185 1 2009 Pollution Causing Cancer in Animals August 3, 2009 Earth 911.com.pdf
185A 2010 BLM Threatened or Endangered California Wildlife March 18, 2010 Seasrch.pdf
185BZ 2010 Independent Nature News March 11, 2010 Intrigue Soars as 75 Starlings Fall Out of Sky.pdf
185B 2005 Bird News 2000-2005.pdf
185B 2006 Bird Declines January 30, 2006 West Coast Bird Die-Off.pdf
185B 2006 Bird Declines January 30, 2006 West Coast Bird Die-Off Weather Questions.pdf
185B 2006 Bird Declines January 30, 2006 West Coast Bird Die-Off Weather Related.pdf
185B 2006 Bird Decline July 4, 2006 S.F. Chronicle by Kay.pdf
185B 2007 Australia 2007 Esperance, WA Mass Bird Death Mirrors U.S.pdf
185B 2007 Birds Missing Millions NY Times June 19, 2007.pdf
185B 2007 Bird Count Report 2007 Audubon.pdf
185B 2007 Bird Decline Meadow Birds June 15, 2007.pdf
185B 2007 Bird Decline Summer 2007 Audubon Wake Up Call.pdf
185B 2008 Birds Mercury Bald Eagles New York November 24, 2008 NYTimes.pdf
185B 2008 Bird Species Plummet July 11, 2008 S.F. Chronicle Lochhead.pdf
185B 2009 Birds Audubon 2009 State of the Birds http___www.audubon.pdf
185B 2009 Birds in Decline 2009 Audubon Society.pdf
185B 2009 Birds in Decline Audubon Society 2009.pdf
185B 2009 Bird Decline Cats & Rabbit Population Problems-Solutions CBS News January 13, 2009.pdf
185B 2009 Bird Decline New Zealand Fights To Save The Kiwi - CBS News December 24, 2009.pdf
185B 2009 Bird Decline State of the Birds - The 2009 Report.pdf
185B 2009 Bird Decline Survey One-Third of U.S. Bird Species Endangered 2009 NYTimes.pdf
185B 2009 Bird Decline U.S. Report Released March 20, 2009 CBS News.pdf
185B 2009 Pelicans Fall Out of Sky Along Pacific-Seattle Times January 7, 2009.pdf
185B 2010 Life and Death for the Red Tail Hawks in New York City NYTimes May 2, 2010.pdf
185B 2010 NYTimes march 5, 2010 No Endnagered Status for Plains Bird-Interior Secretary Salazar.pdf
185D 2005 Yosemite Animals LA Times December 6, 2005.pdf
185D 2010 Musk Ox Population Decline March 8, 2010 Eberly College of Science.pdf
185E 2007 Animal Extinction April 2007 The Independent.pdf
185FZ 2005 Fish Decline Pacific 2005.pdf
185FZ 2008 Fish NOAA 2004 Fish Deaths in 2008 from Rewriting of Water Facts Bush Administration.pdf
185F 1983 Aluminum Oxide Fish Kills STS Launches U.S. Air Force Studies January 1983 Abstract.pdf
185F 2004 NOAA 2004 Fish Deaths in 2008 from Rewriting of Water Facts Bush Administration.pdf
185F 2005 Drought Fish Death 2005.pdf
185F 2005 Fish Declining Populations 2005 Fish & Wildlife Service.pdf
185F 2005 Fish Number in Pacific Ocean Plummet 2005.pdf
185F 2006 California Fish Decline Delta January 3, 2006 UC Davis Study.pdf
185F 2006 Fish Decline Delta January 3, 2006 UC Davis Study.pdf
185F 2006 Fish Decline Delta January 3, 2006 UC Davis Study Chemicals.pdf
185F 2006 Fish Deep Sea Critical Declines January 4, 2006.pdf
185F 2006 Frog Decline Pesticides 2006.pdf
185F 2008 Chinook Salmon November 4, 2008 CA Weighs 85 Pounds-See Photographs Redding.com.pdf
185F 2008 Fish Aug 25, 2008 CNN Nuclear Plants Kills Fish New York.pdf
185F 2008 Fish Mercury in Fish NYTimes December 23, 2008 EPA-USDA Debate.pdf
185F 2008 Fish NYTimes Sept 19, 2008 Private Ownership Marine Fisheries.pdf
185F 2008 Fish NYTimes Sept 19, 2008 Private Ownership Marine Fisheries-Problems.pdf
185F 2008 Fish or Gold Alaska NYTimes August 23, 2008 Pacific Salmon.pdf
185F 2008 Fish Stocks Declining-Over Fishing January 2008 Telegraph UK.pdf
185F 2008 Ocean Dead Zones Map August 15, 2008 Scientific American Magazine.pdf
185F 2009 Dead Fish Cape Cod Online News July 23, 2009 Lots of Problems.pdf
