Nuclear Issues
Welcome to the Nuclear Power Section of the Agriculture Defense Coalition Website
If you click on the link below you will find videos and other information about the Japan Nuclear Crisis that occurred on March 11, 2011. Japan Disaster 2011
The Documents, Reports, Articles, Videos, and other information you will find on this Nuclear Section Relates to Vital Issues that may impact everyone in the United States. President Obama and U.S. Energy Secretary Chu have placed $34Billion in their new budget to fund a nuclear power revival in the United States. You will find a copy of this map with the proposed plants below. In addition, the money to fund this nuclear power revival will be funded by U.S. taxpayers.
U.S. Energy Secretary Chu made a deal to bring nuclear waste here from Italy and is working on agreements for other countries to ship their waste here for reprocessing in Idaho or Texas, and then, because it is still dangerous, to be stored in the U.S. at taxpayer expense. This information is located on the U.S. Energy Department website. The question is whether the U.S. should become a nuclear waste dump for other countries.
THE U.S. HAS BROUGHT OVER 5,000 LBS OF PLUTONIUM FROM CHILE & OTHER COUNTRIES INTO THE U.S. FOR PROCESSING & PERMANENT STORAGE (Where will this waste be safely processed and stored for generations? Will these materials be used to upgrade our own nuclear arsenal or will this material be used in our nuclear power plant revitalization or sold to other countries by the U.S. for their nuclear power plants or arsenals?)
United States New World Role: Nuclear Waste Dump
Unites States Promotes Nuclear Power Revitalization at Taxpayer Expense - 2011 Budget = $34Billion Read
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Map of Proposed New Nuclear Power Plants if President Obama's New Budget is passed giving the U.S. Department of Energy $34Billion in taxpayer funding to revitalize the U.S. Nuclear Industry. Note that the one slated for construction near an Earthquake Fault in Fresno, California, is not listed): Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 24, 2011 by the U.S. NRC Website for more information:
General Nuclear Power Plant Information
It should be noted that Nuclear Power Plants in the United States have been leaking radioactive materials into the air and water for years. When the Japan Nuclear Disaster happened on March 11, 2011, positive radiation tests were reported from across the United States.
It should be noted that the radiation levels downwind and around nuclear power plants in the U.S. tested positive as well. It is alleged that many of these readings attributed to radiation from Japan may have been from our own leaking nuclear power plants. This issue should be investigated.
14A 2008 EPA Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation 2008 General Information.pdf
14A 2008 Nuclear Power Plants Advanced Reactions 2008 U.S. NRC - Safety Questions Unanswered.pdf
14A 2008 Nuclear Reactors Design U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.pdf
14A 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2009 Notice of Violations at Nuclear Power Plants.pdf
14A 2010 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2010 Notices of Violation at Nuclear Power Plants.pdf
14A 2011 Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Reporting of Defects and Noncompliance March 23, 2011.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. Congressman Markey March 1, 2010 Letter to GAO Nuclear Issues.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Strategic Plan May 2011 Report.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. Atomic Energy Act 1954 Text - Nuclear Regulatory Legislation.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC Advanced Reactors+Designs Website June 14, 2011.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC Background Radiation Information Website June 14, 2011.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC Backgrounder on Research and Test Reactors Website June 14, 2011.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC Expected New Nuclear Power Plant Applications Updated April 13, 2011 Website.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC New Reactors Website June 14, 2011.pdf
14A 2011 U.S. NRC Research & Test Reactors Website Information June 14, 2011.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - U.S. NRC Current & Proposed - U.S. Maps + Posters
14B 2009 Cap & Trade Ponzi Scheme Nuclear Issues November 2009 Poster by Rosalind.pdf
14B 2011 U.S. NRC Map of Research and Test Nuclear Reactor Sites Website June 14, 2011.pdf
U.S. Nucler Power Plants - Problems - Water Issues - Weather Events - Plants Getting Older - Oversight - Violations & Other Issues
14C 2002 Ohio Davis-Besse Boric Acid Problems February 2002.pdf
14C 2002 Ohio Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant Boric Acid February 2002.pdf
14C 2002 Ohio Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant Boric Acid Spill Inside the Reactor.pdf
14C 2003 New Mexico Uranium Enrichment Plant to be Located in New Mexico December 19, 2003 NRC.pdf
14C 2003 Ohio Nuclear Power Plant Monitoring 2003 Davis-Besse NOW Moyers 2003.pdf
14C 2004 Ohio U.S. GAO Report on Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant-OHIO May 2004.pdf
14C 2004 South Carolina Oconee Nuclear Plant Shows Peeling Paint Problem in September 2007.pdf
14C 2006 New York Indian Point 1 Nuclear Power Plant Rusted Valves-Leaks April 2006.pdf
14C 2007 Illinois-Byron Nuclear Plant Leaking Rusty Pipe October 19, 2007.pdf
14C 2007 New York Indian Point Spent Nuclear Fuel Stored at this Plant April 20, 2007.pdf
U.S. NRC Violations
14C 2007 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2007 Notice of Violations at Nuclear Power Plants.pdf
14C 2008 New York Fish Augugust 25, 2008 CNN Nuclear Plants Kills Fish Indian Point.pdf
U.S. NRC - Information of Specific Interest - Nuclear Power Plants Currently in Operation & Violations
14C 2008 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2008 Notice of Violations at Nuclear Power Plants.pdf
14C 2009 Illinois Nuclear Power Plant Releases Tritium August 4, 2009 Herald News.pdf
14C 2009 Illinois Nuclear Power Plant Releases Tritium August 4, 2009 Picture Herald News.pdf
14C 2009 New York Indian Point Nuclear Plant-Hudson River December 16, 2009 APNews.pdf
14C 2009 South CarolinaNuclear Reactor Site Cleanup Brings Headaches NYTimes December 12, 2009.pdf
14C 2009 Vermont Nuclear Reports - Greenpeace October 18, 2009 Problems Vermont Yankee.pdf
Worst Nuclear Power Plants in America With Poor Records
Connecticut & Other Nuclear Power Plants
14C 2011 Connecticut-Safety Planning Information-Nuclear Millstone Emergency Planning Guidebook.pdf
14C 2011 Georgia Nuclear Reactor Idled Unexpectedly-Still Shut Down April 22, 2011 Yahoo News.pdf
14C 2011 Georgia U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site April 11, 2011 Website.pdf
Heat Waves Place Pressure on Outmoded Cooling Technologies at Nuclear Power Plants
Fire Risks & Safety Problems at Nuclear Power Plants
14C 2011 Investigation Into Fire Risks at Nuclear Power Plants May 11, 2011 ProPublica News.pdf
14C 2011 New York Indian Point 1 Nuclear Plant July 2007 Rusting Valve.pdf
14C 2011 OHIO U.S. NRC Website Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit I - OHIO Website April 30, 2011.pdf
14C 2011 OHIO U.S. NRC-USEC Inc. Gas Centrifuge Information OHIO Plant Website April 30, 2011.pdf
Radioactive Tritium Leaking from Many U.S. Nuclear Power Plants + Safety Questions
Safety Questions at Nuclear Power Plants
Fire & Safety Issues at Nuclear Power Plants
14C 2011 U.S. NRC Waives Enforcement of Fire Rules at Nuclear Power Plant ProPublica News.pdf
14C 2011 U.S. Nuclear Plants Under Scrutiny Report Raises Safety Concerns March 17, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14C 2011 U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Sites-Preparing for Disaster NYTimes March 28, 2011.pdf
14C 2011 U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Status March 24, 2011 E+E Special Report.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - Disaster Planning Inadequate
14CN 2011 Nebraska Cooper Nuclear Power Station General Information June 22, 2011.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska First Tornado Watch of 2011 Issued on March 22, 2011 City News Press.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Flash Flood Watch-Thunderstorms June 18, 2011 Missouri River Area.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Flood Facts June 2011Cooper Nuclear Power Plant Website June 22, 2011.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Floods Threaten 2 Nebraska Nuclear Plants June 20, 2011 Washington Post.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Media Tour of Cooper Station Nuclear Plant June 27, 2011 APNews+NCNews.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Missouri River Flood Closes Bridges-Other Problems June 20, 2011 Search.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Nuclear Powr Plants-Missouri River Flood Conditions Photographs June 14, 2011.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Recent Rains-Missouri River Flooding June 21, 2011 Action 3 News Omaha.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Smoke Causes Scare at Nuclear Plant June 7, 2011 KCTV Seven News+Video.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Storm Spawns Tornado in Nebraska Panhandle June 19, 2011 Actin 3 News Omaha.pdf
14CN 2011 Nebraska Weather Channel Report Tornadoes in Nebraska June 20, 2011 Huffington Post.pdf
14CN 2011 Senator Nelson on Nebraska Flooding-Missouri River June 24, 0211 NTV ABC News.pdf
14CN 2011 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Map Nebraska Website June 24, 2011.pdf
14CN 2011 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Map Nebraska Website June 25, 2011.pdf
14CNZ 2011 Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Warnings Examiner News June 27, 2011.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants in California - Proposed New Nuclear Power Plant in Fresno, CA
14D 2007 Nuclear Power Plant CA Diablo Canyon Spent Fuel 2007 U.S. NRC.pdf
14D 2011 California Diablo Canyon Report on Problems March 22, 2011 MSNBC News March 22, 2011.pdf
14D 2011 California Energy Commission Search Nuclear Energy Website June 26, 2011 Page 1.pdf
14D 2011 California Energy Commission Status of All Energy Facilities Status-June 23, 2011.pdf
14D 2011 EPA California Map of Power Plants Website June 26, 2011.pdf
14DF 2011 California Energy Commission Search 2011 Fresno Nuclear Website June 26, 2011 Page 1.pdf
14DF 2011 California Energy Commission Search Fresno Nuclear Website June 26, 2011 Page 1.pdf
14DH 2002 Rocketdyne Earthly Contamination Secrets June 20, 2002 Southern California.pdf
14DH 2009 Brentwood CA Toxic Waste Dump Site December 10, 2009 LA Weekly Page 1.pdf
14DH 2009 Brentwood CA Toxic Waste Dump Site December 10, 2009 LA Weekly Page 2.pdf
14DH 2010 The Wrinkles in Runkle Canyon Search LA Weekly March 22, 2010 Water Pollution.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - Government Agencies - Reports
14E 1991 ORNL-AFT Fusion Experiments 1991 Under Repair-Restart Questions.pdf
14E 1999 EPA NAS Health Effects of Exposure to Radon BEIR VI Report Executive Summary.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR 2000 Report to the U.N. Scientific Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR 2000 Report Volume I Annex B Exposures From Natural Radiation Sources.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR 2000 Report Volume I Annex D Medical Radiation Exposures.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR 2000 Report Volume I Annex E Occupation Radiation Exposures.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR Medical Radiation Exposures 2000 Report Medical Radiation Exposures.pdf
14E 2000 UNSCEAR Report on Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation Volume I Table of Contents.pdf
14E 2001 EPA Public Health Goals for Chemicals in Drinking Water-Uranium Report August 2001.pdf
14E 2005 CDC Radiation Emergency Brochure+Frequently Asked Questions Website May 20, 2005.pdf
14E 2008 EPA 2008 Radiation and Radioactivity Information.pdf
14E 2008 EPA Plutonium Information Radioactive Metal-Manmade Element.pdf
14E 2009 EPA Arizona October 22, 2009 Uranium Contamination Groundwater Investigation.pdf
14E 2009 EPA Document Log PEER Group FOIA Radiation Information 4_5_10_OSRTI_Comments.pdf
14E 2010 Uranium CDC Search April 20, 2010 Results 6.pdf
