pdf

33B 1990 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES 2002 Information Satellites sc=1990-065A.pdf

33B 1990 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Atmospheric Program Press Kit 1990.pdf

33B 1990 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES PRESS KIT 1990 Atmospheric Testing.pdf

33B 1992 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES NASA U.S. Air Force Rocket Borne Chemical Experiments 1992 Abstract.pdf

33B 1992 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES U.S.A.F. NASA Atmospheric Chemical Releases 1992 Abstract.pdf

33B 1995 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Chemical Low Altitude Releases Abstract 1995.pdf

33B 1995 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Program Technical June 1995 Memorandum 109404.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA July 1, 2003 Night Clouds.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Man-Made Clouds 2003.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Night Clouds 2003 Trimethylaluminum newfeaturestory1.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA NIGHT CLOUDS June 20, 2003 Rockets-Cannisters Trymethylaluminum MSDS.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Night Clouds June 20, 2003 TMA Atmospheric Tests.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Night Clouds June 20, 2003 TMA Experiments.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Night Clouds - TMA June 30, 2003.pdf

33B 2003 NASA TMA Project Night Clouds 2003.pdf

33B 2004 NASA TMA Ionospheric Study July 28, 2004 Chemicals TMA Tests.pdf

33B 2004 NASA TMA Wednesday, December 1, 2004 Are Some of them Man-made-Northern Lights Alaska.pdf

33B 2004 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Designed by Ball Aerospace 2004.pdf

33B 2005 NASA TMA Clemson University 2005 Atmospheric Physics Experiments.pdf

33B 2007 NASA Barium Cloud 2007 + Definitions.pdf

33B 2007 NASA TMA Night Clouds Trimethylaluminum 2007 - Rockets-Cannisters.pdf

33B 2008 NASA Atmospheric Experiments History 2008 Barium Aurora Search Page 3.pdf

33B 2008 NASA Barium Plasma Experiments History 2008.pdf

33B 2008 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Abstract Search 2008 Page 2.pdf

33B 2008 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Abstract Search 2008 Results 69.pdf

33B 2009 NASA Barium Clouds Abstract Search 2009 Verstraete2001-JGR.pdf

33B 2009 NASA U.S. Air Force Space Surveillance Radio the U.S. is Scannning over North America August 11, 2009.pdf

33B 2010 NASA CRRES Search April 24, 2010 Studies Supporting Upper Atmospheric Release Programs Part I-II.pdf

33B 2010 NASA U.S. Air Force-CRRES Search April 24, 2010 Studies Supporting Upper Atmospheric Release Programs Part I-II.pdf

33C 2009 irginia Tech 2009 Home Page Note Picture Center for Space Science + Engineering.pdf

33C 2009 NASA CARE Charged Aerosol Release Experiment September 19, 2009.pdf

33C 2009 NASA CARE Study Rocket Launched September 19, 2009 - Experiments Begin.pdf

33C 2009 NASA CERES May 2009 CERES ISCCP-D2like Data Sets.pdf

33C 2009 NASA Launch Schedule Listing September 14, 2009-See Future Launches at this Site.pdf

33C 2009 NASA-NAVY CARE Charged Aerosol Release Experiment Search Google September 18, 2009 CARE Project.pdf

33C 2009 NASA+Navy Wallops CARE Launched September 19, 2009 Twitter.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Science + Engineering Advisory Board.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Science + Engineering Affiliates Program.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Science + Engineering General Information.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Science + Engineering Home Page.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Science + Engineering Note Picture.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Scinece + Engineering Research Gallery.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Scinece + Engineering Research Information.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center for Space Scinece + Engineering Website Research Section.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Center of Space Scinece + Engineering Aademics-Courses.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech 2009 Strategic Alliances-Battelle + Others.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech Charged Aerosol Particle Search September 14, 2009 Scales.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech - ECE Space Weather Wayne Scales HAND Technology September 14, 2009 HAARP+U.S. Navy C.A.R.E.pdf

33C 2009 Virginia Tech Scales Space Home September 14, 2009

33C 2009 Virginia Tech Search September 14, 2009 - Wayne Scales Charged Aerosol Particles.pdf

33C 2010 NASA Shuttle+Rocket Launch Schedule June 11, 2010 for Viewing Past Launches+Future Missions NASA Website.pdf

33D 2002 NASA January 15, 2002 Study Shows Rate of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Slowed.pdf

33D 2004 Do Clouds Clean or Clutter the Atmosphere With Sulfate January 2004 Science Briefs.pdf

33D 2005 NASA 8 Persistent Jet Contrails Newsletter 2005 Page 8.pdf

33D 2006 NASA Studies January 17, 2006 Increasing Aerosol Concentrations-Produce Fog-Like Haze.pdf

33D 2008 NASA 1 Satellite Picture Aircraft Contrails 2008 Warm Climate.pdf

33D 2008 NASA August 2008 Difference Between Weather and Climate.pdf

33D 2009 NASA Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiments - What is long term impacts-Questions January 30, 2009.pdf

33D NASA Chemcial Releases in the Upper Atmosphsere Project Firefly Summary Report.pdf

33E 2002 NASA Jet Contrails Produce Man-Made Clouds.pdf

33E 2002 NASA Man-Made Clouds 2002.pdf

33E 2002 NASA Man-Made Clouds Contrails.pdf

33E 2003 NASA Contrail Education Clouds+Contrails School Program 2003.pdf

33E 2003 NASA Contrail Education GLOBE Satellite Contrail Picture January 9, 2003.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Children & Contrails Study.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education 2004.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education 2004 GLOBE Satellite Imagery.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education GLOBE Teachers 2004 .pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education Lessons for Teachers.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education Lesson Plans 2004 http___asd-www.larc.1nasa.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education Pictures Contrails Short-Lived Pictures 2004.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Education Team 2004.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Newsletter 2005 Page 4.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Contrail Picture Chart 2004 http___asd-www.larc.nasa1.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Counting Contrails 2004 Program.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Counting Contrails May 2, 2004 Lin Chambers.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Globe April 22, 2004 Contrail Count-A-Thon.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Newsletter June 2004 School Contrail Education.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Observing Clouds+Contrails-GLOBE + NASA Chambers ISTS_2004.pdf

33E 2004 NASA Unusual Contrails Education Program.pdf

33E 2005 NASAexplores 2005 Man-Made Clouds 9-12.pdf

33E 2005 NASAexplores 2005 Man-Made Clouds K-4.pdf

33E 2005 NASA 4th Grade Pictures Contrails Clouds.pdf

33E 2005 NASA 8 Persistent Jet Contrails Newsletter 2005 Page 8.pdf

33E 2005 NASA CERES S'Cool Project Contrails Clouds 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrails January 1, 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrails Newsletter Page 2 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Education 2005 Contrails - Persistent Spreading.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Education NASA Persistant Contrails 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Education Science 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Glossary.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Glossary 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail History 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Newsletter Page 2.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Contrail Science 2005 NASA.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Explores 2005 Man-Made Clouds.pdf

33E 2005 NASA FACTS 2005 Contrails Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds 2005 Contrails Children 5-8.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds 5-8th Grade 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds 9-12th Grade 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds Contrails 2005 Children 9-12.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds Contrails 2005 Children K-4.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Man-Made Clouds K-4th Grade 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Newsletter 2005 on Contrails Page 6.pdf

33E 2005 NASA Newsletter Contrails Page 1.pdf

33E 2005 NASA S'Cool Program Contrails 2005.pdf

33E 2005 NASA SCOOL Engaging Students+Educators in Authentic Science 2005 Flyer.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education 2006 Identification.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education 2006 Importance.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education 2006 Satellite Images of Persistent Jet Contrails.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education Chart - Contrail Gallery 2006 http___asd-www.larc.nasa.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education Glossary 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education History 2006 There Were No Jet Engines in Existence in 1919-Only France+Germany Had in Few in WWII.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education Importance 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education May 4, 2006 Website http___asd-www.larc.nasa.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education Mixed Contrails 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education School Program Contrail Glossary 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Education Team 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail History 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA Contrail Science 2006.pdf

33E 2006 NASA GLOBE Contrail Reporting 2006 Instructions.pdf

33E 2006 NASA School Children Clouds Contrails Study.pdf

33E 2007 NASA Contrail Education GLOBE Teachers Reporting Observations April 18, 2007.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrails Power Point Presentation by David Duda-Found in 2008.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrail Education 2008 Frequently Asked Questions.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrail Education Glossary 2008.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrail Education Importance of Contrails 2008.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrail Education Online Cloud Chart 2008 Photographs.pdf