185F 2009 Fisheries to be Privatized NOAA April 9, 2009 Not a Good Idea NYTimes April 9, 2009.pdf
185F 2009 Fisherman Alaska Still Dealing with EXXON Oil Spill April 2009.pdf
185F 2009 Fishermen Fish Registry NYTimes June 29, 2009.pdf
185F 2009 Fishing Industry Deal - California June 5, 2009 Telegraph UK.pdf
185F 2009 Fishing Quotas Not Working EU June 2009 Telegraph UK.pdf
185F 2009 Fishing Redefined-Loss of Fish NYTimes May 31, 2009.pdf
185F 2009 Fish Farming in Federal Waters OK with NOAA-Rules September 4, 2009 Disastrous Plan.pdf
185F 2009 Fish May be Killed by Man-Made Sounds March 2009 Clips.pdf
185F 2010 Florida Seafood Becomes Less Local-Imported Without Labeling March 30, 2010 NYTimes.pdf
185F 2010 Science Daily News January 28, 2010 Deadly Fish Virus Now Found in All Great Lakes.pdf
185G 2008 Geoengineering Animals Wired Science July 17, 2008 Frogs.pdf
185G 2009 Genetically Modified Mice June 5, 2009 NYTimes Threatens Wild Mice.pdf
185HZ 2009 No Comment NYTimes April 20, 2009 Hungarian Horse Overdose.pdf
185H 2008 Mustangs Sterilized New BLM Plan Unacceptable NYTimes November 19, 2008.pdf
185H 2009 Horse Racing - Out of the Gate - the Ugly Secret NYTimes Editorial December 27, 2009.pdf
185H 2009 NYTimes April 20, 2009 Wild Horses Controversy Continues BLM.pdf
185H 2010 26 Mustang Deaths 26 in Nevada Mustang Wild Horse Roundup January 29, 2010.pdf
185H 2010 Mustangs Bureau of Land Management November 17, 2008.pdf
185H 2010 Mustangs MSNBC News February 3, 2010.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses BLM January 31, 2010.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses+Burros Redlands, CA More Available for Adoption BLM March 2010.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Roundup Again by BLM February 2, 2010 ABC News Page 1.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Roundup Again by BLM February 2, 2010 ABC News Page 2.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Roundup Again by BLM February 2, 2010 ABC News Page 3.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Roundup Again by BLM February 2, 2010 ABC News Page 4.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Roundup Again by BLM February 2, 2010 ABC News Page 5.pdf
185H 2010 Wild Horses Taken Off Open Ranges-Some Adopted BLM News Bytes March 2010.pdf
185I 2002 Frog Decline 2002 California.pdf
185I 2002 Frog Decline 2006 High Country News.pdf
185I 2002 Frog Losses Juy 4, 2002 S.F. Chronicle.pdf
185I 2006 Frog Decline Pesticides 2006.pdf
185I 2008 Frog Decline NYTimes March 25, 2008.pdf
185I 2010 Frog Decline EurekAlert March 10, 2010 USDA Sierra Nevada + Other Areas.pdf
185I 2010 Toads Anticipate Earthquakes LiveScience March 30, 2010.pdf
185J 2008 Elephants NYTimes August 15, 2008 Man's Inhumanity to Animals.pdf
185K 2009 Pollution Causing Cancer in Animals August 3, 2009 Earth 911.com.pdf
185L 2010 To Help Jaguars Survive Ease Their Commute NYTimes May 11, 2010 Page 1.pdf
185L 2010 To Help Jaguars Survive Ease Their Commute NYTimes May 11, 2010 Page 2.pdf
185Q 2002 WHO State of Science Endocrine Disruptors Chapter 4 Wildlife 2002.pdf
185R 2000 Butterfly Decline Linked to Genetically Modified Corn August 22, 2000.pdf
185R 2006 Honey Bees and other Pollinators October 18, 2006 News NAS.pdf
185R 2007 Honey Bees Dying NYTimes July 17, 2007.pdf
185R 2007 Honey Bees Vanishing Mystify Scientists April 22, 2007 CNN.pdf
185R 2007 Wild Honey Bees November 10, 2007 Native Bees NCBI Abstract.pdf
185R 2008 Bats Perish NYTimes March 25, 2008 Page 1 Bats are Pollinators.pdf