14E 2011 Anaheim, CA EPA Radiation Beta Gross Count Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 AP IMPACT U.S. Nuclear Regulators Weaken Safety Rules June 20, 2011 News.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Acute Radiation Syndrome Fact Sheet March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Cesium-137 Information Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Facts About DTPA-Chelating Agent Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Iodine-131 Found in Surface Water in United States Air Tests Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Prussian Blue Website march 29, 2011 Caution.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Questions About Radiation Emergency-Facts March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Radiation Dictionary Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Radiation Syndicated Pages-Website March 29, 2011 Page 1.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Radiation+Pregnancy Fact Sheet on Radiation Exposure-Impacts Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Radioactive Contamination-Radiation Exposure Definitions March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Shelter-in-Place Radiation Emergency Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 CDC Sutaneous Radiation Injury Website March 29, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Beta Gross Count Rate Fairbanks Alaska March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Boosts Radiation Monitoring After Low Levels Found in Milk CNN News March 31, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Citizens Guide to Radon Website May 25, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Deploys More Radiation Monitors to West Coast March 15, 2011 San Jose Mercury News.pdf
14E 2011 EPA News Releases Air Website June 23, 2011 Website.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Radiation Readings Sorted_RadNet_Laboratory_Analysis Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA Radiation Sampling Graph Website Historical Readings April 8, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA RadNet Information+U.S. Map Website April 22, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 EPA RadNet Radiation Monitoring System-Air Monitoring Website April 22, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 IMPORTANT U.S. EPA PAGs Protection Action Guides+Information Website April 3, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 SMOS ESA Gains Clearer View as Illegal Radio Transmitters Shut Down June 14, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. Department of Labor Ionizing Radiation Information Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. Department of Labor Letter October 6, 1992 Radon Program Website.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. EPA Calculate Your Radiation Dose Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Doses Website April 8, 2011 General Informationpdf.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Exposure Pathways Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 U.S. FDA Food+Drug Administration Radiation Safety Website April 3, 2011.pdf
14E 2011 UNSCEAR 2000 Report Annex A Radiation Dose Assessment Methodologies.pdf
14E 2011 Why Does the FDA Tolerate More Radiation Than the EPA Forbes April 14, 2011.pdf
Radioactive Isotopes Section & Other General Information
14F 2008 SWRCB Division of Water Quality GAMA Program on Radionuclides.pdf
14F 2009 PSR Fact Sheet on Thorium Fuel Proposal for Use in Nuclear Reactors.pdf
14F 2011 EPA Iodine Information Website March 27, 2011.pdf
14FS 2011 EPA Strontium Information March 27, 2011 Website.pdf
14FTZ 2009 Nuclear Study U.S. House Bill HR 2015 Thorium-Fueled Nuclear Reactors April 21, 2009.pdf
Glossary & Definitions
14G 1992 Implementation of Protective Actions for other than Nuclear Reactors Workshop.pdf
14G 2009 Uranium Enrichment Plants - Questions NRC 2009 Q&A.pdf
14G 2009 Uranium Source Material - U.S. NRC Fact Sheet 2009.pdf
14G 2010 DOE SAND2010-1405P_VOL1.log
14G 2010 WHO Radiation Accidents March 9, 2010 Fact Sheet+Links.pdf
14G 2011 A Nuclear-Free future for America June 22, 2011 by Goodman.pdf
14G 2011 COMARE Radiation Frequently Asked Questions Website April 5, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary A-C Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary D-F Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary G-I Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary J-M Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary N-P Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary Q-R Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary S-T Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 EPA Radiation Glossary U-Z Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 NRC Research and Test Reactors Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 The Radiation Effects Research Foundation Website April 11, 2011 Glossary A.pdf
14G 2011 The Radiation Effects Research Foundation Website April 11, 2011 Nuclear RERF Glossary.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. Department of Labor Radiation Glossary Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. DOE Radiation Doses Explained in Millirems March 22, 2011 Website Japan.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary A-C Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary A-C Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary D-F Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary D-F Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary G-I Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary G-I Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary J-M Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary J-M Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary N-P Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary N-P Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary Q-R Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary Q-R Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary S-T Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary S-T Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary U-Z Website April 8, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Glossary U-Z Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 U.S. NRC Source Material Definition Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14G 2011 WNA Website April 11, 2011 Plutonium Information.pdf
14H 1989 European Regulations Amount of Radiation Allowed in Food April 12, 1989.pdf
14H 1996 University of California Davis LEHR April 1996 Newsletter-Interesting Item.pdf
14H 2000 Nuclear Workers Compensation April 12, 2000.pdf
14H 2000 UNSCEAR Annex D Medical Radiation Exposure 2000 Report.pdf
14H 2000 UNSCEAR Radiation Dosage Chart.pdf
14H 2001 CDC ATSDR Appendix A - Background Information for Strontium-Rickets-Calcium.pdf
14H 2005 Virginia Department of Health Radiation Injuries Overview for Health Care Providers.pdf
14H 2006 EPA Strontium-90 California Public Health Goals in Drinking Water Final March 2006.pdf
14H 2007 Radiation NY Times June 13, 2007 Poisoning Rocky Flats-Colorado Health Issues.pdf
14H 2008 EPA 2008 Radiation Health Effects.pdf
14H 2009 EPA Uranium Contamination on Navajo Nation to be Addressed by EPA NOV 3, 2009.pdf
14H 2009 Low Doses of Radiation Can Cause Heart Disease+Stroke OCT 23, 2009 Study.pdf
14H 2009 Nuclear Fallout - Routes of Exposure Exposure National Cancer Institute 2009.pdf
14H 2009 Nuclear Laboratory Deaths to be Investigated by Coroner October 18, 2009 UK News.pdf
14H 2010 BBC News Health Efects of Radiation Exposure Q+A March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2010 Texas-Houston I-TEAM Report Khou News December 1, 2010 Radioactive Drinking Water.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. Department of Energy Hanford Site Radiation Experiments on Humans Website.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. Department of Energy Human Radiation Experiments Idaho Sites Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Chapter 2 Human Radiation Experiments Narratives+Record Series Descriptions.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Declassified Documents-Human Radiation Experiments Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Human Radiation Experiments 1947 Oak Ridge Operations Website.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Human Radiation Experiments Letter December 5, 1945 Page 1.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Human Radiation Experiments University of Rochester Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Human Radiation Experiments Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Memorandum November 7, 1946 Human Radiation Experiments Page 1.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Oak Ridge Sites Human Radiation Experiments Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Proposed Medical Human Radiation Exposure Research Program 1946-1947.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE University of Chicago Human Radiation Experiments Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14H 2010 U.S. DOE Website Human Radiation Experiments Western Reserve University 1946.pdf
14H 2010 WHO Radiation Accidents+Emergencies March 9, 2010 Nuclear Facilities.pdf
14H 2011 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation Website May 25, 2011 Princeton University.pdf
14H 2011 Canada CBC News Radiation Heath Effects March 15, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Canadian Centre for Occupation Health+Safety Website April 5, 2011 Radiation.pdf
14H 2011 CDC Acute Radiation Syndrome-Fact Sheet for Physicians Website April 6, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 CDC Acute Radiation Syndrone ARS Fact Sheet March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14H 2011 CDC Radiation Emergencies Website April 6, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 DO NOT DRINK THE RAINWATER March 28, 2011 NBC Washington News-State of Virginia.pdf
14H 2011 Dr. John Gofman Lastest Book Implicates X-Rays in Cancer+Heart Disease Book Notes.pdf
14H 2011 EPA Health Effects and Exposures to Particulate Matter-Air Pollutants 1997 Website.pdf
14H 2011 EPA Links to Frequently Asked Questions About Radon Website May 25, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 EPA Radiation Health Effects Website April 22, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 EPA Radiation Health Effects Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 EPA Radioactive Decay Chains-Radon+Uranium Miners Website May 27, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Fairewinds Associates June 12, 2011 Health Effects From Hot Particles.pdf
14H 2011 FEMA Nuclear Threat June 13, 2011 Website.pdf
14H 2011 FEMA Radiation Threat Information Website June 13, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid April 2, 2011 From Iodine 131 Exposure NYTimes.pdf
14H 2011 Medullary Carcinoma of Thyroid March 2011 NYTimes Health Issues.pdf
14H 2011 National Cancer Institute Old Study on Mortality Near Nuclear Facilities March 20, 1991.pdf
14H 2011 NCI Website Thyroid Cancer Information April 5, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Nuclear Radiation the Greatest Public Health Hazard April 5, 2011 CNN News.pdf
14H 2011 Nuclear Radiation the Greatest Public Health Hazard March 25, 2011 CNN News.pdf
14H 2011 OEHHA Public Health Goals for Tritium in Drinking Water March 2006.pdf
14H 2011 Potassium Iodide Information March 15, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Q+A Health Effects of Radiation Exposure BBC News April 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Radiation is Everywhere-How to Rate Harm NYTimes April 4, 2011 Questions.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Causes Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Complications Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Definition Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Symptoms Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Tests+Diagnosis Website March 14, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 The Mayo Clinic Radiation Sickness Treatment+Drugs Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 There is No SAFE Exposure to Radiation April 10, 2011 The Salt Lake Tribune News.pdf
14H 2011 Thyroid Cancer Information NYTimes April 2, 2011 http___health.nytimes.pdf
14H 2011 U.S. EPA Iodine Information Website March 12, 2011 - Treatment Priot to Exposure.pdf
14H 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Health Effects Website April 8, 2011 Main Page.pdf
14H 2011 U.S. EPA Radiation Protection Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 U.S. EPA United States Air Map March 21, 2011pdf.pdf