33E 2008 NASA Contrail Presentation Duda Hamptom University July 2008.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrails 2009 Persistent Spreading Contrails.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrails DLESE Search May 2009 Reports-Information.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrails May 2009 Item of Interest.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Facts 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Mixed Contrail Pictures 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Persistent Jet Contrail Pictures Worldwide 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Pictures 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Short or Intermittent 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Spreading Contrails 2009 Hawaii + Other Pictures.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Education Unusual Contrail Pictures 2009.pdf

33E 2009 NASA Contrail Science Project Studies May 18, 2009 Note Picture.pdf

33E 2009 NASA DATA ACCESS PAGE May 2009 Earth Science Satellite Information.pdf

33E 2009 NASA DATA Information May 2009.pdf

33E 2009 Notes+Questions Duda Hampton University Contrail Power Point Presentation-2009.pdf

33E 2010 NASA Contrail Chart http___asd-www.larc.nasa.pdf

33E 2010 NASA Contrail Education Frequently Asked Questions May 17, 2010 Website.pdf

33E 2010 NASA Contrail Education Persistent Spreading Contrails Photographs Website.pdf

33E 2010 NASA Contrail Education Unusual Contrails May 17, 2010.pdf

33F 2010 NASA Science News Press Release Humanoid Robot Robonaut 2 Going to ISS Space Station April 29, 2010.pdf

33G 1996 NASA Imaging Radar Definition 1996.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library 1997 Stratocumulus Clouds Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Altocumulus Clouds Description 1997 Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Billow Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Cirrostratus Clouds 1997 Definition Photograph+Halo Around Sun.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Cirrus Clouds Description Photograph 1997.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Cloud Types 1997 Classifications+Photographs.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Contrails 1997 Description Photograph 1997.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Cumulonimbus Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Fair Weather Cumulus Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Mammatus Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Nimbostratus Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Orographic Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1997 NASA DLESE Library Pileus Clouds 1997 Description Photograph.pdf

33G 1999 NASA Bibliography 1999 Earth Science Division Publications.pdf

33G 2001 NASA Clouds 2001 Earth Observatory.pdf

33G 2001 NASA GLOSSARY 2001 Positive Ions.pdf

33G 2005 NASA Aerospace + Technology Dictionary 2005 A Section.pdf

33G 2005 NASA Clouds 2005 Cirrocumulus + Cirrus.pdf

33G 2005 NASA Cumulus Clouds Pictures.pdf

33G 2005 NASA Dictionary S Section 2005.pdf

33G 2005 NASA EOSDIS Contrails 2005 Glossary.pdf

33G 2005 NASA Glossary 2005.pdf

33G 2005 USA Today October 13, 2005 Understanding Clouds and Fog Article.pdf

33G 2007 Cloudman Cloud Classification Atlas - 12 Basic Cloud Photographs Descriptions 2007.pdf

33G 2007 NCAR UCAR High Clouds 2007 Photograph Descriptions.pdf

33G 2007 NCAR UCAR Kelvin-Helmholtz Man-Made Cloud Photograph Rocky Mountains.pdf

33G 2008 NASA Cirrus Clouds-Climate Contrails.pdf

33G 2008 NASA The Earth's Atmosphere Graphic + Definitions.pdf

33G 2009 NASA Aerospace + Technology Dictionary 2009.pdf

33G 2009 NASA Clouds 2009 Cirocumulus + Cirrus.pdf

33G 2009 NASA DLESE Search Page 2 - Contrails May 2009.pdf

33G 2009 NASA Glossary 2009.pdf

33G 2009 NASA NAS10-99001 Section J-9 Mod 511 Attachment Glossary 2009.pdf

33G 2010 NASA DLESE Library Contrails Search May 17, 2010 Website Results 17 Page 1.pdf

33G 2010 NASA DLESE Library Contrails Search May 17, 2010 Website Results 17 Page 2.pdf

33G 2010 NASA DLESE Library Glossary of Atmospheric Terms May 17, 2010.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 10, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary A.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary B-C.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary D.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary E.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary F-G.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary G-H.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary I-M.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary N.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary O.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary P.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary Q-R.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary S.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary T.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary U-V.pdf

33G 2010 NASA January 13, 2010 Earth Observatory Glossary W-Z.pdf

33G 2010 NCAR UCAR 2010 Contrails Description Photogrpah.pdf

33G 2010 NCAR UCAR 2010 Lenticular Clouds Description Photograph.pdf

33G 2010 NCAR UCAR Mammatus Clouds 2010 Weld County, Colorado by Gregory Thompson.pdf

33G 2010 UCAR NCAR 2010 Cloud Types Descriptions Photographs.pdf

33IR 2005 NASA Earth Observatory Rosenfeld Particulates Study.pdf

33I 1953 NASA Contrail Chart Appleman-Chart Has Been Updated Since 1953.pdf

33I 1970 NASA 1970 Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects Kuhn.pdf

33I 1970 NASA 1 1970 Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects Kuhn.pdf

33I 1970 NASA Airborne Observations of Contrail Effects Kuhn.pdf

33I 1994 NASA U.S. Air Force Study April 1993-April 1994 Surface Based Obserations of Contrails techreports.larc.nasa.go.pdf

33I 1996 NASA Contrail Cloud Study.pdf

33I 1996 NASA SUCCESS Contrail 1996 Satellite.pdf

33I 1996 NASA SUCCESS MODIS 1996 Campaign 107 Contrails.pdf

33I 1997 Global Warming and Persistent Jet Contrails Article Christian Science Monitor.pdf

33I 1997 NASA SUCCESS Contrail Study Program 1997.pdf

33I 1997 NASA SUCCESS Contrail Study Program June 1997 Minnis.pdf

33I 1998 NASA Jet Contrail Studies NASA.pdf

33I 1998 NASA Jet Contrail Studies Using Polarization Lidar 1998.pdf

33I 1999 NASA June 24, 1999 Minnis Jet Contrails Will Impact Climate by 2050 Report Reuters News.pdf

33I 1999 NASA SUCCESS Subsonic Aircraft Contrail & Clouds Effects Special Study 1999.pdf

33I 2001 NASA Report Aviation Impact Techreports.larc.nasa.go.pdf

33I 2001 NASA Satellite Contrails N17.Mar.20 2001.combo.pdf

33I 2002 NASA Contrails RUC Models + Studies 2002.pdf

33I 2002 NASA Estimation of Contrail Freqency-Flight Track Data by David P. Duda.pdf

33I 2003 NASA Abstract 2003 BEACON Contrails Space at Jet Propulsion Laboratory CRYSTAL-FACE.pdf

33I 2004 NASA Aircraft Contrails=Global Warming 2004 Studies.pdf

33I 2004 NASA April 27, 2004 Clouds Caused by Jets Warm U.S. Climate.pdf

33I 2004 NASA Contrails & Global Warming.pdf

33I 2004 NASA Contrails Satellite Photographs 2004.pdf

33I 2004 NASA Jet Contrails 2004 East Coast Picture.pdf

33I 2004 NASA Jet Contrail Picture-Global Warming.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Minnis Publications 2005.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Newsletter Contrails Page 3.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Newsletter Contrails Page 5.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Research Search Contrails 2005.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Search Man-Made Cirrus Clouds.pdf

33I 2005 NASA Studies-Water Vapor January 25, 2005 Investigation of How Aircraft Can Avoid Creating Vapor Trails.pdf

33I 2008 Jet Contrail Studies 2008.pdf

33I 2008 NASA Contrail Education Satellite Imagery Used To Study Contrails 2008.pdf

33I 2008 NASA Contrail Occurance Part I by Duda_Minnis.I.JAMC 2008.pdf

33I 2008 NASA Contrail Presentation Duda Hamptom University July 2008.pdf

33I 2009 NASA Contrails-A Double Sided Sword by Dr. David Duda.Controller 2009.pdf

33I 2010 NASA Minnis Contrail Formation Forecast May 18, 2010 U.S. MAP Definitions.pdf

33I 2010 NASA Minnis Flight Track Data Description May 18, 2010 NASA Langley Cloud+Radiation Research.pdf

33I 2010 NASA Minnis Home Website Contrail Formation Forecast May 18, 2010 U.S. MAP.pdf

33I 2010 NASA Patrick Minnis Group NASA Langley Cloud and Radiation Research May 18, 2010.pdf

33I NASA Man-Made Clouds Produced by Jet Contrails Change Climate.Rabi.ONERA.abs.pdf

33I NASA Minnis Contrails Over United States U.S. Albedo Changes.pdf

33I NASA Remote Sensing of Contrails and Aircraft Altered Cirrus Clouds-Minnis.pdf