185R 2008 Bats Perish NYTimes March 25, 2008 Page 2 Bats are Pollinators.pdf
185R 2008 Bat Decline November 4, 2008 U.S. Geological Survey Health NYTimes-Fungus.pdf
185R 2008 Bat Disease Fungus NYTimes November 4, 2008 Solution Questions.pdf
185R 2008 Bat Fatalities Wind Turbines Significant 2008 Current.pdf
185R 2008 Bumblebees 2008 Decline + Conservation NCBI Abstract Search.pdf
185R 2008 Bumblebees + Wild Pollinators July 2008 NCBI Abstract.pdf
185R 2008 Butterflies Corn Genetically Engineered Linked to Butterfly Deaths August 22, 2000.pdf
185R 2008 Honey Bees UK August 2008 One in 3 Did Not Survive Winter.pdf
185R 2008 Honey Bee and Pollinators-Declines National Academies Press 2008 Abstract.pdf
185R 2008 Honey Bee Decline HESE Project 2008 Electromagnetic Fields - Link Questions.pdf
185R 2008 Honey Bee Decline The Indepentent September 7, 2008 Electronic Smog+Sparrows.pdf
185R 2008 Honey Bee National Geographic 2008.pdf
185R 2008 Honey & Bumble Bees NASA Ultraviolet Radiation 2008.pdf
185R 2008 Monarch Butterfly Photograph SDNews April 5, 2008 Credit iStockphoto Willie Manalo.pdf
185R 2008 Washington Post August 7, 2008 Signs of Decline-First Honey Bees Now Bumblebees.pdf
185R 2009 BAT Decline+Death Forest Services Closing Caves NYTimes May 3, 2009.pdf
185R 2009 Bat Decline June 12, 2009 Unknown Cause-Dying by Millions.pdf
185R 2009 Bat Decline March 26, 2008 BBC News Mystery Illness.pdf
185R 2009 Bat Decline=More Mosquitos + Flies August 4, 2009 NYTimes - Note Bats are Pollinators.pdf
185R 2009 BUMBLEBEES April 30, 2009 Natural History Museum.pdf
185R 2009 BUMBLEBEES Britain Declines April 30, 2009.pdf
185R 2009 Bumblebee Decline BBC U.K. June 27, 2008-McKenzier.pdf
185R 2009 Honey Bees April 2009 BBC iPlayer - Who Killed the Honey Bee_.pdf
185R 2009 Honey Bees Scientific American April 2009 Buzz on Bees.pdf
185R 2009 Honey Bee Study Kerala, India CCD Link Possible September 2009 Mobile Microwaves.pdf
185R 2009 National Geographic International Rescue Planned for Englilsh Bumblebee June 3, 2009.pdf
185R 2010 Ants U.S. Forest Service Ant Pollination March 2010.pdf
185R 2010 Bats U.S. Forest Service March 2010 Bat Pollination .pdf
185R 2010 Seattle Times Disease Dooming Native Bumblebees January 13, 2010.pdf
185R 2010 U.S. Honey Bee Deaths Increase Again in 2010 - Articles+Links.pdf
185R 2010 Vancouver Island Honey Bee Crisis 90 Per Cent of the Colonies Wiped Out March 8, 2010.pdf
185S 2009 Nature Reports July 9, 2009 Shrinking Sheep - Why Less Grass Feed.pdf
185W 1992 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Tree Pollinator Decline Flying Foxes 1992 Abstract.pdf
185X 2003 Wildlife Climate Change 2003 BBC.pdf
185Y 2009 Beavers Great Builders NYTimes June 6, 2009.pdf
185Z 2003 Wildlife Climate Change 2003 BBC.pdf
Adult Female Borneo Rainbow Toad Photograph-Found in Asia NYTimes July 15, 2011
Elephants Uneasy Truce Between Maasai & Nature - From David McKenzie, CNN June 15, 2011 12:57 p.m. EDT
"...Maasailand, Kenya (CNN) -- For tourists visiting Kenya, elephants represent the majesty of nature -- but for those living on the land the animals are often seen as pests.
At the foot of Chyulu Hills in Kenya, an area famous for its wildlife and the Maasai people that call it home, getting the balance right between the two has always been a delicate task. As more people farm in the region the strain on wildlife increases.
Around 80% of Africa's elephants live outside of protected parks in the wild. One conservation group has turned to local communities in an attempt to find solutions to everyday problems so man and beast can live peacefully..."