14H 2011 U.S. NRC Consideration of Potassium Iodide in Emergency Planning Website May 24, 2011.pdf
14H 2011 UNSCEAR Radiation Fact Sheet+Definitions Website April 5 2011.pdf
14H 2011 Virginia Department of Health Radiation Search April 6, 2011 Results 10-Page 1.pdf
14H 2011 Virginia Department of Health Radiation Search April 6, 2011 Results 10-Page 2.pdf
14H 2011 Virginia Department of Health Radiation Search April 6, 2011 Results 10-Page 3.pdf
14H 2011 WA State Pulls Back on Radiation Testing Seattle News April 28, 2011.pdf
14H Strontium Relevance to Public Health + Link to Rickets-Calcium in United States.pdf
14H Strontium Relevance to Public Health-Mimics Calcium Links to Rickets in United States.pdf
14HZ 2009 Polenium 2009 Lenntech Information - Question Chemical Being Found in Cigarettes.pdf
14HZ 2011 Radioactive Substrances and Their Impact on Health Veterans Today News March 29, 2011.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Revitalization - Taxpayers Funding Needed for Loan Guarantees & Insurance $Billions
14I 2008 Hyperion Mini Nuclear Reactor-Battery May 28, 2008 Next Energy News.pdf
14I 2008 NRC Nuclear Power Plants New U.S. NRC 2008 Information = New License Applications.pdf
14I 2008 Nuclear Power in Early Stages of a Revival NYTimes October 23, 2008.pdf
14I 2008 Nuclear Power New Plants Expected Applications 2008.pdf
14I 2008 Nuclear Power Plants June 13, 2008 Opposition Chattanooga Free Press-TVA.pdf
14I 2008 Nuclear Reactors Design U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.pdf
14I 2008 NYTimes October 24, 2008 Nuclear Power Revival - 34 New Plants Proposed.pdf
14I 2008 R&D Nuclear Power Used to Create Carbon Neutral Hydrogen September 23, 2008.pdf
14I 2008 R&D Nuclear Reactors Developed by Merger of Hitachi + G.E. July 25, 2008.pdf
14I 2008 U.S. NRC Nuclear Reactors United States Applications 2008 Locations.pdf
14I 2009 Nuclear Physics October 29, 2009 U.S. Department of Energy Science+Technology.pdf
14I 2009 Nuclear Power President Obama Budget June 18, 2009.pdf
14I 2009 Nuclear Research $$$44 Million+Development University Projects Funding 2009.pdf
14I 2009 Secretary Chu Announces Nuclear Energy University Program $$$ Awards June 16, 2009.pdf
14I 2009 U.S. NRC Nuclear Power Plants United States Map of Proposed Plants August 18, 2009.pdf
14I 2010 New Nuclear Power Plant Safety Designs Challenged by Critics NYTimes April 21, 2010.pdf
14I 2010 New Nuclear Reactor Rust-Prone NYTimes June 28, 2010 Many Questions-Few Answers.pdf
14I 2010 Nuclear Power Plants-Uranium Fuel Race Gains Fresh Capital+Speed NYTimes SEPT 7, 2010.pdf
14I 2010 Nuclear Reactors-Builders-Future Problems November 1, 2010 NYTimes.pdf
14I 2010 President Obama Ignores the Bad Economics+Backs Nuclear Loan FEB 16, 2010.pdf
14I 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists March 8, 2010 Nuclear Power Issues http___www.ucsusa.pdf
14I 2011 Groups Seek Delay in Westinghouse Reactor Approval June 16, 2011 Reuters News.pdf
14I 2011 Japan Nuclear Disaster-Insurance Industry Shielded March 16, 2011 MSNBC News.pdf
14I 2011 Nuclear Crisis-Japan+Future U.S. Energy Policies March 23, 2011 E+E Reports.pdf
14I 2011 PSR News Briefing-Radiation Impacts on Human Health-Japan March 16, 2011.pdf
14I 2011 The National Nuclear Security Administration Strategic Plan U.S. DOE May 2011.pdf
14I 2011 The Pollywell Nuclear Reactor Website Polywell Nuclear p-B Reaction July 4, 2011.pdf
14I 2011 The Polywell Nuclear Fission Reactors Website July 4, 2011.pdf
14I 2011 The Polywell Nuclear Reactor Website July 4, 2011 Energy from Nuclear Reactions.pdf
14I 2011 The Polywell Nuclear Reactor Website July 4, 2011 Frequent Objections+Replies.pdf
14I 2011 The Polywell Nuclear Reactor Website July 4, 2011 Isotopes & Radiation.pdf
14I 2011 The Polywell Nuclear Reactor Website July 4, 2011 SiteMap.pdf
14IZ 2010 CASEnergy Nuclear Power Revitalization Coalition May 29, 2010 http___casenergy.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Historical Information
14J 1951 U.S. Air Force Atomic Cloud Studies, Parts I, II, and III, Nuclear 1951 Abstract.pdf
14J 1971 Radiation Handbook Trapped Radiation June 1971 DTIC Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.Inc.pdf
14J 1975 An Introduction to Explosive Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory March 1975 LA 5890MS.pdf
14J 1979 Cloud Abstract December 31, 1979 Fuel-Air Explosive Simulation.pdf
14J 1998 U.S. DOE Nuclear Weapons Facilities Cleanup June 1998 Historical.pdf
14J 2000 Wildfires Los Alamos Laboratory After the Fire May 11, 2000.pdf
14J 2001 Gallery of U.S. Nuclear Tests 1945-1942 - August 6, 2001.pdf
14J 2001 NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility PBRF February 28, 2001 Decommissioning Study.pdf
14J 2002 Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League Air+Radiation Docket Letter.pdf
14J 2004 Radiation NY Times September 5, 2004 Page 2 Effects 50's A-Bomb Tests.pdf
14J 2006 C-SPAN Nuclear Power is NOT the Answer September 28, 2006 Video+Transcript.pdf
14J 2006 Scientists Develop Fungi That Transforms Depleted Uranium May 6, 2008 Next Energy News.pdf
14J 2009 Nuclear Power Greenpeace Opposes Website October 2009.pdf
14J 2009 Nuclear Test History to World War II 2009.pdf
14J 2009 Nuclear Testing Cold War Fallout for Brookhaven National Lab August 21, 2009 Article.pdf
14J 2009 Nuclear Tests Bikini Were Minimized by United States August 21, 2009 News.pdf
14J 2009 Nuclear Weapons Crusader Still Active Today NYTimes September 7, 2009.pdf
14J 2009 U.S. Energy Department Nuclear Power Plants Search December 23, 2009 Page 1.pdf
14J 2009 U.S. Energy Department Nuclear Power Plants Search December 23, 2009 Page 2.pdf
14J 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 20.pdf
14J 2010 The Atomic Bomb Chroniclers NYTimes September 13, 2010 Famous Photographs+Movies Page 1.pdf
14JZ 2010 Nuclear Legislation-Compensation February 27, 2010 Many Bills.pdf
14JZ 2010 Nuclear - Smart Energy Act U.S. Senate Bill 807 Introduced 2009 Historical Information.pdf
14JZ 2010 Nuclear Reactors U.S. House & Senate Bills November 23, 2009 Search Information.pdf
14JZ 2010 U.S. Senate Bill S2776 Nuclear Power Revitalization 2010.pdf
The New Nuclear Danger
May 26, 2004
C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Dr. Caldicott talked about her book The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex, published by New Press. She discussed the nuclear weapons still in existence, plans for disarmament, and near catastrophic accidents which have occurred. She responded to telephone calls, .. Read More
Dr. Caldicott talked about her book The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex, published by New Press. She discussed the nuclear weapons still in existence, plans for disarmament, and near catastrophic accidents which have occurred. She responded to telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail from viewers.
Helen Caldicott was interviewed about her life and work and responded to telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail from viewers. Helen Caldicott is the author of five books: Nuclear Madness (1979), Missile Envy] (1984), If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth (1992), A Desperate Passion: An Autobiography (1996), and The New Nuclear Danger: George Bush's Military Industrial Complex (2001). Helen Caldicott was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, and she was named one of the most influential women of the 20th century by the Smithsonian Institute. Physicians for Social Responsibility, which she co-founded in 1977, was co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. She has been the subject of several films, including Eight Minutes to Midnight and If You Love This Planet, which won the Academy Award for best documentary in 1982. In 1987 she ran for Federal Parliament in Australia, losing by 600 votes. Helen Caldicott was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1938. She currently divides her time between Australia and the U.S. She is the founder and president of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute, headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Helen Caldicott talked about her book Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer, published by The New Press. An antinuclear activist, she contended that nuclear power is not the solution to global warming. She examined the costs, toxic effects, and terrorism risks of nuclear energy, and described alternative, renewable energy sources. After her presentation she responded to audience members' questions.
14J 1951 U.S. Air Force Atomic Cloud Studies, Parts I, II, and III, Nuclear 1951 Abstract.pdf
Nuclear Power Industry General Information
14K 2007 American Elements Ultra High Purity Metals Powder Manufacturer.pdf
14K 2008 News UK July 26, 2008 Role of Nuclear Energy Giants UK Problems.pdf
14K 2008 Nuclear Power Advocate President Obama Secretary of Energy Chu - December 15, 2008.pdf
14K 2009 San Fernanco Valley Galaxy of Chemical Goo March 5, 2009 LA Weekly.pdf
14K 2011 Nuclear Industry Faces Regulatory Setback May 23, 2011 National Journal News.pdf
14K 2011 Rosatom Still Eyes Nuclear Venture With Siemens Reuters News Update May 26, 2011.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Plants - Lawsuits, Legal Issues, Legislation - Reports Other Issues
14L 1957 U.S. Federal Law Price-Anderson_Nuclear_Industries_Indemnity_Act.pdf
14L 1984 The Price-Anderson Act Policy Analysis April 17, 1984 Cato Institute-Brownstein.pdf
14L 1997 Nuclear Reaction Why Do American Fear Nuclear Power Frontline April 22, 1997 Transcript.pdf
14L 2008 Nuclear Power Plant Cooling System December 2, 2008 Supreme Court WNYC News.pdf
14L 2008 Nuclear Power Plant December 2, 2008 Supreme Court Times Union - Impact on River.pdf
14L 2009 PEER Lawsuit-Radiation Levels EPA Changes Press Release October 28, 2009.pdf
14L 2009 U.S. EPA. Letter October 16, 2009 FOIA Appeal on Radiation Standards to PEER.pdf
14L 2010 NYTimes Editorial May 9, 2010 Fixing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.pdf
14L 2010 PEER Lawsuit Civil Action vs EPA Radiation Issues 09_28_10_PAGS_FOIA_Complaint_Final.pdf
14L 2011 U.S. Appeals Court Won't Intervene in Fate of Nuclear Waste Dump July 1, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14L 2011 U.S. Congressman Markey Introduces Nuclear Safety Legislation March 29, 2011 Website.pdf
14L 2011 U.S. NRC Governing Legislation Information Website April 30, 2011.pdf
14L 2011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatiory Legislation Published January 2011.pdf
14LP 2010 Title 42-Chapter 23-Division A-Subchapter XIII-Section 2201 Updates (1).pdf
14LP 2010 Title 42-Chapter 23-Division A-Subchapter XIII-Section 2201 Updates (2).pdf
14LZ 2009 Nuclear Energy-Energy Bill Being Touted by Republicans June 2009 NYTimes.pdf
Nuclear Insurance: The Price-Anderson Act
Ralph Nader Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives - June 30, 1999 - On Corporate Welfare
The nuclear industry may be the most subsidized in U.S. history. It is completely a product of U.S. government research and development. Having emerged from massive government investments, the nuclear industry has never cut its umbilical cord tie to the government.47
One critical, ongoing support for the industry is the Price-Anderson Indemnity Act, which limits the liability of the nuclear industry (both plant operators, and suppliers and vendors) in the event of a major nuclear accident. Under Price-Anderson, each utility is required to maintain $200 million in liability insurance per reactor. If claims following an accident exceed that amount, all other nuclear operators are required to pay up to $83.9 million for each reactor they operate. Under the terms of Price-Anderson, neither the owner of a unit which has a major accident nor the entire utility can be held liable for more than these sums. As of August 1998, this system capped insurance coverage for any accident at $9.43 billion.48
When the Price-Anderson Act was adopted in 1957, at the dawn of the commercial nuclear industry, "the Act was intended to overcome reluctance to participate [in the transition to private nuclear industry] by the nascent industry worried by the possibility of catastrophic, uninsured claims resulting from a large nuclear accident."49 Leaving aside for the moment the ecological and economic risks which should disqualify continuation of, let alone support for, the nuclear industry, assume that such a rationale was defensible at the time, as the government tried to promote development of an energy source which many believed would be safe, cheap and abundant.