33I NASA Remote Sensing of Contrails and Aircraft Altered Cirrus Clouds-Young-Minnis.pdf

33I NASA Studies Peristent Jet Contrails Duda_Minnis.JAMC.I.09.pdf

33J 1997 NASA 2002 Report - 1997.pdf

33J 1997 NASA Atmospheric Effects of Subsonic Aircraft Reference Publication 1400 on Subsonic Aviation 1997.pdf

33J 1998 Jet Aircraft Emissions 1998 Abstract NASA.pdf

33J 1998 NASA 1998 Publications on Aircraft Emissions.pdf

33J 1999 NASA AMES + FAA Future Flilght Central Opening December 10, 1999.pdf

33J 2003 NASA DC-8 Aircraft Jet Airborne Science Program February 27, 2003 PEM WEST A.pdf

33J 2004 NASA 2004 Clouds Caused by Jet Exhaust May Warm Climate.pdf

33J 2004 NASA Clouds Caused by Jets Warm U.S. Climate 2004 Study.pdf

33J 2004 NASA Clouds Caused by Jet Exhaust May Warm Climate 2004.pdf

33J 2004 NASA Jet Contrails Florida and Other Eastern States 2004 http___earthobservatory.nasa.pdf

33J 2005 NASA Distant Origins of Arctic Black Carbon February 25, 2005_Koch_Hansen.pdf

33J 2006 NASA DC-8 Airborne Laboratory Jet July 1, 2006.pdf

33J 2008 Jet Aircraft Emissions Abstract 2008 Search Results 11.pdf

33J 2008 Jet Aircraft Search 2008 Abstract Results 323.pdf

33J 2008 Rockets Perchlorates NASA August 5, 2008 Perchlorate Salts Detected in Mars Soils-Finding.pdf

33J 2009 NASA Jan 10, 2009 - No Jet Contrails Friday+Overnight Sonoma+Mendocino County CA.pdf

33J 2009 NASA JPL Manmade Clouds Search Results April 2009 JPL CA.pdf

33K 1999 NASA News December 28, 1999 Geomagnetic Storms-Problems - Studies.pdf

33K 2007 NASA Space Technology 5 Glossary 2007.pdf

33K 2008 Light Spectrums NASA High Atmosphere 2008.pdf

33K 2008 NASA 2008 Interplanetary Magnetic Field Explanation - The Sun.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Gamma-Rays Electromagnetic Spectrum 2008.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Infrared Electromagnetic Spectrum 2008 Feel the Heat.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Microwaves Electromagnetic Spectrum July 13, 2008.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Radio Waves Electromagnetic Specturm July 13, 2008.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Space Weather February 9, 2008 Space Station Auroras.pdf

33K 2008 NASA Visible Light Waves Electromagnetic Spectrum 2008.pdf

33K 2008 NASA X-Rays Electromagnetic Spectrum July 13, 2008.pdf

33K 2009 NASA February 2009 Auroras.pdf

33K 2009 NASA Magnetic Experiments August 31, 2009.pdf

33K 2009 NASA Spaceweather December 17, 2009 Colliding Auroras Produce Explosions of Light - Man-Made Questions.pdf

33K 2009 NASA Space Aurora Season March 31, 2009.pdf

33K 2009 NASA Space Weather July 22, 2009 Aurora Surprise.pdf

33K 2009 NASA Unusual Pictures Auroras August 22, 2009 http___spaceweather.pdf

33K 2009 NASA xray_spectra 2007.pdf

33K 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 20, 2010 tfarc.htm.pdf

33K 2010 NASA Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Introduction to EMS May 18, 2010 Full Video.pdf

33K 2010 NASA U.S. Air Force Launched a Secret Plane On April 21, 2010 X-37B OTV-Speculation About Militarization of Space.pdf

33LI 2005 NASA Newsletter Contrails Page 1.pdf

33L 1991 NASA Rocket Triggered Lighting Experiments - Japan 1991.pdf

33L 2004 Jet Contrail Satellite Picture.pdf

33L 2005 NASA Volcanic Blast Location Influences Climate Reaction August 11, 2005 http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33L 2006 NASA 2006 Electric Hurricanes January 9, 2006 Lightning.pdf

33L 2007 NASA Man-Made Clouds Search October 18, 2007 Results 27 Page 1.pdf

33L 2008 NASA Hurricane Anechoic Chamber September 12, 2008 Electromagnetic Issues.pdf

33L 2009 NASA JPL CA Search Cloud Making April 2009 Results.pdf

33L 2010 FIRMS Fire Information for Resource Management System NASA Q+A May 31, 2010 Website.pdf

33L 2010 FIRMS General Fire Information Satellite Images May 31, 2010 Website NASA.pdf

33L 2010 FIRMS Worldwide Fire Information for Resource Management System NASA May 31, 2010 Website http___maps.geog.umd.pdf

33M 1998 NASA Solar Wind Blows Part of Earth Atmosphere into Space December 8, 1998.pdf

33M 2003 NASA December 3, 2003 Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield.pdf

33M 2003 NASA Peak Oil Climate World Map 2003.pdf

33M 2004 NASA News Songbirds Avoid Certain Foods Containing Carbon Dioxide Studies.pdf

33M 2008 Boundary Between Earth Upper Atmosphere and Space Has Moved to Low Altitudes U.S. Air Force DEC 16, 2008.pdf

33M 2008 NASA December 16, 2008 Breach in Earth's Magnetic Field.pdf

33M 2008 NASA Florida 2008 Weather - Climate.pdf

33M 2008 NASA next-energy-news January 29, 2008 Nasa to Build Micro Blimp Air Force to Study Climate Change.pdf

33M 2008 NASA November 5, 2008 Ocean Cooling-Warming Questions Still Unanswered.pdf

33M 2008 NASA OMEGA August 15, 2008 Earthworms OMEGA Soil Studies.pdf

33M 2008 NASA Study Peak Oil Climate September 10, 2008.pdf

33M 2008 NYTimes December 14, 2008 French NASA Version in French Guiana.pdf

33M 2009 NASA Aerosols - Clouds Abstract Search May 14, 2009 Page 2.pdf

33M 2009 NASA Aerosols + Clouds Search May 14, 2009 Page 4.pdf

33M 2009 NASA Misbehaving Microbes Salmonella Study May 6, 2009.pdf

33M 2009 NASA Science Longest Eclipse in History July 22, 2009.pdf

33M 2009 NASA U.S. Air Force Space Surveillance Radio the U.S. is Scannning over North America.pdf

33M 2009 NASA U.S. Air Force Space Surveillance Radio the U.S. is Scannning over North America August 11, 2009.pdf

33M 2009 Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiments - What is long term impacts-Questions JAN 30, 2009 Experiment Conducted 2004-2005.pdf

33M 2009 Wobbling Earth May Trigger Climate Change Discovery Channel August 14, 2009+Video.pdf

33M 2010 NASA ARES I Rocket Testing Schedule Accelerates While Obama Tries to Cut $$$Costly Program NYTimes May 16, 2010.pdf

33M 2010 NASA Creating Earth Picture Montages Instead of Current Earth Pictures - Why March 3, 2010 Mail Online.pdf

33M 2010 NASA Science News April 27, 2010 Information About the Sun from New Technolgoy.pdf

33M 2010 NASA Tracking Ticks with Lyme Disease by Satellite May 28, 2010 Need Moist Conditions-Lack of Sunlight a Problem Questions.pdf

33M 2010 NASA U.S. Air Force Launched a Secret Plane On April 21, 2010 X-37B OTV-Speculation About Militarization of Space.pdf

33N 1964 Photographic Instrumentation for Triangulation Studies of Liminous Clouds Upper Atmosphere 1964 Abstract Sodium-Cesium.pdf

33N 1999 NASA News December 16, 1999 Arctic Oscillations Impact Northern Climate Studies - HAARP Induced Questions.pdf

33N 2003 NASA Space Station Crew Photographs Night Shining Clouds-See Pictures 2003.pdf

33N 2004 NASA Studies-Puzzling Heights Polar Clouds Revealed-Question Rocket or Jet Produced Man-Made Clouds JAN 26, 2004.pdf

33N 2005 NASA Contrails Search 2005 Additional Research Needed Today.pdf

33N 2005 NASA Contrails Search Documents 2005 Page 1.pdf

33N 2007 ENN News August 25, 2007 Noctilucent Polar Ice Clouds Change Climate.pdf

