In Memory of My Friends TB - June 2014 & JEH – July 2009
A Celebration of the Life of Todd Blackmon
June 2014
Todd & Cindy Blackmon became good friends of mine many years ago. We met via E-Mails because of our mutual interests and we have continued to be friends all of these years.
Todd loved music and we formed a partnership making our music video (that he wrote and performed, along with the voice narrative), and a power point presentation among other projects. He had such patience for me...a novice computer user. Both Cindy and Todd came and stayed here while he rebuilt a computer that had been giving me fits for years. Todd's computer genius was amazing.
Todd and Cindy had formed a long-lasting partnership over the years enriching the lives of each other. In June 2014, Todd passed away and left our lives...but his memory, dedication, his support, and generous help over the years will never be forgotten. I treasured their friendship in so many ways...and their extreme kindness to me.
I will miss not being able to send an emergency E-Mail needing help and having him come to my rescue by teaching me something I didn't know about computers, programs or helping with a project of mine. I am grateful to both of them for enriching my life.
We find friends in so many places and our blessed with knowing them. Cindy and I will always remain good friends now and in the future because Todd sent an E-Mail to me so many years ago.
For Cindy - A quote from two of my favorite poems by author and artist Robert Sexton
"...And we shall walk through all our days with love remembered..."
"...If ever I must sail from you,
Remember heart remains...for no one else can tend it so dearly.
You are my Harbor...You are my Home..."
A Music Celebration of His Life
"It is the joy of music that inspires, lifts our spirits, enriches our world, and brings hope and laughter to our lives."
He is deeply missed by his friends and family... |
Bring a musical "SMILE" to someone you care about with this musical celebration of his life.
Jim Harris - When you wish upon a star
Jim Harris DVD Video Collection a 3 DVD Set featuring my friend, Jim Harris, in a Unique Collection of Original Videos covering All Musical Genres - Including Classical, Jazz, Popular Music and Theatre Organ. Jim Harris - Audio CD Collection in 2 Disk Set comprising 32 tracks covering Classical, Hammond, Jazz, Popular Music and Theatre Organ. For full details: or