But watch how the rationalization perpetuates itself. "By 1965," the NRC reports, "when the first 10-year extension of the Act was being considered, a handful of nuclear power reactors was coming into operation, and the nuclear industry considered itself on the verge of expanding into large-scale nuclear power generation. Thus, the need for continued operation of the Price-Anderson system for the forthcoming 10 years was believed to be critical for the unrestricted development of nuclear power."50
A decade later, when another extension of the Act was being considered, the industry was more buoyantly optimistic than it ever had been or would be again. "With dozens of plants in operation or under construction and with hundreds more being contemplated to be in operation by the end of the century," the industry urged that the Act be extended rapidly so that "any uncertainty about extension would not disrupt nuclear power development,"51 says the NRC.
Now the industry is in decline. There have been no new orders for nuclear plants for the past 25 years, and aging plants are beginning to be shuttered. The original rationale for the Act is no longer plausible. But nothing has changed with respect to Price Anderson. Indeed, the NRC argues, "Given industry perception of the continuing need for Price-Anderson, and in view of the lack of new orders in plants, the situation is in some respects similar to what it was when Congress saw the need for enactment of the original Price-Anderson Act."52
(In one way, things are worse than they were in 1957: with nuclear plants closing due to aging, safety concerns, inefficiency and license expiration, the Price-Anderson liability cap will progressively decline in future years. If the upper end of nuclear plant closing projections occurs, available insurance funds could shrink to $4.5 billion in 2013.53)
The industry has gone through a full life cycle, but somehow it never outgrew the need for a federal insurance scheme and liability cap. The result has been a massive subsidy to nuclear power companies. Using the NRC's conservative numbers for the upper limit on a worst-case scenario accident and on the probability of such an accident occurring, Professors Jeffrey Dubin and Geoffrey Rothwell estimated the cumulative Price-Anderson subsidy to the nuclear industry through 1988 to be $111 billion in 1985 dollars.54 This estimate is based on NRC data on the cost of worst-case accidents -- data which is conservative because it does not include health effects.
If, again, we leave aside the demerits of nuclear power, there could be justification for a federal scheme to promote risk sharing in a context which poses a (hypothetically) very small chance of an extremely large loss. (It should be emphasized, however, that this is exactly the situation for which the private insurance and reinsurance markets are designed.) But there is no justification for combining such a scheme with an overall liability cap.
The $9.4 billion liability is nowhere near sufficient to pay for the human health and property damages that could result from a nuclear meltdown. Nuclear Regulatory Commission studies have estimated costs in a worst-case scenario at more than $300 billion for a single catastrophe.55
The nuclear industry's real insurance program is not the $9.4 billion scheme of Price-Anderson, but the free insurance provided by the public. In the event of a catastrophic accident, after the $9.4 billion was spent, it is the federal government that would inevitably cover the costs -- with some costs probably absorbed by victims who have their injuries compounded by inadequate compensation.
Price-Anderson is a textbook example of the hybrid insurance-liability cap program that should be prohibited per se.
"Many nuclear suppliers express the view that without Price-Anderson coverage, they would not participate in the nuclear industry," reports the NRC.56 If an industry which has benefited from massive government research and development and other subsidies for more than four decades, and which creates staggering, environmentally dangerous waste disposal problems and poses enormous risks to human health, cannot survive without government support, then it should not survive. The nuclear industry cannot meet the market insurance test and, with substitute energy sources available, it is not needed. The Price Anderson Act expires in 2002. If it is not repealed before then, it should not be renewed. If nuclear facilities close as a result, well, occasionally at least, corporate America should be subjected to its widely touted rigors of a free market.
47. In addition to the Price-Anderson Act discussed here, the industry benefits from government assistance in helping address its enormous waste problem, and utilities that own nuclear power plants are now seeking to unload the "stranded costs" of such facilities on unsuspected ratepayers as part of electricity deregulation. See Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy Project, "Utility Deregulation: Why Should You Care?" available at
48. The Price-Anderson Act - Crossing the Bridge to the Next Century: A Report to Congress, Division of Reactor Program Management, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, October 1998, (NUREG/CR-661).
As originally passed, Price-Anderson maintained a limit on operator liability, but did not maintain the industry risk sharing scheme. Until 1975, the Act limited liability for any single nuclear incident to $560 million. The unit operator was responsible for $60 million, and the federal government was responsible for the next $500 million. Following amendments and revisions in the program, the federal indemnity role has effectively ended.
49. The Price-Anderson Act - Crossing the Bridge to the Next Century: A Report to Congress, Division of Reactor Program Management, p. 127.
50. pp. 127-128. 51. p. 12.52 52. p 128 53.p. 36
54. Jeffrey Dubin and Geoffrey Rothwell, "Subsidy to Nuclear Power Through Price-Anderson Liability Limit," Contemporary Policy Issues, Vol. VIII, NO. 3, July 1990, p. 76. The subsidy calculation was based on the NRC's 1985 assumption that a worst case scenario accident had a .0000008 percent chance of occurring, and that such a worst case accident would cause property damage of no more than $10 billion.
55. Milton Benjamin, "NRC Issues Report, Withhold Worst-Case Estimates," The Washington Post, November 2, 1982.
56. The Price-Anderson Act - Crossing the Bridge to the Next Century: A Report to Congress, Division of Reactor Program Management, p. 128.
U.S. Nuclear Power Plants - Oceans, Rivers, Streams, Aquatic Life - Miscellaneous Issues
14M 2008 Power Plants Taking of Marine Mammals Permit 2004 Federal Register 5-Year Programs.pdf
14M 2010 Hanford Washington Radioactive Contamination-Columbia River Problems May 10, 2010.pdf
14M 2011 Japan Nuclear Crisis-EPA Radiation Air Monitorint Website March 24, 2011 http___www.epa.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - News Articles
14N 2011 Japan Nuclear Crisis Could Happen in the United States March 23, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14N 2011 Japan Nuclear Crisis Could Rekindle U.S. Antinuclear Movement March 18, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14N 2011 Many Worry about Nuclear Plant Evacuation Plants July 2, 2011 News.pdf
14N 2011 Natural Gas Fracking Radioactive Water Waste+Air Pollution NYTimes FEB 26, 2011.pdf
14N 2011 Nuclear Townhall News General Electric Flaw in Control Rod Blades NRC February 18, 2011.pdf
14N 2011 U.S. Congressman Markey Questions Natural Gas Shale Reserves June 27, 2011.pdf
14N 2011 U.S. NRC Control Rod Blade Cracking Resulting in Reduced Design Lifetime June 29, 2011.pdf
14N 2011 U.S. Polls Show Dropoff in Support for New Reactors March 22, 2011 E+E News.pdf
14N 2011 U.S. Should Rethink Nuclear Reliance March 14, 2011 Wall Street Journal.pdf
Texas Water Pollution - Radioactive Water Contaminents
14NT 2001 TEXAS TNRCC White Paper on Radiation in Drinking Water April 4, 2001.pdf
14NT 2004 TEXAS TCEQ Testimony on Water Contaminants TWAC June 7, 2004.pdf
14NT 2004 TEXAS TWAC+Meeting Summary on Violations of Water Quality June 7, 2004.pdf
14NT 2004 Texas Water Advisory Council Report-Drinking Water Contaminants December 31, 2004.pdf
14NT 2010 TEXAS Houston I-TEAM Report Khou News December 1, 2010 Radioactive Drinking Water-1.pdf
14NT 2010 TEXAS KHOU 11 I Team Investigates Radiation in Texas Drinking Water November 5, 2010.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - Spent Fuel Rods & Storage Pools - Cooling - Problems
14P 2007 Nuclear Power Plant Filled Fuel Pools-Capacity 2007.pdf
14P 2007 Nuclear Power Plants Spent Fuel Locations U.S. NRC 2007 Map.pdf
14P 2008 Nuclear Power Plants Spent Nuclear Fuel Information 2008.pdf
14P 2011 IPS Study Spent Nuclear Pools in the U.S. Reducing the Deadly Risks of Storage May 2011.pdf
14P 2011 Japan Nuclear Crisis Revives Long U.S. Fight on Spent Fuel Waste NYTimes March 23, 2011.pdf
14P 2011 NRC Nuclear Fuel Pool Capacity Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14P 2011 NRC Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14P 2011 NRC Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel Website April 7, 2011.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Plant - Three Mile Island
14PT 2009 EPA California Cobalt 58 - Three Mile Island Radioactive Leak November 22, 2009.pdf
14PT 2009 Nuclear Accident Three Mile Island Cobalt 58 November 22, 2009 CNN News.pdf
14PT 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists March 2010 Three Mile Island-Puzzling Legacy.pdf
14Q 1986 EPA 2008 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Explosion, Ukraine 1986 Information.pdf
14Q 1988 UNSCEAR 1988 Report Annex D Exposures form the Chernobyl Accident.pdf
14Q 1988 UNSCEAR Report Annex Exposures from the Chernobyl Accident.pdf
14Q 1999 May 1, 1999 Chernobyl Legacy Lingers Down on the Farm.pdf
14Q 2000 UNSCEAR Exposure and Effects of the Chernobyl Accident Volume II Annex J Report.pdf
14Q 2001 UNSCEAR Hereditary Effects of Radiation Abstract-Genetic Effects-Chernobyl.pdf
14Q 2003-2005 IAEA Publications Chernobyl Legacy Second Revised Edition.pdf
14Q 2006 Chernobyl 20 Years Later Report.pdf
14Q 2006 IAEA Report Environmental Consequences of Chernobyl.pdf
14Q 2006 ICRIN Project Map of Chernobyl Area Contaminated by Strontium-90 May 10, 2006.pdf
14Q 2006 ICRIN Project Website Chernobyl Contamination of Ukraine by Cesium-137 Map May 10, 2006.pdf
14Q 2006 ICRN Project Chernobyl Contamination of Ukraine by Strontium-90 May 10, 2006 Map.pdf
14Q 2006 WHO Chernobyl Health Effects-Overview April 2006 Fact Sheet.pdf
14Q 2006 WHO Publication Chernobyl Accident-Report of the UN Chernobyl Forum Health Effects.pdf
14Q 2008 EPA 2008 Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Explosion, Ukraine 1986 Information.pdf
14Q 2010 U.N. Agenda Item Chernobyl Disaster A_65_L.25_e.pdf
14Q 2010 WHO Health Effects of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident March 9, 2010.pdf
14Q 2011 HIH News March 17, 2011 High Cancer Risk Continues After Chernobyl.pdf
14Q 2011 HIH Radioactive 1-131 From Chernobyl Nuclear Fallout Information Website March 27, 2011.pdf
14Q 2011 International Chernobyl ICRIN Project Website April 5, 2011.pdf
14Q 2011 Map of Ukraine Showing Plutonium in Various Areas.pdf
14Q 2011 On the Trail of a Deadly Chernobyl Killer April 25, 2011 The Moscow Times.pdf