33N 2007 NASA AIM Press Release December 12, 2007 Website Mysterious View of Night-Shining Clouds.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Night Shining Clouds Discovery News December 10, 2007.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Night Shining Clouds July 2007 - Satellite Picture Questions=Man-Made.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Night Shinning Clouds April 11, 2007.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Satellite Captures Night Clouds June 28, 2007.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Satellite Picture of Night Shining Clouds 2007 Looks Like Persistent Jet Contrails in the Picture.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Satellite to Study Night Clouds 2007 - First Observed in 1985 - Where is Write-up or Photograph-Questions.pdf

33N 2007 NASA Spaceweather Noctilucent Clouds Photograph July 2007 Scottish Orkney Islands.pdf

33N 2008 NASA AIM Discover Article October 17, 2008 Noctilucent Clouds Come With Full Metal Jacket-Sodium+Iron.pdf

33N 2008 NASA June 20, 2008 Noctilucent Clouds Summer Solstice Brings Glow-in-the-Dark Clouds.pdf

33N 2008 NASA Night Shining Clouds Discovery Channel News October 15, 2008.pdf

33N 2008 NASA Night Shining Clouds Discovery News October 15, 2008.pdf

33N 2008 NASA Night Shining Clouds July 2008 Satellite Picture Questions=Man-Made.pdf

33N 2008 NASA Night Shining Clouds October 15, 2008 Discovery Channel News.pdf

33N 2008 NASA Space Weather May 7, 2008 Nocticulent Glow-in-the-Dark Clouds Sighted.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Aerosol + Clouds Search May 14, 2009 Page 3.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Blue Moon December 31, 2009 New Year's Eve.pdf

33N 2009 NASA July 15, 2009 Noctilucent Clouds Invade the USA.pdf

33N 2009 NASA New Rocket Flawed Ares I Questions-Should be Scrapped October 26, 2009 NYTimes.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Nocticulent Clouds July 12, 2009 Photograph.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Nocticulent Clouds Summer Gallery 2009_page12.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Noctilucent Clouds July 12, 2009 by Barbara-Grudzinska.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Noctilucent Clouds Photograph by Jamie Cooper July 12, 2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Noctilucent Cloud Gallery Summer 2009_page13.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Spaceweather June 18, 2009 Auroras-Night Shining Clouds.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Spaceweather Noctilucent Clouds Jan-Koeman1.jpg 12-Jul-2009 .pdf

33N 2009 NASA Spaceweather Noctilucent Clouds June 17-19, 2009 Northern Ireland Exact Date Unknown.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Spaceweather Photographs July 21-22, 2009 Finland Noctilucent Cloud Display.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Barbara-Grudzinska1.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Jan-Koeman2.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Jan-Koeman3.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Jan-Koeman4.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Maurice-Gavin1.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Maurice-Gavin2.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Maurice-Gavin3.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Maurice-Gavin4.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Nocticulent Clouds Radek-Karwacki1.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds July 15, 2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds June 18, 2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds Rijk-Jan-Koppejan1.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds Summer 2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds Vincent-Phillips2.jpg 12-Jul-2009.pdf

33N 2009 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds Vincent-Phillips4.jpg 12-Jul-2009 .pdf

33N 2009 NCAR UCAR Noctilucent Clouds 2009 Photograph Descriptions.pdf

33N 2009 Noctilucent Clouds Are They Man-Made - Questions Wired Science July 2009 Pictures + Video.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Fact Sheet April 5, 2010 Satellite Study of Polar Mesospheric Clouds.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Library Image Gallery April 5, 2010 Night Shining Clouds.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Library List of Acronyms April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Logo from Website April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Mission April 5, 2010 Science Themes.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Mission April 5, 2010 Six Science Objectives.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Mission Graphics Websites April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Mission-Science Goal April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Mission Statement April 5, 2010 Satellite Study of Noctilucent or Night-Shining Clouds.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Misstion Status April 5, 2010 Spacecraft Satellite Status.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Noctilucent Cloud at Launch of Discovery Space Shuttle April 5 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Noctilucent Cloud Photographs 24 Images April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Partner Logos April 5, 2010 Website.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Press Kits+Facts April 5, 2010 Websitepdf.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Press Kit April 5, 2010 Website.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Press Releases Archives April 5, 2010 Website.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Publications 2008-2010 April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA AIM Science Data Services Documentation Website April 5, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA April 14, 2010 Fireball, Volcanic Sunsets Startle Sky Watchers Midwestern States CNN Reported Also.pdf

33N 2010 NASA New Obama Space Program Extravagant+Costly NYTimes Feburary 9, 2010.pdf

33N 2010 NASA Satellites to Track Ticks that Cause Lyme Disease May 28, 2010 Science News.pdf

33N 2010 NASA Science News August 25, 2008 Noctilucent Cloud Information+Photographs.pdf

33N 2010 NASA SpaceWeather June 17, 2010 California Rocket Launch June 16, 2010 Did This Event Cause the Notilucent Clouds Display in Ireland.pdf

33N 2010 NASA Space Weather June 3, 2010 Noctilucent Clouds http___spaceweather See U.S. Navy-Clouds Man-Made.pdf

33N 2010 NASA Space Weather June 3, 2010 Noctilucent Clouds Sighted over Europe-See U.S. Navy for Origin.pdf

33N 2010 Vanderberg AFB Minuteman III Launched from California 3 01 A.M. June 16, 2010 Photograph.pdf

33N NASA Spaceweather Noctilucent Clouds Near the Mesopause Photograph Unknown Date.pdf

33P 1020 NCAR UCAR Kelvin-Helmholtz Clouds by Benjamin Foster UCAR Rocky Mountains.pdf

33P 2000 NASA Contrails Over Lisbon, Protugal February 2000 JPL CIT PIA11062.pdf

33P 2002 NASA Clouds April 22, 2002 Note Man-Made Cloud Picture.pdf

33P 2003 NASA Hole Punch Clouds 2003.pdf

33P 2003 NASA Noctilucent Clouds February 19, 2003.pdf

33P 2003 NASA Persistent Jet Contrail October 1, 2003 Photograph South Wales UK.pdf

33P 2004 Nacrous Clouds 2004 nacr1

33P 2004 NCAR UCAR Photograph by Susan Gallagher Sutherland, NE November 2004.pdf

33P 2005 NASA January 2005 Space Gallery 1.pdf

33P 2005 NASA Space Gallery May 2005 2.pdf

33P 2005 NASA Unusual Photos 2005.pdf

33P 2006 NASA Eruption of Mount Nyamulagira December 6, 2006 Pollution Image.pdf

33P 2007 NASA Aurora Photographs September 2007.pdf

33P 2007 NASA Giant Atmospheric Undular Bore Waves Iowa 2007.pdf

33P 2008 NASA 2008 Halos.pdf

33P 2008 NASA 2008 Noctilucent Clouds - Are They Man-Made Questions.pdf

33P 2008 NASA 2008 Rays and Shadows.pdf

33P 2008 NASA 2008 Sky Pictures A How Many Are Man-Made Questions.pdf

33P 2008 NASA 2008 Sky Pictures - How Many Are Man-Made-Questions.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Alaska Aurora Photograph September 3, 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Atmosphric Optics January 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA August 18, 2008 MODIS Satellite Picture.pdf

33P 2008 NASA August 31 2008 Sun Solar Activity Sunsets + Auroras.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Auroras South Pole Telescope Hrubes July 5, 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Aurora Outlook 2008 - Man-Made or Natural.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Aurora Photos Jari Lightning September 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Aurora Photo Gallery October 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Aurora Photo Gallery September 2008.2.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Aurora Photo Gallery September 2008. 1.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Clouds 2008 Pictures.pdf

33P 2008 NASA December 17, 2008 Nacreous Clouds-Note Contrails.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Holloween Sky Show October 28, 2008 - Jet Contrail Picture.pdf

33P 2008 NASA January 12, 2008 Hole Punch Cloud Over Alabama Picture.pdf

33P 2008 NASA January 19, 2008 Clouds Forms.pdf

33P 2008 NASA January 2008 Nacreous Clouds.pdf

33P 2008 NASA January 2008 Sky Pictures.pdf

33P 2008 NASA January 21, 2008 Persistent Jet Contrails or Ship Tracks.pdf

33P 2008 NASA July 18, 2008 Jet Contrail Picture State of Missouri.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Nacreous Clouds January 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Noctilucent Clouds From Space Station Picture 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Noctilucent Clouds May 7, 2008 http___spaceweather.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Noctilucent Clouds Photograh Gallery 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA October 19, 2008 Aurora Suprise Finland Man-Made Questions.pdf