*Hunting Wolves, Saving Wolves PBS NOW Video February 26, 2010
"...Last year the Obama Administration removed federal protection from some of the wolves that had been restored to the northern Rockies under the Endangered Species Act. The move paved the way for controversial state-regulated wolf hunts. Wolf advocates strongly oppose the administrations decision saying the three states in the region, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming need a cohesive management plan that allows for a much larger wolf population. "It was very disappointing when Secretary Salazar in the Obama Administration, signed off on this rushed-through Bush administration delisting package for wolves," said Doug Honnold, a lawyer with Earthjustice, who is representing conservation groups challenging the government's decision.
The return of the gray wolf to the northern Rockies is considered to be the most successful wildlife reintroduction project in the history of the 27 year old Endangered Species Act. In 1995 and 1996, 66 gray wolves we relocated from Canada to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho. Today there are more than 1,600 wolves in the region. For its part the federal government says that just 300 wolves are needed for legitimate recovery in the region. "Wolves are back and there's plenty of them in plenty of places. They're never really going anywhere," said Ed Bangs, the Northern Rockies Wolf Recovery Coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
More than a dozen conversation groups have sued the Interior Department to return federal protection to the northern Rockies wolves. Some believe the result of this legal debate is a litmus test for the Obama Administration's overall approach to wildlife issues and the Endangered Species Act./ Correction: Our report incorrectly stated Wyoming will manage for a maximum of 150 wolves. The current Wyoming wolf management plan states they will manage for a least 150 wolves./.."
MSNBC News Report - November 10, 2011 (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45236688/ns/world_news-world_environment/#)
GENEVA — The Western Black Rhino of Africa was declared officially extinct Thursday by a leading conservation group.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature said that two other subspecies of rhinoceros were close to meeting the same fate.
The Northern White Rhino of central Africa is now "possibly extinct" in the wild and the Javan Rhino "probably extinct" in Vietnam, after poachers killed the last animal there in 2010. A small but declining population survives on the Indonesian island of Java.
IUCN said Thursday that a quarter of all mammals are at risk of extinction, according to its updated Red List of endangered species.
'Stewards of the Earth'
But the group added that species such as the Southern White Rhino and the Przewalski's Horse have been brought back from the brink with successful conservation programs. "Human beings are stewards of the Earth and we are responsible for protecting the species that share our environment," said Simon Stuart, chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission.
"In the case of both the Western Black Rhino and the Northern White Rhino, the situation could have had very different results if the suggested conservation measures had been implemented," he added. "These measures must be strengthened now, specifically managing habitats in order to improve breeding performance, preventing other rhinos from fading into extinction."
Rhinos get upside-down helicopter ride to safety
The WWF environmental campaign group last month said that the Javan Rhino found dead in Vietnam in 2010 was the country's last, rendering the species all but the extinct. Genetic analysis of 22 dung samples collected in Vietnam's Cat Tien National Park from 2009 to 2010 affirmed that the animal, found dead with a bullet in its leg and its horn removed in April 2010, was the final wild rhino in Vietnam.
Rhinoceros horns are a coveted ingredient in traditional Eastern medicine and rumored to cure or fend off cancer, although scientists say there is no evidence to support the claim. WWF said the Javan Rhino was believed to be extinct from mainland Asia until 1988 when one was hunted from the Cat Tien area, leading to the discovery of a small population. The IUCN did note that some species have been brought back from the brink with successful conservation programs.
The Southern White Rhino numbered just 100 animals at the end of the 19th century, but has since flourished and now has a population of over 20,000. The Przewalski's Horse, a type of wild horse from Central Asia, has come back from extinction after a successful breeding program in captivity. The Red List now contains almost 62,000 species of plants and animals, whose status is constantly monitored by conservationists.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
NYTimes March 25, 2012
Mangled Horses, Maimed Jockeys
The new economics of horse racing are making an always-dangerous game even more so, as lax oversight puts animal and rider at risk. New York Times Special Investigative Report
MARYSVILLE (CBS13) – May 4, 2012 Sacramento News May 4, 2012 "...Ellis Lake is normally a peaceful setting for the Tarpelle family in the tiny town of Marysville. “I like to watch the lake and feed the ducks,” said Owen Tarpelle. However, since the weekend the ducks they’ve grown to love are dwindling in population at the lake. Their bodies were found floating in the water, washed ashore and disrupting people enjoying the scenery. Fish and Game counts about 30 dead ducks and dead fish. “It’s a mystery so far,” said Sgt. Christian Sachs of the Marysville Police Department...“...There’s just been a lot of dead ducks and actually a lot of dead fish,” said Marysville citizen Alex Gowin. “Just like really big fish, just like floating on top of the water.”
View more videos at: http://nbcphiladelphia.com.