14Q 2011 The Long Half-Life of Chernobyl March 16, 2011 NYtimes.pdf
14Q 2011 U.S. History of Chernobyl Disaster April 26, 1986 Summary Website April 5, 2011.pdf
14Q 2011 United Nations Press Releases Chernobyl-Reports+Other Issues Website April 5, 2011.pdf
14Q 2011 UNSCEAR Notices for Journalists+Public February 28, 2011 Chernobyl Accident Information.pdf
14Q 2011 Walking A Fine Line in Nuclear Debate The April 5, 2011 Chernobyl.pdf
14Q U.N. Chernobyl Website April 5, 2011 Chernobyl-Affect Communities http___chernobyl.undp.pdf
14QZ 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Wikipedia Website March 24, 2011 Interesting Notes.pdf
14QZ 2010 Chernobyl Fires Radiation Air+Water Pollution August 11, 2010 NYTimes.pdf
Nuclear Power Issues - Foreign Countries (Historical to Current Events)
Nuclear Power Plant Lightning Problem
Nuclear Power Plants Hot Spell Problems - Operations
Nuclear Power Plants in Japan - Historical Problems with Earthquakes & Other Problems
14R 2007 Japan R&D Toshiba Builds Mini Nuclear Reactor December 17, 2007 News.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants - Floating Types Planned Despite Weather Events & Tsunami Events from Earthquakes
14R 2007 UK Nuclear Waste to Electricity Plan - How Safe - Questions December 25, 2007.pdf
14R 2008 Africa Uranium NYTimes December 15, 2008 Niger-Africa Riches Beneath the Soil-War.pdf
14R 2008 BBC News Nulcear Powr Around the World January 9, 2008 Highlights.pdf
14R 2008 Canada Nuclear Leak NYTimes May 22, 2008 Port Hope, Ontario.pdf
14R 2008 China Nuclear Fusion Project China + France January 9, 2008 Next Energy News.pdf
14R 2008 China to Build First Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor July 2, 2008 Next Energy News.pdf
14R 2008 England Fulcan Laser Experiment First Step to Nuclear Fusion Reactors May 27, 2008.pdf
14R 2008 England News UK Nuclear Issues July 31, 2008.pdf
14R 2008 French News July 10, 2008 French Nuclear Power Plant Leaks Uranium River.pdf
14R 2008 German Nuclear Reactor Taken offline After Internal Leak June 6, 2008 News.pdf
14R 2008 Timeline Nuclear Power in the United Kingdom Key Events May 27, 2008
14R 2009 Australia Sells Natural Resources to China NYTimes June 3, 2009 Citizens in Uproar.pdf
14R 2009 China NYTimes April 22, 2009 China Nuclear Submarines-Show of Force-Military Growth.pdf
14R 2009 Germany Nuclear Power in Germany A Chronology September 10, 2009.pdf
14R 2009 India Nuclear Submarine Launched by India Another Planned in Future BBC News July 2009.pdf
14R 2009 Japan R&D Tokamak Fusion Reactor Tests September 12, 2009.pdf
14R 2010 China Leapfrog France as a Nuclear Superpower August 14 2010.pdf
14R 2010 Germany Huge Berlin Protest Targets German Goverment Nuclear Policy SETP 18, 2010 News.pdf
14R 2010 Germany Leaking Nuclear Waste Fills Former Salt Mine National Geographic July 8, 2010.pdf
14R 2010 Germany Nuclear Debate Heats Up in German Over Fuel Rod Tax August 14, 2010 News.pdf
14R 2010 NERC Website Funding Sources UK September 6, 2010.pdf
14R 2010 Nuclear Security Summit Problems-New Nuclear Reactor in Pakistan NYTimes April 11, 2010.pdf
14R 2010 Radioactive Imported Scrap Metal Raises Concerns in India April 23, 2010 NYTimes.pdf
14R 2010 Russian Radioactive Waste Legislation-Horrifying March 18, 2010 News.pdf
14R 2010 Spain Slashes Solar Energy Subsidies-Note Crop Production Issues SEPT 9, 2010 News.pdf
14R 2011 Europe Plans Binding Rules for Nuclear Waste February 11, 2010 News.pdf
14R 2011 European Committee on Radiation Risk April 20, 2011 Website http___www.euradcom.pdf
14R 2011 European Committee on Radiation Risks Publications Website April 20, 2011.pdf
14R 2011 German Nuclear Dispute Sharpened by Japan Nuclear Mishaps LATimes March 12, 2011.pdf
14R 2011 German+Swiss Reassess Nuclear Options-Delayed March 14, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14R 2011 German Votes to End Nuclear Power by 2022 News June 30, 2011.pdf
14R 2011 Germany Can No Longer Pretend Nuclear Power is Safe March 14, 2011 News.pdf
14R 2011 Jellyfish Shut Down 2 Nuclear Reactors in Scotland June 30, 2011
14R 2011 South Korea Criticizes Release of Radioactive Water April 5, 2011 NHK World News.pdf
14R 2011 Taiwan to Prepare Chemical Defense Unit for Nuclear Disaster March 24, 2011 GSNews.pdf
14R 2020 India Radioactive Imported Scrap Metal Raises Concerns in India April 23, 2010 NYTimes.pdf
14R German Authorities Find Radioactive Brine Leak in German Storage Facility July 15, 2009 News.pdf
14R Italy 2008 Radioactive Waste Imports from Italy 2008 from Nuclear Power Plants U.S. NRC.pdf
14RZ 2011 Russia Radiation Scanner Gear Deployed in Ukraine April 8, 2011 GSNews.pdf
14RZ NYTimes August 20, 2008 Nuclear Bush to India Escalation.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Covered by Various Groups - Reports
14S 2008 Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Articles July 31, 2008.pdf
14S 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Power 101 General Information United States 2010.pdf
14S 2010 Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Power Safety March 8, 2010 http___www.ucsusa.pdf
14S 2011 Union of Concerned Scientists Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant Information-May 1, 2011.pdf
14S 2011 Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Power Plants Fact Sheet Website April 30, 2011.pdf
14S 2011 Union of Concerned Scientists Walking a Nuclear Tightrope Q&A Website April 30, 2011.pdf
14S 2011 UNSCEAR Assessments of the Radiation Effects Website April 5, 2011 Chernobyl Accident .pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power Plants - Fission & Fusion + MOX Fuel
14T 2007 Russia and U.S. Confirm Plutonium MOX Fuel Plan November 20, 2007.pdf
14T 2008 Japan Claims Cold Fusion Breakthrough May 2, 2008 Next Energy News-Safety Questions.pdf
14T 2008 MIT Tests Levitation Fusion Reactor March 27, 2008 Next Energy News-Safety Questions.pdf
14T 2008 Nuclear Fusion NYTimes December 14, 2008 Nuclear Fusion Not Working.pdf
14T 2008 NYTimes December 14, 2008 Nuclear Fusion Not Working.pdf
14T 2008 Scientists Create Plasma from Next Generation Fusion Reactor July 28, 2008.pdf
14T 2009 World Nuclear Association Mixed Oxide MOX Fuel Website June 26, 2011.pdf
14T 2010 The Promise of Fusion-Energy Miracle or Mirage 2010 Environment 360.pdf
14T 2011 Fukushima Shines Light on U.S. Problem 63,000 Tons of Spent Fuel CNN News March 2011.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 1.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 2.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 3.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 4.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 5.pdf
14T 2011 Hazards of Storing Radioactive Fuel Rods NYTimes March 18, 2011 Graphic Page 6.pdf
14T 2011 MOX Fuel Nuclear Reactors-Plutonium World Nuclear Association March 12, 2011.pdf
14T 2011 MOX Fuel Search Search Page 1 March 12, 2011
14T 2011 Stanford University ELF VLF April 21, 2011 Frequency Graphs Upated Each Minute Website.pdf
14T 2011 Plutonium as MOX Fuel or Waste Graphic April 10, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14T 2011 Tennessee Valley Authority Nuclear Energy Website April 11, 2011.pdf
14T 2011 WNA Mixed Oxide MOX Fuel Website April 11, 2011.pdf
14TJ-32 2011 WNA Mixed Oxide MOX Fuel Website April 11, 2011.pdf
14TJ-4 2011 Japan Second Nuclear Blast MOX Fuel Reactor 3 March 14, 2011 Reuters News.pdf
Nuclear Power Plant Fuels - Uranium & Plutonium - Mining & Processing - Pollution & Health Issues
14U 1992 Uranium The Deadliest Metal Dr. Gordon Edwards 1992 Article.pdf
14U 1997 Uranium Hexafluoride June 8-13, 1997 Oak Ridge Tennessee Site Toxic Material.pdf
14U 2002 Fallon Nevada 2002 Uranium Found in Water Wells-Leukemia Link Questions.pdf
14U 2002 Uranium Mining Known Facts - Hidden Dangers 2002 Dr. Edwards - Canada.pdf
14U 2003 Fallon Nevada Leukemia Chronology of Events February 12, 2003.pdf
14U 2007 CDC ATSDR 2007 CERCLA Priority List of Hazardous Substances-See Uranium.pdf
14U 2008 U.S. Patent Search Poros Glass Microspheres September 5, 2008 10 Results.pdf
14U 2008 Uranium Mining Toxic Wastes - Nuclear Power Plants Frontline 2008.pdf
14U 2008 Uranium Mining-Oil Drilling+ Endanger Colorado River Scientific American DEC 22, 2008.pdf
14U 2009 EPA California Depleted Uranium Search April 24, 2009.pdf
14U 2009 EPA October 22, 2009 Uranium Contamination Groundwater Investigation Arizona.pdf
14U 2009 EPA Uranium Contamination on Navajo Nation to be Addressed by EPA NOV 3, 2009.pdf
14U 2009 EPA Uranium Health Effects Search November 9, 2009.pdf
14U 2009 EPA Uranium Mining Health Effects Search November 9, 2009.pdf
14U 2009 Uranimum WMD Iraq Wars 2009 Summary Information.pdf
14U 2009 Uranium Mining News - Lake Superior November 7, 2009 Pictures.pdf
14U 2010 EIA 4th Quarter Report-U.S. Domestic Uranium Mining Production
14U 2010 OEHHA CA EPA Search May 25, 2010 Uranium PHG 2010.pdf
14U 2010 Plutonium Search NYTimes April 13, 2010 Page 1-Results 8,920.pdf
14U 2010 U.S. Department of Energy Search on Uranium Miners HSS Website SEPT 5, 2010.pdf
14U 2010 Ukraine to Ship Plutonium to U.S. for Storage April 12, 2010 Associated Press.pdf
14U 2011 History of Uranium Mining in Utah.pdf
14U 2011 NRC Uranium Mill Tailings Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 Plutonium Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 The Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Rush NYTimes March 7, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Cobalt Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Information on Radon Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Information on Tritium Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Plutonium Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Radium Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Strontium Information March 12, 2011 Website.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Technetium-99 Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. EPA Uranium Information Website March 12, 2011.pdf
14U 2011 U.S. NRC Website Uranium Enrichment Information April 30, 2011 Description.pdf
14U 2011 Union of Concerned Scientists Website Plutonium Search March 12, 2011 Page 1.pdf
14U 2011 Uranium Mine Moratorium Extended at Grand Canyon June 20, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14U Tritium California State Department of Health-Drinking Water Division-Drinking Water Tests.xls
14UZ 2011 Greenpeace What is Plutonium MOX Fuel Nuclear Reactors Use Website March 12, 2011.pdf
Nuclear Power Plants Waste & Transporation Issues
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Chapter 1 DOE.pdf
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Chapter 2 DOE.pdf
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Chapter 2.4 DOE.pdf
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Chapter 4 DOE.pdf
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Front Cover DOE.pdf
14V 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup+Closure 1998 Table of Contents DOE.pdf
14V 2000 Nuclear Cleanup Costs Los Alamos Labs May 7, 2000 Cold War Legacy.pdf
14V 2008 Deep Burn - Nuclear Waste July 28, 2008 How Safe - Unknown.pdf
14V 2008 EPA 2008 Radioactive Sites Listing in the United States Cleanup.pdf
14V 2008 June 11, 2008 Nuclear Waste to Solids - Experiments - How Safe - Questions.pdf
14V 2008 Nuclear High Level Waste Yucca Mountain Repository Applicaton June 3, 2008.pdf