33P 2008 NASA October 20, 2008 Norway Auroras.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Pictures January 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA September 2008 Aurora Photo Gallery.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Sky Pictures 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Spaceweather Glowing Cloud Patches 2008 Halo.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Spaceweather July 6, 2008 South Pole Auroras.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Spaceweather May 7, 2008 Image.pdf

33P 2008 NASA SpaceWeather October 20, 2008 News on Auroras.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Space Weather 2008 Noctilucent Clouds.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Space Weather Noctilucent Clouds.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Strange Clouds at the Edge of Space August 25, 2008.pdf

33P 2008 NASA Sunsets August 27, 2008.pdf

33P 2009 Nacreous Couds +Sundog clara co uk optics nacr1 - Google Search Page 1 2009.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Aurora Gallery 2009 - Geomatnetic Disturbances December 31, 2008.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Aurora January 15, 2009 Pictures.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Aurora Surprise July 21-22, 2009 http___spaceweather.pdf

33P 2009 NASA May 30, 2009 Noctilucent Cloud Season Begins Space Weather.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Photojournal Earth NASA JPL CIT Image Gallery April 2009.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Spaceweather June 6, 2009 Photograph Triple Rainbow Sweden .pdf

33P 2009 NASA Spaceweather Unusual Sunsets July 1, 2009.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Spaceweather Volcanic Plume From Russian Volcano Eruption June 12, 2009.pdf

33P 2009 NASA Space Weather May 4, 2009 Space Station Flares + Aurora Alert.pdf

33P 2010 NCAR UCAR Lenticular Clouds 2010 Descripton Photograph by UCAR Digital Library Rocky Mountians.pdf

33P 2010 NCAR UCAR Mammatus Clouds Photograph Weld County, Colorado by Gregory Thompson.pdf

33P NASA Spaceweather Lockhart Texas Photographs-Unknown Date tfarc.htm.pdf

33P NASA Spaceweather Optics Photograph Unknown Locate+Date Item of Interest.pdf

33Q 1960 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Jet Leaving Contrails 1960 EC88-0180-4.pdf

33Q 1970 NASA Dryden Photograph 1970 Jet Contrail B-52 ECN-2511.pdf

33Q 1970 NASA Dryden X-24 ECN-2511_ X-24A Powered Flight-Drop B-52 Mothership 1970.pdf

33Q 1997 NASA Dryden Laboratory Study-Polar Stratospheric Cloud Particles 1997.pdf

33Q 2000 NASA Science Study December 27, 2000 West Antarctic Ice Sheet.pdf

33Q 2001 NASA Dryden Solar Aircraft Program March 1, 2001 Q&A.pdf

33Q 2001 NASA Dryden X-Press 2001 Picture - Smoke Contrail.pdf

33Q 2001 NASA Dryden X-Press Article December 28, 2001 Smoke Contrail Reference.pdf

33Q 2001 NASA Dryden X-PRESS Picture With 2001 Article - Note Smoke Contrail.pdf

33Q 2002 NASA Dryden Soil Moisture Research May 2002 top_smex02.pdf

33Q 2003 NASA CLPX 2002-2003 left_menu.pdf

33Q 2004 NASA 2004 Glossary Site Map.pdf

33Q 2005 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center 2005 - A long-overdue tribute.pdf

33Q 2005 NASA Funded Scientist to Present Findings at Annual AMS Meeting January 9-13, 2005 Some California Issues.pdf

33Q 2005 NASA Goddard Space Studies 2005 Man-Made Climate Change.pdf

33Q 2005 NASA News Weather Contrails 2005.pdf

33Q 2007 NASA Goddard Twilight Zone Around Clouds May 4, 2007 Science Daily News.pdf

33Q 2007 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL SEPT 6, 2007 Capabilities for Understanding Planet Earth Wolfenbarger,[2].pdf

33Q 2008 NASA 2008 Visit Website - Information + Searches.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA Dryden Flight Center THE X-PRESS December 2008 See Contrail Pictures.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA DRYDEN High Altitude Airbrone Science Aircraft March 1, 2008.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA Dryden X-PRESS December 2008 299691main_X-Press_50th_issue1.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA Goddard 2008 Simpson Mesocale Dynamics-Modeling Group Weather-Climate.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2008.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA November 18, 2008 Dryden Flight Research Center News Releases.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA November 2008 Weather Modification Experiments Search Dryden.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA November 2008 Weather Modification Search Dryden.pdf

33Q 2008 NASA Science Octoer 30, 2008 Magnetic Portals-Question Caused by Man-Made Experiments.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Ames Conferences + Meeting Schedules 2008-2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center About Us May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Atmospheric Science Projects Edwards Airforce Base May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Contrail Search May 2009 Page 1.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center-Edwards Air Force Base May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Edwards Air Force Base Research May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center May 2009 Search Contrails Page 2.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Past Projects Edwards Airforce Base May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Photographs May 2009 EC88-0180-4.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center Search Contrails May 2009 Page 3.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flight Research Projects Edwards Air Force Base Research May 2009 index.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Fliglht Research Center Edwards Air Force Base Research May 2009 index.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Flilght Research Center 2009 Home Page.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden General Information May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Global Hawk May 2009 New Aircraft.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden May 2009 Information Aircraft.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden Mission Summaries May 2009 139872main_Appendix A.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Dryden - Persistent Jet Contrail May 2009 Search Results.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Global Hawk Dryden Photograph May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Information May 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory April 2009 California Institute of Technology.pdf

33Q 2009 Nasa Jet Propulsion Lab Home Page April 2009.pdf

33Q 2009 NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data + Documentation Center May 2009.pdf

33Q 2010 AQUA Project Science NASA Goddar Space Center Website May 13, 2010.pdf

33Q 2010 Goddard Institute of Space Studies Aerosols April 16, 2010 Particles - Health Sources http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33Q 2010 GODDARD NASA Missions + Projects Science and Exploration Diectorate 600 April 24, 2010 Listing.pdf

33Q 2010 Linking Phosphorus to Complex Life and Blue Skies Carnegie Institution News Release May 11, 2010.pdf

33Q 2010 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center GLOPAC Science Missions May 18, 2010 ARCTIC.pdf

33Q 2010 NASA Dryden Flight Research Center GLO PAC Science Mission Pacific Ocean April 30, 2010.pdf

33Q 2010 NASA Dryden GloPac Global Hawk Pacific Science Mission Pacific Ocean May 18, 2010.pdf

33Q 2010 NASA GISS Resarch Goddard Website May 17, 2010 http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33Q 2010 NASA Wallops_Flight_Facility January 8, 2010.pdf

33Q 2010 SAIC Awarded NASA Contract Extension Information Technology Services SAIC DEC 7, 2010.pdf

33R 2003 Aerosols NASA - Fact Sheet Page 1.pdf

33R 2003 Aerosols NASA - Fact Sheet Page 2.pdf

33R 2003 Soot As Pure as Snow Aerosols December 2003 Black Carbon by Hansen Jets Fuel Emissions not Included.pdf

33R 2004 NASA 2004 Atmospheric Aerosols.pdf

33R 2004 NASA Aerosol Research Branch 2004 http___www-rab.larc.nasa.pdf

33R 2005 NASA 2005 Aerosols & Climate Change Earth Observatory.pdf

33R 2005 NASA 2005 Information Cloud Formation - Aerosols.pdf

33R 2005 NASA June 30, 2005 Aerosols Cloud Cover Study Marin County, CA.pdf

33R 2005 NASA News January 18, 2005 Desertification Studies-Alternations of Regional Ecosystems-Climate.pdf

33R 2006 NASA Aerosol Particlel Depth Images 2006.pdf

33R 2006 NASA Pollution and Clouds July 13, 2006.pdf

33R 2006 NASA Studies January 17, 2006 Increasing Aerosol Concentrations-Produce Fog-Like Haze.pdf

33R 2006 NASA Study Links Smog ot Arctic Warming March 14, 2006 Ozone http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33R 2007 NASA Aerosol Measurements of the Fine + Ultrafine Aerosols TM September 2007-214956.pdf

33R 2007 NASA May 3, 2007 Goddard Space Center Twilight Zone Clouds-Particles.pdf

33R 2007 NASA May 3, 2007 New Finding Particulates Clouds Sun.pdf

33R 2008 ENN News April 4, 2008 NASA Airborne Study of Arctic Atmosphere Launched.pdf

33R 2008 ENN News April 4, 2008 NASA Airborne Study of Arctic Atmosphere Launched - Copy.pdf

33R 2008 NASA Climate Change and Air Quality December 2008 http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33R 2009 Evaluation of Black Carbon Estimations in Global Aerosol Models 2009_Koch_etal_2.pdf