August 14, 2012 – NBC 10 News Article & Video
Dozens of Dead Birds Fall From the Sky in NJ
Officials Say Birds Found by Millville Residents were Killed on Purpose & Legally
By Dan Stamm
| Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 | Updated 8:34 PM EDT
NBC10 Philadelphia - Ted Greenberg
"...Residents along Peach Drive in Millville, N.J. found at least 80 birds dead on the ground Tuesday morning. Officials told NBC10's Ted Greenberg that they believe the birds were killed on purpose and legally by a nearby farmer.
Residents in a Cumberland County community were left wondering Tuesday morning what caused dozens of birds to drop dead from the sky. Residents along Peach Drive in Millville found at least 80 birds -- mostly red-winged blackbirds -- on the ground dead having fallen from trees and the sky. One neighbor even said he saw the birds falling out of the air..."They’d get up and try and fly and they were out of control so they’d crash and fall again," said resident Jim Sinclair. "It was just strange."
"...The Cumberland County Public Information Officer released a press release on Tuesday claiming it wasn't something environmental that killed the birds but rather something they ate -- a granular pesticide put down legally by nearby Ingraldi Farms.
He stated the following in the release:
The Department of Health reports that Monday evening Ingraldi Farms applied a granular pesticide intended and approved to cull birds, causing an unusually high volume of dead birds in the area of Ingraldi Farms and Whitemarsh Estates in Millville.
The material used; Avitrol Double Strength Corn Chops (EPA reg. # 11649-5) is approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and intended to be used for bird control for Blackbirds, Brewer's Blackbirds, Cowbirds, Grackles, Red Winged Black Birds, Rusty Blackbird, Starlings, and Yellow-headed Blackbirds.
In the past, Ingraldi Farms has also used Avian Control (EPA reg. # 33162-1) a ready to use liquid repellent intended to be used for bird control for Geese, Gull, Pigeon, Crows, Starlings, House Sparrows, Blackbirds, Grackles, and House finches.
Ingraldi Farms is licensed through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to apply pesticides on their farms and has been working with the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife to alleviate the crop damage done by large flocks of birds. Remedies include auditory shock, hunting, and pesticides. Ingraldi Farms has estimated a crop loss of $15,000 so far, due to the birds eating their crops.
Bird specimens have been collected and are being sent to the NJ-Department of Environmental Protection Laboratory for testing.
"Preliminary investigation gives us the impression that.. he had problems with birds," said county spokesman Troy Ferus. "He applied for and got a permit for a product that kills birds and that’s what it seems to have been effective at doing."
No one at Ingraldi Farms would talk to NBC10's Ted Greenberg when he went there for comment.
Officials say the dead birds are not toxic but that any member of the public that encounters a dead bird should use gloves when picking it up and wash their hands thoroughly after handling and disposing of it in the trash.
But they put out a call to residents Tuesday afternoon that urged residents to remain inside "due to an odor and the death of several birds in the area."
Recently bird kills have happened in various locations around the world -- possibly none more famous than the New Year’s Eve death of hundreds of blackbirds in Arkansas..."
"Elephants Dying in Epic Frenzy as Ivory Fuels Wars and Profits" New York Times - September 3, 2012
"...Africa is in the midst of an epic elephant slaughter. Conservation groups say poachers are wiping out tens of thousands of elephants a year, more than at any time in the previous two decades, with the underground ivory trade becoming increasingly militarized. Like blood diamonds from Sierra Leone or plundered minerals from Congo, ivory, it seems, is the latest conflict resource in Africa, dragged out of remote battle zones, easily converted into cash and now fueling conflicts across the continent..."
New York Times News Video on the $50.00 Bounty on Coyote Hunting in Utah. More than 5,000 Coyotes have been Killed and the bounty will decimate more of them. March 22, 2013
Nature Program: "Owl Power"
Aired on PBS: 02/18/2015
"...For centuries, owls have captured our imaginations. With their haunting calls and charismatic faces, these birds remain popular but mysterious because it’s rare to catch more than a glimpse of one in the wild. Unlike their cousins, the hawks, eagles and falcons, owls are the only bird of prey to hunt effectively at night and they have evolved a range of special abilities that allow them to do so..."
Nature PBS Program: "Leave it to Beavers"
Aired: 05/14/2014
"...The beaver, more than any other animal, is responsible for creating fertile landscapes across North America, but it hasn’t gotten much recognition for that accomplishment until now. A growing number of scientists, conservationists and grass-roots environmentalists have come to regard beavers as overlooked tools in reversing the effects of global warming and world-wide water shortages..."