14V 2008 Nuclear Reactor Converts Waste into Inert Products-March 25, 2008 - How Safe-Questions.pdf
14V 2008 Nuclear Waste NYTimes December 20, 2008 Dangerous-No Place to Safely Store.pdf
14V 2008 Nuclear Waste NYTimes Egan May 12, 2008 Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste.pdf
14V 2008 Nuclear Waste Recycling 2008 How Safe - Questions.pdf
14V 2008 NYTimes December 20, 2008 Nuclear Waste-Dangerous-No Place to Safely Store.pdf
14V 2008 NYTimes Egan May 12, 2008 Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste.pdf
14V 2009 Nuclear Waste Hanford Legacy Continues January 24 2009 AP News.pdf
14V 2009 Nuclear Waste Newsletter June 3, 2009 U.S. Depepartment of Energy Final.pdf
14V 2010 A Watchdog Warning on Nuclear Waste NYTimes July 12, 2010 Storage Problems.pdf
14V 2010 HANFORD the Cold War Legacy Eastlund Science-Nuclear Waste.pdf
14V 2011 NRC High-Level Waste Disposal Controlled by U.S. DOE Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 NRC Locations of Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities Website+Map April 7, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 NRC Low-Level Waste Disposal Statistics Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 NRC Low-Level Waste Disposal-Regulations-Locations Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 NRC Low-Level Waste Information+Definition Website April 7, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 NRC OIG Report on Yucca Mountain Waste Depository License Application June 6, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 States Demand Nuclear Waste Reform March 22, 2011 Video CBS News.pdf
14V 2011 U.S. DOE Radioactive Waste Hearings+Public Comment Until June 27, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 U.S. NRC Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Fact Sheet April 2011-Note Problems.pdf
14V 2011 Yucca Mountain Letter from U.S. Congress to NRC on Safety Report FEB 10, 2011.pdf
14V 2011 Yucca Mountain on Nuclear Waste Agenda Again FEB 11, 2011 http___www.eenews.pdf
14VSR 2009 Savannah River Site Presentation January 27, 2009 U.S. Department of Energy.pdf
14VSR 2009 Savannah River SRS Strategic Plan - Pages 25 Site Strategic Plan for Nuclear Waste.pdf
14VSR 2011 Savannah River Nuclear Waste Disposal Fact Sheets SRS Website July 6, 2011.pdf
14VSR 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River National Laboratory Website July 6, 2011.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Weapons - Facilities - Test Sites - Problems
14W 1998 Nuclear Weapons Facilities Path to Cleanup Sites + Costs 1998 Paths To Closure DOE.pdf
14W 2006 Nuclear Neighborhood Cleanup November 12, 2006 Long Island.pdf
14W 2008 NYTimes Editorial November 2, 2008 Nuclear Materials Gone Missing.pdf
14W 2008 NYTimes September 13, 2008 U.S. Air Force Nuclear Arsenal.pdf
14W 2008 Radioactive Waste Leaking 2008 St. Clair Hanford, Washington.pdf
14W 2008 Uranium Weapons Both Iraq Wars Used by U.S. - Veterans Affected 2008.pdf
14W 2009 Domestic Uranium Production Report Website U.S. Energy Information Administration.pdf
14W 2009 Illinois FERMILAB E-Mail Contracts + Information November 2009 Website Information.pdf
14W 2009 Illinois FERMILAB Home Website November 2009 Using TARP Funds-CERN Information.pdf
14W 2009 Nuclear - Tritium + Helium 3 Problems NYTimes November 23, 2009.pdf
14W 2009 Nuclear Weapons Archive 2009.pdf
14W 2009 Nuclear Weapons Search June 3, 2009 NYTimes.pdf
14W 2009 U.S. Nuclear Weapons 2009 Listing.pdf
14W 2010 EPA Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation 2010 Final Report.pdf
14W 2010 Run Silent-Run Deep-Run Obsolete by Egan NYTimes July 14, 2010 Nuclear Submarines.pdf
14W 2011 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1952 Laid-Back in the Lab July 4, 2011 NYTimes.pdf
14W 2011 Los Alamos Fire CNN July 1, 2011 Update New Mexico.pdf
14W 2011 Los Alamos Laboratory Prepares to Reopen as Fire Threat Eases July 2, 2011 Reuters News.pdf
14W 2011 Los Alamos Fire 1st Air Samples Show No Elevated Radiation ABC News June 29, 2011.pdf
14W 2011 Los Alamos-Over 90,000 Acres Burned in New Mexico Fire June 30, 2011 CNN News.pdf
14W 2011 NNSA Begins New Campaign of Verification Experiments at Nevada NNSS May 4, 2011.pdf
14W 2011 NNSA Second Z Plutonium Shot Safely Tests Materials May 11, 2011.pdf
14W 2011 Photograph from Los Alamos Fire June 26, 2011 New Mexico Coast-to-Coast Website.pdf
14W 2011 Reed College Research Reactor Response to U.S. NRC May 20, 2011 Questions.pdf
14W 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Safety Website June 29, 2011 http___www.hss.doe.pdf
14W 2011 U.S. Department of Energy Nuclear Safety Workshop June 7, 2011 Website.pdf
14W 2011 U.S. NRC Website Battelle Columbus Laboratories OHIO April 30, 2011.pdf
14W 2011 Wildfire Burn in Remote Nevada Nuclear Test Site APNews July 8, 2011.pdf
14WZ 2011 Los Alamos+Japan Nuclear Power Disaster Updates July 2, 2011 Pacific Free Press News.pdf
Nuclear Power - U.S. Government Positions
14X 2009 Nuclear Site Listing in United States Published June 3, 2009 Then Removed.pdf
14X 2010 U.S. Quadrennial Homeland Security Report 2010 DHS Website Summary.pdf
14X 2011 Homeland Security Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Information Website 2010.pdf
14X 2011 National Nuclear Security Administration Website Mission Statement March 23, 2011.pdf
14X 2011 Special Report-After Japan Where is Next Nuclear Weak Link-June 19, 2011 Reuters News.pdf
14XZ 2009 Nuclear Weapons Inspections-Russia Treaty Set to Expire NYTimes October 20, 2009.pdf
14XZ 2011 Nuclear Storm Warnings March 243, 2011 U.S. Science Advisor John Holdren The Hill News.pdf
14X 2001 Gallery of U.S. Nuclear Tests 1945-1942 - August 6, 2001.pdf
14X 2001 NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility PBRF February 28, 2001 Decommissioning Study.pdf
14X 2007 Nuclear Forces United States January 9, 2007.pdf
14X 2009 Nuclear Weapons Archive 2009.pdf
14X 2009 Nuclear Weapons Search June 3, 2009 NYTimes.pdf
14X 2009 U.S. Nuclear Weapons 2009 Listing.pdf
U.S. Nuclear Power - War - Spaced-Based Weapons - Bombs
14Y 2007 Nuclear Forces United States January 9, 2007.pdf
14Y 2007 Nuclear Weapons Stockpile August 31, 2007.pdf
14Y 2009 Nuclear Abstract Chemiluminescence Search Storming Media June 2009.pdf
14Y 2010 Global Network Action Against Weapons+Nuclear Power in Space February 27, 2010.pdf
14Y 2009 Nuclear Abstract Search Storming Media June 2009.pdf
Nuclear Power Plant & Related Issues Search - March 9, 2010
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 1.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 10.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 11.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 12.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 13.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 14.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 15.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 16.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 17.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 18.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 19.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 2.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 20.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 21.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 22.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 23.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 24.pdf
14Y 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 25.pdf
14Z 2008 No Comment November 18, 2008 Nine Arctic Nukes Exploded-Is this true.pdf
14Z 2008 NYTimes December 9, 2008 Hidden Travels of the Atomic Bomb.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 29.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 - Nuclear Results Page 1 24,269 .pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 - Nuclear Results Page 2.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 1.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 10.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 11.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 12.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 13.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 14.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 15.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 16.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 17.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 18.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 19.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 2.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 20.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 21.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 22.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 23.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 24.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 25.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 26.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 27.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 28.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 3.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 30.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 4.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 5.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 6.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 7.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 8.pdf
14Z 2010 News Search March 9, 2010 Nuclear Power Plants Page 9.pdf
14Z 2010 Monbiot March 23, 2010 What are our Nuclear Weapons to be Used for+Who Control Them.pdf
14Z 2011 Citizens Across World Oppose Nuclear Power Poll Finds June 23, 2011
14Z 2011 Ending Nuclear Evil by Desmond Tutu June 29, 2011 Project Syndicate.pdf
14Z 2011 Energy Intelligence U.S. Must Learn From Japan Nuclear Crisis July 1, 2011 U.S. News.pdf
14Z 2011 National Academies of Science Website April 10, 2011 http___national-academies.pdf
14Z 2011 No Comment Activist Post New March 28, 2011 Irradiated Food Cover-up.pdf
14Z 2011 No Comment Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant June 24, 2011 Fort_Calhoun.pdf
14Z 2011 Nuclear Fusion June 27, 2011 Problems and More Problems CNN Newshttp___www.cnn.pdf
14Z 2011 Nuclear Power Wikipedia Website July 3, 2011.pdf
14Z 2011 Worldwide Listing of Nuclear Reactors Wikipedia Website July 3, 2011.pdf
"HANFORD SITE, Wash. – Seven decades after scientists came here during World War II to create plutonium for the first atomic bomb, a new generation is struggling with an even more daunting task: cleaning up the radioactive mess. The U.S. government is building a treatment plant to stabilize and contain 56 million gallons of waste left from a half-century of nuclear weapons production. The radioactive sludge is so dangerous that a few hours of exposure could be fatal. A major leak could contaminate water supplies serving millions across the Northwest. The cleanup is the most complex and costly environmental restoration ever attempted. And the project is not going well..." USA Today by Peter Eisler - January 18, 2012
C-SPAN2 June 16, 2011 - NRC Commissioners Discuss Nuclear Safety Report
U.S. Senate Hearing - Video
"...Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko testified before a Senate Committee today on nuclear safety reviews, two days after a House Committee investigated his management of the nuclear waste facility in Yucca Mountain.