33R 2009 NASA Atmosphseric Aerosol Properties and Climate Report January 2009.pdf

33R 2009 NASA Global Soot Models November 2009 by Koch.pdf

33R 2009 NASA Sahara Dust Cloud April 2009 Search Photo Journal JPL PIA00448.pdf

33SZ 2005 NASA Clouds 1999 2005 + Questions Ship Tracks or Jet Contrails.pdf

33SZ 2010 NASA International Symposium October 25-28, 2010 A-Train Satellite Constellation.pdf

33S 1996 NASA May 13, 1996 Satellite Picture Contrails 044500 www-pm.larc.nasa.pdf

33S 1996 NASA Satellite Picture Contrails.pdf

33S 1997 NASA 1996 & 1997 Contrail Pictures Pacific Ocean.pdf

33S 1998 NASA Link Real-Time Weather Pictures March 26, 1998 UV+Infrared+.pdf

33S 2001 NASA MISR September 11, 2001 MISR Image Gallery Smoke Plume Dispersal.pdf

33S 2001 NASA MODIS Highlights 2001 Annual Report on Measuring Airborne Dust-Africa+Asia.pdf

33S 2001 U.S. Patent 6271877 Direct Broadcast Imaging Satellite Earth Monitoring August 7, 2001.pdf

33S 2001 U.S. Patent 6331870 Direct Broadcast Imaging Satellite December 18, 2001.pdf

33S 2002 NASA + Military Satellites 2002.pdf

33S 2002 NASA + Military Starshine Satellite 2002.pdf

33S 2002 NASA MODIS Brochure Earth Observing System 2002.pdf

33S 2003 NASA Contrail Education 2003 GLOBE Satellite Picture Contrails January 9, 2003.pdf

33S 2003 NASA Contrail Education GLOBE Satellite Picture Georgia Contrails Januay 9, 2003.pdf

33S 2003 NASA Earth Lights 2003 Image.pdf

33S 2003 NASA Globe Satellite Pictures January 9, 2003.pdf

33S 2003 U.S. Patent 6504570 Direct Broadcast Imaging Satellite System Monitoring Earth Jan 7, 2003.pdf

33S 2004 NASA 2004 Satellite www-pm.larc.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA Contrail Clutter Satellite Picture 2004.pdf

33S 2004 NASA http___earthobservatory.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA MODIS 2004A http___oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA MODIS 2004 MCST Satellite.pdf

33S 2004 NASA MODIS Atmosphere 2004 http___modis-atmos.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA SOSST Program 2004 Experiments-Satelliteshttp___www-sosst.larc.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA TERRA EOS Satellite 2004 http___terra.nasa.pdf

33S 2004 NASA TRMM Mission Status 2004.pdf

33S 2005 NASA 2005 Airglow Nebraska.pdf

33S 2006 MODIS Atmospheres Format 2006.pdf

33S 2006 MODIS Atmosphere Product Description 2006.pdf

33S 2006 MODIS Cloud Mask 2006.pdf

33S 2006 MODIS False Clouds Problems 2006.pdf

33S 2006 NASA 2006 Satellites Oceans.pdf

33S 2006 NASA Contrail Satellite Imagery 2006.pdf

33S 2006 NASA MISER Theory 2006 Abstract.pdf

33S 2006 NASA MISR JPL World Trade Center Smoke Plume Dispsersal September 6, 2006.pdf

33S 2006 NASA MISR Plume Height Climatology Project-Smoke Plumes North America 2006.pdf

33S 2006 NASA Sulfur Dioxide From Soufriere Hills Volcano July 13, 2006.pdf

33S 2006 NASA TRMM Senior Review Proposal 2007 Publication.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS May 15, 2007 2.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite #2 Contrails.USA1 May 27, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite CA USA1 May 20, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite Contrails USA1n May 27, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite Contrail Fresno May 21, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite Contrail USA1 May 21, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 MODIS Satellite Contrail USA1 May 25, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 NASA 2007 Search Item Cassini Pollution.pdf

33S 2007 NASA January 29, 2007 Hole Punch Clouds in Acadiana Louisiana Photograph+Satellite Image.pdf

33S 2007 NASA MISR Plume Height Climatology Project-Smoke 2007 North America.pdf

33S 2007 NASA Satellite Picture CA AERONET_Moss_Landing May 14, 2007.pdf

33S 2007 NASA Satellite View May 15, 2007 USA1.pdf

33S 2007 Satellites NASA Projects-Sun Influence on Ozone 2007.pdf

33S 2008 EPA MODIS Satellite Picture CA August 2008 subset=USA1.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Cloud Studies Satellites April 1, 2008 Science Daily ARCTIC.pdf

33S 2008 NASA MISR Smoke Plume Height Climatology Project-Project Area + Images August 6, 2008.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Satellite 2008 Contrails Over Pacific Ocean subset=USA1.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Satellite Contrails Over Pacific Ocean 2008 subset=USA1.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Satellite Picture August 16, 2008.subset=USA1.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Satellite Picture CA 2008 Contrails Pacific subset=USA1.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Spaceweather October - November 2008 Satellite Tracking.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Space Shuttle 2008 SP-432.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Space Shuttle 2008 SP-432 Use of Space for Many Technologies.pdf

33S 2008 NASA Space Shuttle History 2008.pdf

33S 2009 NASA 2009 http___earthobservatory.nasa.pdf

33S 2009 NASA Ames May 2009 Proposal History + Presentations-Satellites.pdf

33S 2009 NASA February 16, 2009 Texas Weekend Fireballs.pdf

33S 2009 NASA GOES Interactive Weather Satellite Images January 20, 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA GOES Project January 2009 Hot Stuff.pdf

33S 2009 NASA GOES to Sea Gulf of Mexico Studies August 21, 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA MISR_ Gallery_ Introduction May 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA MISR May 2009 Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer MISR Home.pdf

33S 2009 NASA MISR Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer April 2009 JPL.pdf

33S 2009 NASA MODIS Information 2009 http___modis.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2009 NASA Satellites Collide February 10, 2009 Toxic Debris Orlando Sentinel.pdf

33S 2009 NASA Satellite Images February 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA Space Weather May 11, 2009 Satellite Collison Information.pdf

33S 2009 NASA TRMM Background Information Research Satellite May 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA TRMM Campaigns May 2009 http___trmm.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2009 NASA TRMM Mission Status-Satellite May 2009.pdf

33S 2009 NASA TRMM Publications by Year Starting in 1987.pdf

33S 2009 NASA TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM Campaigns May 2009 http___trmm.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2010 AQUA MODIS Home Website May 13, 2010 Satellite Images.pdf

33S 2010 May 12, 2010 Oil Slick in Gulf of Mexico Satellite Terra Image.pdf

33S 2010 MODIS Satellite Website May 17, 2010 http___modis.gsfc.nasa.pdf

33S 2010 NASA Langley Satellite Imagery and Cloud Products Page May 18, 2010.pdf

33S 2010 NASA May 11, 2010 Hydrogen Sulphide Eruptions Along the Coast of Namibia Caused by Overfishing.pdf

33S 2010 NASA MISR Satellite Images of Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Video Clip Also May 18, 2010.pdf

33S 2010 NASA MODIS Global Fire Information FIRMS_ Daily Fire Alert System February 27, 2010.pdf

33S 2010 NASA MODIS Website May 12, 2010 Fires in Brazilian Amazon in Red Dots Satellite Image.pdf

33S 2010 NASA Open and Cosed Cell Clouds Over Pacific Ocean April 28, 2010 Satellite Image.pdf

33S 2010 NASA Phytoplankton Bloom in Bay of Biscay May 13, 2010 Satellite Image Modis.pdf

33S 2010 NASA Spaceweather Satellite Flybys International Editio May 23, 2010 http___simpleflybys.pdf

33S 2010 Picture of Ships Tracks or Persistent Jet Contrails=Questions for NASA Smithsonian CA February 23, 2010.pdf

33S NASA Spaceweather Rocket Trail Photograph Date Unknown Vandenburg Air Force Base.pdf

33S NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite UARS U.S. Global Change Research Program.pdf

33T 2008 NASA Hubble Telescope Picture November 13, 2008.pdf

33T 2008 NASA James Webb Space Telescope.pdf

33T 2008 NASA South Pole Telescope February 16, 2008.pdf

33T 2009 NASA September 8, 2009 http___science.nasa.gov_headlines-hubbleimages.pdf

33T 2009 NASA SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy Telescope November 19, 2009.pdf

33T 2009 NASA - Space Station Construction Visible in Backyard Telescopes March 17, 2009.pdf