In light of the nuclear crisis at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee held a hearing earlier on the agency's safety review procedure for U.S. nuclear power plants.At a recent Convention on Nuclear Safety, chairman Jaczko remarked “this review process provides us with an important venue to address the events in Japan and begin to formulate plans for short- and long-term cooperation,” he added that the report “continues to serve a critical purpose in generally advancing nuclear safety worldwide.”
Nearly three months since the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the NRC continues to work on improving safety regulations for nuclear plants in the U.S. In mid-May, the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation made public inspection reports from U.S. nuclear power plants. NRC Chairman Jaczko testified alongside NRC Commissioners Kristine Svinicki, George Apostolakis, William Magwood and William Ostendorff. The hearing looks at Jaczko efforts to abandon the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, the subject of a report by NRC’s inspector general released last week..."
MARCH 25, 2011 C-SPAN
Nuclear specialists talked about the impact of the nuclear plant crisis in Japan as a result of the country's 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. Alexey Yablokov, who studied the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, said the situation in Japan was particularly dangerous because of the highly concentrated populations near that country’s damaged nuclear plant. He also talked about a new study on Chernobyl. It suggested that as many as 1 million people had died because of the explosion at the Soviet-era plant 25 years ago.
Please click on the image below to see the full size.
I-Team: City of Houston shuts down two radioactive water wells
Radiation leaking from Japan’s quake-hit nuclear reactor
CBS News. States demand nuclear waste reform.
CBS 60 Minutes
14D 2011 MSNBC News U.S. Map Showing Where Japan Radiation Found in U.S. March 27, 2011 Video.pdf
14D 2011 MSNBC News U.S. Map Showing Where Japan Radiation Found in U.S. March 27, 2011.pdf
14D 2011 Fukushima Shines Light on U.S. Problem 63,000 Tons of Spent Fuel CNN News March 2011.pdf
Video: Fukushima shines light on U.S. problem: 63,000 tons of spent fuel - March 31, 2011
Uploaded by Oct 24, 2010
Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto has created a beautiful, undeniably scary time-lapse map of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project's "Trinity" test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan's nuclear tests in May of 1998. This leaves out North Korea's two alleged nuclear tests in this past decade (the legitimacy of both of which is not 100% clear).
Each nation gets a blip and a flashing dot on the map whenever they detonate a nuclear weapon, with a running tally kept on the top and bottom bars of the screen. Hashimoto, who began the project in 2003, says that he created it with the goal of showing"the fear and folly of nuclear weapons." It starts really slow — if you want to see real action, skip ahead to 1962 or so — but the buildup becomes overwhelming.
"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe.*
Profile of the artist: Isao HASHIMOTO
Born in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan in 1959.
Worked for 17 years in financial industry as a foreign exchange dealer. Studied at Department of Arts, Policy and Management of Musashino Art University, Tokyo.
Currently working for Lalique Museum, Hakone, Japan as a curator.
Created artwork series expressing, in the artist's view, "the fear and the folly of nuclear weapons":
"1945-1998" © 2003
"This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second. No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier. The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show when, where and how many experiments each country have conducted. I created this work for the means of an interface to the people who are yet to know of the extremely grave, but present problem of the world."
Contact the artist:
Should you have any query regarding this artwork, please contact e-mail address below:
* The number excludes both tests by North Korea (October 2006 and May 2009).
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) United Nations
Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log - April 5 2011
14D 2011 IAEA Japan Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Update April 5, 2011.pdf
Summary of Reactor Unit Status at 05 April - 0600 UTC
Blowing the whistle on Vermont Yankee
The Burlington Free Press
Terri Hallenbeck, The Burlington Free Press, [Apr 28,2010]
"...Arnie and Maggie Gundersen came to the Statehouse last week hauling a poster-sized map that detailed the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant and the monitoring wells that dot the grounds.
Sitting before a legislative committee, Arnie Gundersen recounted the tritium levels found in each well and their proximity to the Connecticut River and to the plant’s functions.
A committee of legislators listened intently, thirsting for information as the search for a tritium leak at the Vernon plant headed into its second month. Later in the day, the Gundersens would pore over this information with another committee down the hall..." Read More Click Here
See Video tape of this Statehouse Hearing here
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating a radioactive release of Tritium into the Mississippi River from the Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant in Port Gibson. WJTV Jackson, Mississippi May 2, 2011 - There's no word on how much Tritium was pumped into the river or the origination of the source of the tritium. There has been a lot of flooding in the area and another nuclear power plant is nearby which could be the source of the tritium. See Video below.
Texas Drinking Water Makes Pipes & Plumbing Radioactive
May 18, 2011 KHOU 11 News Texas
"...HOUSTON—Radiation has contaminated the underground pipes, water tanks, and plumbing that provide drinking water for much of Central Texas and the famed Texas Hill Country, according to concerned city officials in the region who have tested the pipes with Geiger counters..."
"Texas Politicians Knew Agency Hid Amount of Radiation in Drinking Water"
May 21, 2011 - KHOU-TV Texas Special News Report & Video
"...Newly-released e-mails from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality show the agency's top commissioners directed staff to continue lowering radiation test results, in defiance of federal EPA rules. The e-mails and documents, released under order from the Texas Attorney General to KHOU-TV, also show the agency was attempting to help water systems get out of formally violating federal limits for radiation in drinking water. Without a formal violation, the water systems did not have to inform their residents of the increased health risk.
"It's a conspiracy at the TCEQ of the highest order," said Tom Smith, of the government watchdog group Public Citizen. "The documents have indicted the management of this commission in a massive cover-up to convince people that our water is safe to drink when it's not."
Full Report Here:
Nebraska Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant-Flooding+Fire Mississippi River - Video
"Five O'Clock Shadow" with Robert Knight and Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds Associates
Fire knocks out spent fuel cooling pool at nuclear plant near Omaha — Operating under heightened alert level because of nearby flooding on Missouri River. On June 6, 2011, the Fort Calhoun pressurized water nuclear reactor 20 miles north of Omaha, Nebraska entered emergency status due to imminent flooding from the Missouri River. A day later, there was an electrical fire requiring plant evacuation. Then, on June 8th, NRC event reports confirmed the fire resulted in the loss of cooling for the reactor's spent fuel pool.
Book: Area 51, An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base
Book TV - C-SPAN2 May 23, 2011 Program
Annie Jacobsen is a contributing editor at the Los Angeles Times Magazine. Her investigative reporting has appeared in The Dallas Morning News and The National Review.
Investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen presents a history of the military base Area 51, located in the Nevada desert. The author utilizes recently declassified documents, on-site reporting, and interviews numerous people who worked and lived at the base.
Annie Jacobsen speaks at the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco.
Science Video - Flying and Radiation Risk - Physicist Calls for Airline Industry to Educate Workers about Radiation Levels -
September 1, 2005 -Science Daily News — At the high altitudes and latitudes commercial airlines fly, crews are subjected to higher-than-normal radiation levels from the sun and cosmic rays. Physicist Robert Barish believes airline crew members are exposing themselves to more radiation than almost any other occupation and is calling for the airline industry to better educate workers about radiation.
Click here to watch the video.
MSNBC March 22, 2011 - California Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
Rachel Maddow reports on the succession of human errors that has plagued PG&E's California's Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
All types of problems include Earthquake Faults Old + New, financial costs related to these faults, construction costs $5 Billion, 1981 cost overruns retrofits $2.2Billion, 2008 new fault less than 1 mile from plant... emergency cooling pumps for 18 months-valves stuck for 1 1/2 years. No new seismic studies conducted in last few years.
See video here.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Safety Review June16, 2011
Senate Committee Environment and Public Works - Chairman Senator Barbara Boxer
Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission testified about safety at U.S. nuclear plants. Among the issues commission members discussed were the preliminary findings of a task force review of plant safety in the wake of the recent nuclear disaster in Japan, and how U.S. nuclear operators would handle natural disasters and the loss of power at their facilities.
MSNBC Report
June 23, 2011 Missouri River Rising
Rachel Maddow reports on the Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Nebraska, which is threatened by the flooded Missouri River, and follows up on the latest news from the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan. Many Plants in the United States are leaking Radioactive Tritium and one of them is Fort Calhoun in Nebraska.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Brian Willians NBC News June 28, 2011 - News Video
Nuclear Plants in Nebraska and Los Alamos Weapons Laboratory in New Mexico. Nuclear hazards discussed with regard to fires and flooding.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
ABC News - June 28, 2011
Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory New Mexico - Forest Fires
Two Nebraska Nuclear Power Plants - Flooding Along Missouri River
What are the Dangers?
Japan Nuclear Disaster Update
Physicist Michio Kaku discusses the threat wildfires and
pose to the government lab.
ABC News - June 28, 2011
Nuclear Lab Threatened by Wildfires
Ryan Owens reports on the dangers posed by fires in New Mexico
Near the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory
NBC Nightly News - Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico
June 28, 2011 Video - Fire Problems-Evacuations-Long Running Problems with Safety Systems and nuclear waste stored at the site.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Radio Interview - Five o'clock Shadow Radio Program - Audio
June 10, 2011
Gundersen Discusses Level 4 Emergency Declared at the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Plant in Nebraska
Smoke & Fire at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant in Nebraska - Radio Interview
Fire Apparently Incapacitated Part of the Cooling System at Fort Calhoun. Minimized by the U.S. NRC. Flooding Issues at 2 Nuclear Power Plants in Nebraska. U.S. NRC Event Reports - Available Online June 8, 2011 Fire in West Switch Gear Room - Wires+Fuses+Switches - Off-site Assistance Called Halon injected into this room to put out fire...water is not used to put out the fire. Smoke is toxic and firemen could not get into the room-Eventually pumped smoke out.
What is a dam breaks upstream on the Missouri River or its Tributaries? This could turn into an inland Tsunami that could hit either Nuclear Power Plant. The water now flooding Fort Calhoun will last for a couple of months. This plant is still steaming and thus, there are pumps that are required to run for months and years to keep the nuclear core cool and the spent fuel rods cool. The pumps that failed were the ones providing water and power for keeping spent fuel rods cooled down. There are more than 20 years worth of nuclear fuel in the spent fuel pools.
*"...The routine operation of many atomic power plants unnecessarily kills marine wildlife and ocean habitat. This is documented in a major report released February 22, 2001 ("Licensed To Kill: How the nuclear power industry destroys endangered marine wildlife and ocean habitat to save money") by Nuclear Information and Resource Service <>, Safe Energy Communication Council and Standing for Truth About Radiation. The 137-page full report and accompanying 29 minute video focus on the industry’s evasive tactics used to avoid responsibility for the destruction of ocean habitat and marine species, with particular emphasis on endangered sea turtles, through the intake and discharge of as much as one million gallons of reactor coolant water per minute at 59 of the United States’ 103 operating reactors..."
Nuclear Power 101: Fairewinds Examines the Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of Splitting Atoms to Boil Water.
Ernie Gunderson July 23, 2011
Included in this presentation and PowerPoint is a discussion of how nuclear power plants work, how to cool a reactor during an accident, the effect of hot particles when inhaled, and concerns involving the long-term storage of nuclear waste. This presentation took place at the Nuclear Power Conference held at the University of Vermont July 23, 2011.
Nuclear Power 101: Fairewinds examines the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of splitting atoms to boil water. from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.
14J 2010 A Very Scary Light Show-Exploding H-Bombs in Space NPR Article+Audio Tape July 1, 2010.pdf (Video and audio on website.)
Maggie Gundersen speaks at UVM regarding similarities between VY and Fukushima Daiichi from Fairewinds Energy Education on Vimeo.
Maggie Gundersen speaks at UVM regarding similarities between VY and Fukushima Daiichi - Maggie Gundersen, founder and president of the Burlington, VT-based Fairewinds Associates, a paralegal and expert witness firm specializing in issues of nuclear reliability issues, Jared Margolis, Attorney for the New England Coalition and Environmental Law professor at UVM and Chris Williams, organizer with the Vermont Citizens Awareness Network give a panel presentation for Vermont Student Towards Environmental Protection at the University of Vermont, Billings North Lounge, March 2012. - Filmed by CCTV, Mrs. Gundersen spoke about the similarities between Vermont Yankee, a GE Mark I boiling water reactor, and the reactors that suffered catastrophic containment failures at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan a year ago. Note: Fairewinds President: Farm in Portland stopped producing food after radiation detected — “Very frightening what happened on West Coast” (VIDEO)
Title: Concerns Over Aging Nuclear Power Plants in the United States
Gundersen featured on CNN — NRC refuses to speak to network despite weeks of requests and showing up in person (VIDEO)
Source: CNN Video
Author: Amber Lyon
Date: February 15, 2012
C-SPAN | Newsmakers - Global Nuclear Security - April 6, 2012 Video
"...Foreign policy and nuclear proliferation specialists talked about the nuclear threats the U.S. faces around the world. Topics included the recent nuclear summit in Seoul, South Korea and Obama administration efforts..."
(Note the Presentation by Joseph Cirincione)
Senate Hears Recommendations on Siting Nuclear Waste Facilities - Senate Environment & Public Works Subcmte. Witness Panel - Washington, DC - C-SPAN Video - Thursday, June 7, 2012 "...The Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety held a hearing Thursday on "Recommendations For Siting of Nuclear Waste Storage Facilities" from the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future. Senators heard from two panels, the first of which includes Blue Ribbon Commission co-chair Brent Scowcroft and Per F. Peterson, a member of the commission and chairman of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley, and whose research interests focus on problems in energy and environmental systems and high level nuclear waste processing.
A second panel featured stakeholders from government agencies and nuclear industries and research labs. The commission, which issued its final report in January, is advocating for a consent-based approach to siting nuclear waste storage and management facilities, which deal with the nation's high-level nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel from power plants. The strategy outlined in the Commission report contains three crucial elements: a consent-based approach for siting nuclear waste facilities, a new organization to oversee nuclear waste, and a new structure for the Nuclear Waste Fund to ensure that fees paid into are used for waste disposal. The Commission was specifically not tasked with rendering any opinion on the suitability of Yucca Mountain, proposing any specific site for a waste management facility, or offering any opinion on the role of nuclear power in the nation’s energy supply mix...According to the report, the United States currently has more than 65,000 tons of spent nuclear fuel stored at about 75 operating and shutdown reactor sites around the country. More than 2,000 tons are being produced each year. The DOE also is storing an additional 2,500 tons of spent fuel and large volumes of high‐level nuclear waste, mostly from past weapons programs, at a handful of government‐owned sites..."
May 15, 2012 - San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Problems - Video & Transcript: "...Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer of Fairewinds, demonstrates what has happened inside the replacement steam generators at the site of the San Onofre nuclear generating station in San Diego, California. Arnie shows that steam generator tube vibrations have caused extensive damage due to design changes between the original and replacement generator tubes.
San Onofre’s Steam Generator Failures Could Have Been Prevented Video transcript
Arnie Gundersen: Hi, I am Arnie Gundersen from Fairewinds. Today, I am at the San Onofre nuclear plant that is in the background. San Onofre is presently shut down. It has steam generator leaks. I wanted to give this demonstration today to talk about what it is exactly that a steam generator does, and how they can leak.
This blue thing around me represents the key component inside the steam generator and it is called the tube sheet. It is 2 feet thick, solid steel, and 13 feet wide. So that is just about the shape and size of what I am standing inside of. Now this would be a solid piece of steel before it is fabricated; weighs about 100 tons, it is enormous.
First thing they do is they drill holes into this tube sheet. They drill 9,700 holes on this side and 9,700 holes on this side. What happens then is when they put the steam generator together, hot water comes from the nuclear reactor and that is symbolized by this orange pipe. So hot water would go through that. It is actually 32 inches in diameter and a quarter of a million gallons every minute comes in. It comes in the bottom and goes up through these tubes, crosses over, and comes down on this side. Now where I am standing is not the radioactive side. I am standing on the non-radioactive side. Radioactive water is inside these and hot steam and hot water is where I am standing. If you notice, these things are shaped like U's. That is why it is called a U-tube steam generator. The pipes come in, cross over, and come back in the shape of a U. We have modeled up 3 tubes here. In fact there would be 9,700 tubes on this side, and each one would cross over into 9,700 tubes on this side.
When San Onofre decided to rebuild their steam generators, they made a design change and I believe that it is that design change that is causing the tubes to fail inside. Right where I am standing, right in the middle of this tube sheet, down below was a massive pillar. It was called a stay cylinder. San Onofre decided to get rid of that massive pillar down below to cram more tubes into the steam generator. Instead of 9,300 they got 9,700 tubes. By removing the place right below me, more tubes meant they could get more heat out and more electricity out. But it also changed the flow inside the nuclear steam generator.
What is happening at San Onofre now is that these tubes are vibrating. They are colliding with the pieces of metal that are designed to keep them separated. The vibrating tubes are hitting each other and hitting the support place and in the process, it is denting the tubes. Some of the dents have gotten so bad that the pipe wall is completely worn away and the tube has to be plugged. We put these this far apart so we could show the U-tube shape of the tubes. In fact, they are incredibly close together and there is a quarter of a million gallons of water squirting between these tubes every minute: 9,700 tubes on this side, 9,700 tubes on the other side. And all of them have about a quarter of an inch of gap of water between them.
What has happened is that the tubes are vibrating and hitting each other. Where they are hitting each other, they are wearing thin. At San Onofre, the one that broke was because it was hitting another tube or it was hitting one of these tube support sheets. When that happens, not just one tube is damaged, but all the surrounding tubes are damaged as well.
Now the solution to this problem as far as San Onofre is concerned, is to plug these tubes. They would send people down below and put plugs in the bottom of these tubes. That would keep the radioactive water out of these tubes. But it does not stop the vibration, because on the side I am on, you have got non-radioactive water turning to non-radioactive steam up above. So this U-tube is actually much taller than I am. It would be up 20 feet and above me would be high pressure steam, but it would be non-radioactive. As long as these tubes do not leak, no radiation gets out. So the new steam generators with their crammed tubes, are banging into each other and banging into the supports. Again, there is all sorts of space in my design, but remember, there are 9,700 tubes inside those domes behind me in each of the steam generators. They are colliding with these plates and denting the tubes. The dented tubes are then leaking and the space that I am in, which would be non-radioactive, is becoming radioactive. That is what caused the unit to shut down in January. Radioactive steam from inside this pipe broke through and entered the non-radioactive side of the piping.
Now the problem at San Onofre was stopped because they shut down quickly. They were releasing a half a gallon a minute of radioactive steam. But inside this pipe, it is 2,200 pounds per square inch. Where I am standing it is 1,000 pounds per square inch. So there is a lot of pressure difference causing that steam to shoot out and in a very short time, if they do not shut down, that steam actually cuts these tubes and can cause a cascading problem, where one tube crashes into the next tube, crashes into the next tube. That is the most serious accident that could happen in the event of a tube failure at San Onofre. And it would require an evacuation of the people nearby. It would also challenge the emergency core cooling system. Because the emergency core cooling system has to make up for the water that is leaving the nuclear reactor and entering the non-radioactive areas.
So the solution at San Onofre is not to plug the tubes. Plugging the tubes stops the leaks, but it does not stop the vibration. The solution at San Onofre is to go back to the old design, to put that stay cylinder back in place so the vibration goes away and at that point they will have steam generators that last and are safe for the people that live near this plant.
Thank you.
(End of San Onofre Demostration Video)
Arnie Gundersen: The original steam generators at San Onofre were built by a company called Combustion Engineering. And they lasted 28 years before they were replaced. The new steam generators at San Onofre were built by Mitsubishi and they lasted 10 months. The good question to ask is, why? Fairewinds has been able to determine that the Mitsubishi design is entirely different than what the original design should have been in the Combustion concept.
Specifically, the tubes that go up and down are separated in the Combustion design by something called egg crates. On the Mitsubishi design, they are separated by something called broached tube support plates. We have a report on the website today that explains this in detail. But basically, what the Mitsubishi design has done is prevent the water from reaching the top of the steam generator. It is sort of like being strangled at the top and only steam is getting up there. In this environment, it causes the tubes to rattle. Not just a little bit, but so much so that they collide with each other.
All of this could have been avoided if Southern California Edison had made the decision to license these steam generators with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If they had done that, the analysis would clearly have shown that the Mitsubishi computer codes were not designed for the kind of steam generator that was built at San Onofre.
So the lesson here is that Southern California Edison attempted to do what they called a like-for-like replacement of the steam generator. But the new generators were nothing like the original steam generators. Thank you for listening and we will keep you informed..."
Barry Commoner on Nuclear Power - NYTimes Video "...Last Word: Barry Commoner - October 1, 2012By Sean Patrick Farrell
Dr. Commoner, an early environmentalist, warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons testing. He was an early champion of recycling, organic food and reducing fossil fuel use..." Strontium 90 & Other Issues - Lead to Worldwide Ban on Nuclear Testing
Worldwide Industrial Food & Nuclear Weapons (Red Thread Runs through everything we produce... food... breast milk... toxic chemicals)
Part of the Environmental Movement - Advocate for the environment.
Time to change the kitty litter! May 21st, 2014 - Video
"...CNN called Arnie Gundersen to learn about the use of kitty litter at the DOE’s Waste Isolation Pilot Project facility in New Mexico, which is being blamed for radiation leaks. Out with the new kitty litter, back to the tried and true..."