33T 2010 Secret Space Plane Sighted in the Night Sky X37B U.S. Air Force Circlling Earth May 25, 2010.pdf

33T 2010 Secret Space Plane Sighted in the Night Sky X37B U.S. Air Force Circlling Earth May 25, 2010 Photograph.pdf

33U 1987 NASA JPL November 1987 Ozone Hole Enlargement Chlorine Based.pdf

33U 2004 NASA EOS 2004 Ozone Chapter_9.pdf

33U 2007 NASA March 15, 2007 Global Sunscreen Thinned-Aerosols=Global Cooling+Global Warming.pdf

33U 2008 NASA July 18, 2008 Short-Term Weather Infrared Radiation.pdf

33U NASA Chemcial Releases in the Upper Atmosphsere Project Firefly Summary Report.pdf

33U NASA News Ozone Standards Pose Health Risk-Scientists Report January 9, 2004.pdf

33U NASA Study Sheds Light on Ozone Hole Chemistry April 28, 1020.pdf

33VV 1999 NASA OCT 5, 1999 Spacecraft Provides First Direct Evidence Smoke in the Atmosphere Inhibits Rainfall.pdf

33V 1999 NASA OCT 5, 1999 Spacecraft Provides First Direct Evidence Smoke in the Atmosphere Inhibits Rainfall.pdf

33V 2004 NASA Clouds and Smoke - Smoke May Cause Cloud Supression July 17, 2004.pdf

33V 2005 NASA Ames Studies Cirrus Clouds + Jet Exhaust - Soot = Weather Modification.pdf

33V 2006 NASA July 13, 2006 Explains Puzzling Impact of Polluted Skies on Climate-Smoke.pdf

33V 2006 NASA Space Daily News February 19, 2006 Universe_Burns_Bright_With_X-Rays from Black Holes.pdf

33V 2007 NASA + Stanford Study January 22, 2007 Aerosol Pollution Slows Down Winds + Reduces Rainfall.pdf

33V 2009 NASA Studies Dust, Fire, Soot Inhibits Rainfall - What About Jet Contrails December 26, 2009.pdf

33V 2009 NASA Suppression - Precipitation Search August 25, 2009 Page 1.pdf

33V 2009 NASA Suppression - Precipitation Search August 25, 2009 Page 2.pdf

33V 2010 NASA Langley Science Directorate Atmospheric Chemistry-Biomass Burning Glossary April 24, 2010.pdf

33W 2001 NASA August 31, 2001 Satellite Sensor Field Experiments Aerosols Carbon Black-Soot Warming+Cooling.pdf

33W 2001 NASA Satellite Sensor and Field Experiment Carbon Black August 13, 2001.pdf

33W 2002 CRYSTAL FACE NASA 2002 Aircraft Contrails Water Vapor Temperature CRYSTAL Study 2002-2003.pdf

33W 2004 NASA Contrails Warm Climate Posted on NASA Website 2004.pdf

33W 2004 NASA One Type of Graphitic Carbon Black so Resilient it Skews Carbon Cycle Calculations JAN 22, 2004 .pdf

33W 2005 NASA News January 10, 2000 C?limate Change Impact Assessments Overlook Key Factors Land Use+Water Vapor.pdf

33W 2005 NASA News January 27, 2005 Immense Wintertime Pool of Pollution over Northern India.pdf

33W 2005 NASA News January 5, 2006 High Levels of Pollution in June 2005 Over Central Europe.pdf

33W 2005 NASA Research March 23, 2005 Black and White Soot on Ice-Carbon Black http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33W 2005 NASA Studies-Water Vapor January 25, 2005 Investigation of How Aircraft Can Avoid Creating Vapor Trails.pdf

33W 2008 NASA Atmospheric Water Vapor June 2008 Image Microwave Radiometer PIA10954.pdf

33W 2009 NASA News Dirty Snow from Soot Causes Early runoff in Cascades, Rockies JAN 12, 2009 Soot-Jets-Carbon Black.pdf

33X 2000 NASA News Spaceborne LASERS to Revolutionize Global Change Research January 10, 2000.pdf

33X 2005 NASA Stennis-U.S. Department of the Army Letter May 9, 2005 to Stennis Space Center.pdf

33X 2007 NASA Stennis Final Environmental Impact Assessment for the John C. Stennis Space Center May 2007 Important.pdf

33X 2007 NASA Stennis Space Center Public Comments J-2X Rocket Engine Testing May 1, 2007 FONSI2[1].pdf

33X 2008 NASA 2008 NYTimes Privatized Rocket Failed Taxpayers $.pdf

33X 2008 NASA 2008 NYTimes Privatized Rocket Failed Taxpayers $.pdf

33X 2008 NASA 2008 Space Shuttle Table of Contents.pdf

33X 2008 NASA Space Weather Fireball December 6, 2008 Test-Man-Made Questions.pdf

33X 2008 NASA Space Weather October 30, 2008 Colorado Fireball.pdf

33X 2008 NYTimes August 23, 2008 NASA Destroys Expensive Rocket Hazards.pdf

33X 2008 NYTimes December 30, 2008 Fund NASA to Mars+Moon or Health Care.pdf

33X 2009 NASA 2009 Fireball or Satellite Debris - Many Questions Texas-Kentucky.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Alert February 10, 2009 American+Russian Satellite Collide Toxic Explosion.pdf

33X 2009 NASA April 29, 2009 Fears Space Junk Could Destroy Shuttle on Hubble Mission Orlando Sentinel News.pdf

33X 2009 NASA - Ares Superchute March 13, 2009 U.S. Air Force Test Pilots Project.pdf

33X 2009 NASA February 10, 2009 Satellites Collide in Space Russian+American.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Giant Rocket of the Future January 14, 2009 - Pollution Problems Increasing.pdf

33X 2009 NASA February 10, 2009 Space Satellites Collide Toxic Explosion-Note US Air Force.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Giant Rocket of the Future January 14, 2009 - Pollution Problems Increasing.pdf

33X 2009 NASA January 15, 2009 New Rocket Fuel-Pollution Questions.pdf

33X 2009 NASA January 15, 2009 New Rocket Fuel-Pollution Questions.pdf

33X 2009 NASA March 18, 2009 SpaceWeather.pdf

33X 2009 NASA May 26, 2009 Space Station Flares - Experiments Questions.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Septebmer 21, 2009 LCROSS Spacecraft will Smash into Moon October 9, 2009.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Spaceweather - Trident Rocket Left - Norway Picture Right December 9, 2009 Questions PHPSES.pdf

33X 2009 NASA Space Station Viewing Window June 2009.pdf

33X 2010 Double Flyby Alert Space Shuttle Atlantis May 23, 2010 Returns to Earth-Experiments Questions.pdf

33X 2010 NASA April 5, 2010 Space Shuttle Discovery Left Earth from Florida http___spaceweather Photograph.pdf

33X 2010 NASA ARES I Rocket Testing Schedule Accelerates While Obama Tries to Cut $$$Costly Program NYTimes May 16, 2010.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Funding byTaxpayers Private Entrepreneurs New Space Race NYTimes June 7, 2010 NASA Contracts Expected in Future for Private Corporations.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Rare Shuttle Re-Entry April 19, 2010 - Another Experiment Over U.S. Questions.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 14, 2010 Midwestern Fireball Explosion-Note Contrails.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 14, 2010 Midwestern Fireball Explosion - Note Jet Contrails.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Bradenton, Florida Discovery Space Shuttle Launch.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Discovery Shuttle Launch Photograph Leesburg Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Discovery Shuttle Launch Photograph Saint Cloud Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Discovery Space Shuttle Photographs Hudson Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Florida Photograph of Discovery Shuttle After Launch.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Launch Space Shuttle Discovery Photographs Ellenton Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Leesburg, Florida Photograph of Shuttle After Launch.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Photographs Space Shuttle Discovery Gainesville Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Photographs Space Shuttle Discovery Oviedo Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Photograph After Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery Clearwater Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Photograph After Space Shuttle Discovery Launch from Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Space Shuttle Discovery from Spring Hill, Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Space Shuttle Discovery Launch.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Space Shuttle Discovery Photograph NASA Causeway Titusville, Florida.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather April 5, 2010 Space Shuttle Discovery Shuttle Clouds at Launch.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Spaceweather Shuttle Cloud from Discovery April 5, 2010 http___spaceweather.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Space Shuttle Lifts Off Heading for Space Station April 5, 2010 NYTimes Photographs.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Space Weather April 19, 2010 Rare Shuttle Re-entry over the Continental USA.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 3 March 2010 Stennis AJ26 Rocket Engine Tests-Early Preparations.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 4 April 2010 Stennis AJ26 Rocket Engine Land Aquisition in Mississippi.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 5 May 2010 Stennis AJ26 Rocket Test Preparations.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 6 June 2010 Stennis Prepares AJ26 Rocket Engine Test Site.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 7 July 2010 Stennis Preparing for AJ26 Rocket Engine Testing.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 8 August 2010 Stennis AJ26 Rocket Test Preparations Underway.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 9 September 2010 Stennis Opens New Historical Records Facility.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 10 October 2010 Stennis LOX AJ26 Rocket Test Preparations.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 12 December 2010 Stennis Test Fires AJ26 Rocket Engine NOV 10, 2010.pdf

33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center News December 17, 2011 Commercial Roket Engine Testing AJ26 Liquid-Fuel Engine.pdf

33X 2011 NASA NIX Website Home Page May 10, 2011 NASA Image Exchange NIX.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Press Release Stennis Space Center March 31, 2011 J-2X Rocket Engine Testing Summer 2011.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Rocket Propulsion Testing U.S. Map Locations of Test Sites-Development Centers May, 10, 2011 http___rockettest.nasa.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Environmental Assurance Program Participants Website May 10, 2011 http___www.ssc.nasa.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Environmetnal Assurance Program Website May 10, 2011 General Information.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Historical Information Website May 10, 2011 428016main_FS-2010-02-00087-SSC.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 6, Issue 1 January 2011.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 6, Issue 2 February 2011.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 6, Issue 3 March 2011.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 6, Issue 4 April 2011.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Propulsion Testing Information Website May 10, 2011 511436main_FS-2011-01-00102-SSC.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center Website May 10, 2011 Fascinating Area+Video Map+Project Office.pdf

33X 2011 NASA Stennis Space Center-FEMA Map of Area in Mississippi Appendix%20A_Attachment%202[1].pdf

33X 2011 Stennis Pace Center News Release CLT-11-041 April 14, 2011 A-# Test Stand Construction.pdf

33Y 1996 NASA News Archives 1996 Space Science Headlines.pdf

33Y 1997 NASA Science Archive News 1997.pdf

33Y 1998 NASA News Archives 1998 Space Science Headlines.pdf

33Y 1999 NASA 1999 Headline Archive + News NASA_archive.pdf

33Y 1999 NASA Science Archives 1999.pdf

33Y 2000 NASA Science Archives 2000.pdf

33Y 2001 NASA Science Archives 2001.pdf

33Y 2002 NASA Science 2002 News Headline Archive.pdf

33Y 2003 NASA 2003 Headlines mhtml_mid___00000169_.pdf

33Y 2003 NASA Science Archive 2003.pdf

33Y 2003 NASA - Space Weather+Auroras+Sunspots June 29, 2003 http___www.sunspotcycle.pdf

33Y 2004 NASA Science Archive 2004.pdf

33Y 2005 NASA Science Archives 2005.pdf

33Y 2006 NASA Science Archives 2006.pdf

33Y 2007 NASA News, Briefs, Features 2007 http___www.giss.nasa.pdf

33Y 2007 NASA Science Archives 2007.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Biggest Full Moon of the Year December 9, 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Doomed Spacecraft to fly over US and Europe September 18, 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Gamma-Ray Bursts October 16, 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA July 11, 2008 The Sun Solar Minimums.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Missing Gamma Ray Bursts October 22, 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA October 17, 2008 Pulsar Blinks in Pure Gamma Rays.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Science Archives 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Solar Flares December 15, 2008.pdf

33Y 2008 NASA Space Weather April 27, 2008 A Strange Little Solar Flare.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA January 24, 2009 Borneo Solar Eclipse + Fireball Sighting.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA New Mission Study Moon Then Pollute It - October 23, 2009.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA Science News Headline New Solar Cycle Prediction May 20, 2009.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA Space Science August 10, 2009.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA Space Weather February 14, 2009 Spy Satellite Sightings.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA Space Weather The Heliosphere October 15, 2009 Protests Earth.pdf

33Y 2009 NASA Sunspots September 3, 2009 Theories.pdf

33Y 2009 Solar Arrays Space Station NASA March 22, 2009 SpaceWeather.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA March 31, 2010 Sunsets with Mercury+Venus April Event.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 1.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 2.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 3.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 4.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 6.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Science News May 18, 2010 http___science.nasa Page 7.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Spaceweather Bright Sungrazing Comet January 21, 2010.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA SpaceWeather June 13, 2010 Website Solar Flares-Fireball Alert http___spaceweather.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Spaceweather May 23, 2010 Note Photographs http___spaceweather.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Spaceweather Solar Blast to Hit Earth May 27, 2010 from Sun http___spaceweather.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA SpaceWeather Solar Flares and Radio Bursts June 12, 2010.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Space Weather March 12, 2010 Sunspot Cycles-Solar Minimums.pdf

33Y 2010 NASA Sundog Destruction with Shock Waves from SDO Atlas V Rocket February 18, 2010.pdf

33Z 2001 No Comment Pros and Contrails August 15, 2001 Nature Magazine.pdf

33Z 2002 No Comment NASA Columbia Accident 2002 Information index.1.pdf

33Z 2006 NASA 60 Minutes Climate Change + Warming March 19, 2006.pdf

33Z 2006 NASA Scientist Hansen Silenced by Bush January 29, 2006 Page 1.pdf

33Z 2006 NASA Scientist Hansen Silenced by Bush January 29, 2006 Page 2.pdf

33Z 2008 No Comment NASA New York Times June 3, 2008 Criticized Climate Reports.pdf

33Z 2008 No Comment NASA NYTimes Sept 26, 2008 Buying Seats on Russian Space Vehicles.pdf

33Z 2009 Air Supply Problems-Earth Springs Leak Interview -Atmosphere-Hans Nilsson Discovery News 2009.pdf

33Z 2009 NASA Climate One Stop Website December 11, 2009 One-sided Research-Many Questions About Valid Data.pdf

33Z 2009 NASA Space Weather Sunspots-Solar Winds June 17, 2009.pdf

33Z 2009 No Comment NASA Project Blue Beam 2009.pdf



Link to NASA's 'admission' of rain clouds produced by these tests:

NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News February 7, 2011
AJ26 Engine Test

NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News January 2011   
AJ26 Engine Test (December 17, 2011)

NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News December 2010
33X 2010 NASA Stennis Space Center Lagniappe News Volume 5 Issue 12 December 2010 Stennis Test Fires AJ26 Rocket Engine NOV 10, 2010.pdf

NASA:  Stennis Space Center

There are several of these "Rocket Propusion Testing Centers" throughout the U.S. Check out this clickable map:

NASA Spaceweather Website:  To investigate, French astrophotographer Thierry Legault used his satellite-tracking telescope to photograph Lacrosse 5 as it sailed 490 miles above Paris on Jan. 15, 2012, and he caught the spysat in the act of disappearing:

Lacrosse 5 spy satellite and its "disappearance trick", taken from France on January 15th 2012. Distance: 787 km. More details on

This video of Lacrosse 5 has been taken from the area of Paris on January 15th 2012 at 17:28 UTC. Distance to observer: 787 km (490 miles). Angular speed at culmination: 0.53°/s. The video is shown in original acquisiton scale and is accelerated two times with regard to real time. The image  below is a combination of 100 raw images and is enlarged by 200%.

During the passage, the brightness of the satellite decreases by 10 times in 4 seconds (a loss of 2.5 magnitude), and after 33 seconds regains its original level in about 6 seconds. This satellite often shows this very singular behaviour (sudden loss of brightness can affect a tumbling satellite, but this is not the case here), even the other Lacrosse satellites do not share it. It is called by the observers (especially Marco Langbroek) the "disappearance trick". Its cause, as well as the precise shape of the satellite, remain unknown.  Copyright: Thierry Legault & Emmanuel Rietsch

NASA Science News Video & Article on Noctilucent Clouds:  ScienceCasts:  Meteor Smoke Makes Strange Clouds  "...A key ingredient of Earth's strangest clouds does not come from Earth. New data from NASA's AIM spacecraft proves that "meteor smoke" is essential to the formation of noctilucent clouds..."
August 2, 2012

(Skywatch Note:  NASA, in conjunction with the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, has been conducting Atmospheric Experiments for Years-Could This Type of Information be Hiding Their Atmospheric Experiments?)
See U.S. Navy NRL Study - July 6, 2005 News:

NASA - February 19, 2003 Article & Podcast:
U.S. Navy / NASA Atmospheric Experiment September 19, 2009: